We steal secrets


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Yeah. So, I can then see Snowden as a wb, or not?

Who said that? I like quotes. Wait, was it Wiki-man?


New Member
Interesting. Yeah. So, I can then see Snowden as a wb, or not?

Who said that? I like quotes. Wait, was it Wiki-man?
hey man that's entirely up to you, snowden though, considering the treatment Kirakou and Manning have received, I honestly don't blame him for fleeing.

The worrying thing now is;

What else does he know/have evidence of and what will he do to secure his long term future and basically his life? Does he have a "life insurance policy"? Probably... Will China & Russia try and exploit every angle to get at it? You betcha... Is the US worried? Not sure, as some of this was allowed to happen. There are fail safes that self-audit activity, login, history much like the capabilities they deploy against us, so considering undisclosed leaks are playing all day on the news etc, I'd say someone apart from snowden knew what was going on.


Well-Known Member
Seems so. And I don't care what his label is, I guess. I think it is an important thing that in now being surfaced by this story. And I don't know the wide or deep.

We have a standing law here and probably there. No voice recording without court order. But, in Australia and elsewhere all the Allies are enabled and actively storing voice...forever. Families can be blackmailed for 100s of years.

Now, does this make me feel even more threatened by the Executive Branch than I usually do? Oh yes.

This is mind control. My voice can be cut/pasted to say anything to anyone. I could come back from the grave if it suited someone's twisted purpose.

Remember that motorcade accident, with Harry Reid? Maybe not. A year or more ago, I think. A guy, just plowed his car across, caused a big wreak.

So, imagine if you will.

(ring, ring)
Mr. Doer. Don't say anything. This is (your/father/son/mother/sister's) voice.......................is it not? Don't speak.

Here is what you will do. Swipe through motorcade and wreak it with your car, on I-5 at 4:03 today, and you will never hear from us again....<.click.>


Well-Known Member
Protections available to whistle-blowers under the Obama administration? Pull the other one champ...
Protections available under any administration that are enacted into law. There are defined procedures to be followed.

That classified information by the way revealed wrong doing and what basically amounted to war crimes. You should been happy with the "collateral murder" video as it's supports your position of US troops having NO responsibility to mitigate civilian casualties in war zones.
Except there were no war crimes. No war crimes means no justification.

The main thing linking him to the "aiding the enemy" charge is the DVD recovered from UBL's compound containing the Wikileaks disclosures - testified to by the SEAL that found the DVD. Ironically no Americans were killed because of the disclosure, unfortunately we cannot say the same about the white house disclosing details on the unit that conducted the raid.
How could you possibly say no Americans were killed because of the disclosure? How could you possibly know?

As with the majority of these people, do you think such a life altering decision is just made on a whim? There is absolutely nothing to gain for these people by them disclosing info, their lives and that of their families is basically ruined. "In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
Irrelevant. Whether such a decision was made on a whim or not has nothing to do with the fact that it was a violation of duty, a violation of established procedure for airing grievances, and illegal.


Well-Known Member
Right is fucking right. There are Powerful Senators' Aids to contact if you really want to Deep Throat the assholes....weird context, I guess.

We have 3 Branches of govt, and they are each designed to screw the others.

But, if you surface, in the modern enemy of our System, you are a Traitor. Incarcerated at that airport. :)

I've been there. It is rotten. We will get a hold of him. They will use that, this fall.
This fall the PUBS will trot out BenGay, the IRS, and the NSA.

Obama will need this Win from Putin. Get the Spy! Putin knows that and it will cost us.

Self Rule, Fuck Yeah!


Well-Known Member
Tokeprep would have been Nixon's greatest ally.
You are portraying an idiot with all this personal innuendo. When you were in Nam you were probably Ho Chi Min's best
friend. I know I was.

But, Nixon tangled us with China and Nam is over.


New Member
Right is fucking right. There are Powerful Senators' Aids to contact if you really want to Deep Throat the assholes....weird context, I guess.

We have 3 Branches of govt, and they are each designed to screw the others.

But, if you surface, in the modern enemy of our System, you are a Traitor. Incarcerated at that airport. :)

I've been there. It is rotten. We will get a hold of him. They will use that, this fall.
This fall the PUBS will trot out BenGay, the IRS, and the NSA.

Obama will need this Win from Putin. Get the Spy! Putin knows that and it will cost us.

