Whats the deal with plant count on the new applications?


Well-Known Member
I noticed on the new applications one of the questions it asks on the physician form is how many plants does the doctor recommend. I've always heard anything over 6 becomes an affirmative defense but it seems to me by even asking this question gives one a much stronger position. Does this now legitimize higher plant count recommendations?


Well-Known Member
That's a great question, but I'm afraid you may not like the answer. I've heard both sides of the story and not sure which to believe.

Side A: The plant count is there to validate patient actual plant count -vs- what thier doctor had recommended. If MMED (or say LEO) busts in they use it as indicator of 'state' law being broken. Which is total BS anyways, since CO A20 states otherwise.

Side B: The plant count is used to indicate *which* patients have higher than *normal* plant counts and the MMED can target those patients (and doctors) and focus efforts on alledged 'abusers' of the system. The registry is confidential for now but not much longer, mark my words. :(

As a medical patient myself, I can attest that edibles users really *do need* larger plant counts esp if you only make kief for use in your edibles, or tinctures. Yes kief is basically concentrated, but it is easy to go through it as well.

The whole affirmative defense issue becomes a moot point if your doctor is not willing to justify that increased plant count in court. Basically, thier reputation (and probably license) is on the line at that point.

Just some thoughts...