Self Rule, Fuck Yeah!
This self rule you're always touting around is nothing but a dream/myth/mirage. You have no idea what your government is doing, where it's doing it or how much it's costing and so on... Self rule incorporates oversight/accountability, there is none within the US government, congress is inept and should ALL be fired, executive is accountable to no one, regardless of what it says on a piece of paper.


Well-Known Member
No sense to re-hash. We have been over this. Most of Americans are in this self-rule dream...MOST.

It does not make it, Right, Wrong, or Indifferent. It makes our Nation. And in-fact we have spent 250 years making this dream a reality for MOST. It is still a work in progress. We have only had the full franchise since 1963. Nothing in the span of Nations. WE have to absorb all that. After that was the ERA attempt. FAIL.

Sophistry. The Women have been fully franchised from the 1920s. So, Self-Rule works. It is just simply, not what you think.

So, I will help this way. A Thought Experiment applied to a non-science, to the monkeys, OK?

So, Darkness. The Bug Overlords have left for whatever reason. But, the Matrix is not dissolved. The last Bug, being not unkind, flips the switch and we all wake up in place with it all going on.

We remember everything except what is the leadership, what is the hierarchy, how do we organize? We need to keep it going, what we already know how to do, in all the parts. We know that.

With me? The Leaders don't remember, either, they are the leaders. They only remember the details of their job.

So, what happens, on Fantasy World?

Anarchy. Immediate and complete. Are you scared? You should be. Things work fine for the first 5 minutes while everyone looks around going....something is missing. And I don't know what.

I know I'm suppose to go somewhere and do my thing I remember. But I don't know where to go or when.

A sudden world of Space Cadets. Sort of Lord of the Flies with atomic weapons. No. Better leave out the nukes in this Experiment.

Remember, all wake up in place, with no sense of Hierarchy, including all superstitions. No sense of God as hierarchy ruling the lives of Men.

A thought experiment and I think I have said enough. All things possible will happen from there. Wars and sudden arbitrary death. Warlord will prevail in most areas as it does today.

But, the English will quietly queue up in the rain, no shoving, as they always have done. They will mind their business and get along. Maybe even have Royal family again.

The French will be French. :)

And the Americans will simply re-organize against any warlords, at the County Level, by voting. We are in self rule. It begins at the local level where it is important beyond imagining.

And even still, a few cities become ruled by Warlords, like Detroit. Union is warlord.

There was one County in Tenn. that tried to jack the Vote. The State sat mute and the local Minute Men waged war on the Courthouse. I've posted pictures. Self ruled Counties. Forget about the Cities. Sub-units.

No Warlord at County or anywhere above that. Strictly self ruled. The Fed is a projection of the States. States are projections of Counties and Districts, and Counties and Districts are projections of Citizen Sovereigns. Someone has to do it.
WE do.

Cities are Citadels and there is some warlord, but it comes and goes. So, a city is a unit of trade and voting blocks. They also rule themselves, so to speak. San Francisco and New York have their own stories but it is not the story of self ruled America.

Hard to know unless you live it, I guess.


Well-Known Member
Tokeprep would have been Nixon's greatest ally.
Daniel Ellsberg leaked specific classified information to senators, think tanks, and journalists, in order to expose all of the outright lies that had been told about Vietnam. He expended substantial effort urging influential senators to make the disclosure for him, before the media published anything.

Bradley Manning indiscriminately dumped vast quantities of classified information into any willing hands, and there were no crimes revealed. The situations are not at all comparable.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If you're unwilling to perform your duties, don't voluntarily enlist in the United States Army. If you're unhappy, that's irrelevant; if you don't think a policy is wise, that's irrelevant; if your judgment is that some piece of classified information should not be classified, that's irrelevant. A private does not get to make these decisions.

I think we're missing the point of my comment about majority opinion. I meant that people have no interest in Bradley Manning's case because they consider him a traitor--they think he's guilty and they want him jailed. There's no drama in it.

What if a military policy was not consistent with respecting the natural rights of others? Should a person then still follow orders? Do individuals have any moral duty to do the right thing when doing so would cause them a problem within the hierarchy?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Daniel Ellsberg leaked specific classified information to senators, think tanks, and journalists, in order to expose all of the outright lies that had been told about Vietnam. He expended substantial effort urging influential senators to make the disclosure for him, before the media published anything.

Bradley Manning indiscriminately dumped vast quantities of classified information into any willing hands, and there were no crimes revealed. The situations are not at all comparable.
Classified information? Do you mean the government keeps secrets from the public? Gee I thought government was "open and accountable" ?


Well-Known Member
Classified information? Do you mean the government keeps secrets from the public? Gee I thought government was "open and accountable" ?

Then they fooled you? Maybe that is the big problem of everyone. Fooled by the Anti-Cons.

WE have to keep secrets. It is the Law. The Rule of Law is not capricious govt. We have a capricious Executive Branch, right now, being in this darn Terror War.

We have a Anit-Con forces, now. We have Anti-Cons through all areas. Those are your problem, sir. But you seem to fall right in.

And a main problem is forced ignorance. Gee, I thought everyone was suppose to understand self rule. !?!?!?!

And you would if you would learn all about it, and not think it was over in 1794.

Someone here said, maybe it is time to act? What act? How about act like Americans?


New Member
Daniel Ellsberg leaked specific classified information to senators, think tanks, and journalists, in order to expose all of the outright lies that had been told about Vietnam. He expended substantial effort urging influential senators to make the disclosure for him, before the media published anything.

Bradley Manning indiscriminately dumped vast quantities of classified information into any willing hands, and there were no crimes revealed. The situations are not at all comparable.
As i've stated before - Snowden made the right call when he fled the U.S.

After the New York Times had been enjoined from publishing the Pentagon Papers &#8212; on June 15, 1971, the first prior restraint on a newspaper in U.S. history &#8212; and I had given another copy to The Post (which would also be enjoined), I went underground with my wife, Patricia, for 13 days. My purpose (quite like Snowden&#8217;s in flying to Hong Kong) was to elude surveillance while I was arranging &#8212; with the crucial help of a number of others, still unknown to the FBI &#8212; to distribute the Pentagon Papers sequentially to 17 other newspapers, in the face of two more injunctions. The last three days of that period was in defiance of an arrest order: I was, like Snowden now, a &#8220;fugitive from justice.&#8221;


Well-Known Member
Well, how about the Rosenbergs or Ares?

The only difference is they got caught. If we catch him, there will be no difference. He is a spy that escaped to Russia.

A spy for the Reds. A Russia's spy or Chinese? It doesn't matter. But, does Obama want to catch him?

I said that it could be good for him. Get the Spy!. And it could be bad, based on what the Spy may say in Defense. Obama is for open trials, remember. Backfire. Maybe the spy will rot in place?


New Member
Well, how about the Rosenbergs or Ares?

The only difference is they got caught. If we catch him, there will be no difference. He is a spy that escaped to Russia.

A spy for the Reds. A Russia's spy or Chinese? It doesn't matter. But, does Obama want to catch him?

I said that it could be good for him. Get the Spy!. And it could be bad, based on what the Spy may say in Defense. Obama is for open trials, remember. Backfire. Maybe the spy will rot in place?
the rosenbergs were executed no? As for ares, who knows, not to many files floating around on him... (two oldest jobs you know, prostitution and spying) But the greeks started human intel so it wouldn't surprise me.

I wouldn't call him a spy so much as a defector, but i wouldn't go so far to label him a "defector in place". Philby, Ames etc were moles.

Obama is open to show trials, ie. KSM (kentucky fired chicken - inside joke that actually moved him to behead Daniel Pearle) but lets be honest - not open to terrorism trials. GITMO still open - send them to black sites already or see if they can fly in transit and he's killed american citizens abroad without trial and to top it off - you didn't take UBL alive, so the rosetta stone of intelligence finds is dead, without being milked first...

These show "terror trials" also incorporate a literal kill switch, whereby the CIA can mute the audio on testimony that THEY think is of a classified nature... So in reality it's still a military tribunal in a civilian setting...


Well-Known Member
Yep, all fucked up. Let us Petition the Queen. Woops. We don't have that luxury. :)

No one person can rule it all in self rule, ever. We have a tele-prompter President. An Elitist.
His main purpose seems to be to create the Elite Medical Class.

He is a mouth organ for Chicago style Union Thugs who dearly want that E-Class for their
own selves. And he was trained in Jihad, in Sharia school.

He is not in charge of anything....very obvious he is the Manchurian Candidate of the Anti-Cons.

Presidents are like street cars, another along any minute. But, they leave a mark.