When will we know the fate of Prop. 19?


Well-Known Member
I'm voting NO in an hour the majority will vote NO you will know we voted NO by the late news tonight


Well-Known Member
By about 2200 the picture should be pretty clear. By then about 80-90 percent of precincts in the the state should have been accounted for by then.


Well-Known Member
That sucks
Looks like alot of people are voting no :/
I wish they would pass this so the rest of the country would have the snowball effect.
Either way im moving to cali after my spring semester so it'll be legal for me one way or another :]
I just wish that everyone could smoke/grow legally
They need to end this long miserable prohibition on pot


Well-Known Member
That sucks
Looks like alot of people are voting no :/
I wish they would pass this so the rest of the country would have the snowball effect.
Either way im moving to cali after my spring semester so it'll be legal for me one way or another :]
I just wish that everyone could smoke/grow legally
They need to end this long miserable prohibition on pot
It wouldn't and won't work like that.


Well-Known Member
Looks like alot of people are voting no :/
RIU is not an accurate picture of how the state will vote on 19. It may not pass in the end, but it will be a much closer margin than what you can figure from here. Most people in California do not grow there own cannabis and therefore are not threatened by Prop 19 passage. If they vote no, it will be because they were convinced to through political, religious or moralist arguments that prohibition is a positive thing in their lives.

A lot of people on this and other cannabis related boards stand to lose profit by its passage.

As for prohibition, it is just a matter of time before if falls...at least in terms of cannabis.


Well-Known Member
Everyone voting no is selfish. Plain and simple.

edit: And I don't even live in the USA so it doesn't affect me in the slightest.


Well-Known Member
Everyone voting no is a selfish fucking piece of shit. Plain and simple.

edit: And I don't even live in the USA so it doesn't affect me in the slightest.
EDIT: Don't know enough about Prop 19 in detail to make a (an accurate) comment.....but any move towards general legalistation is a good thing in my mind.


Well-Known Member
Perfect is the enemy of good.
Many dont want to pass it cause its not perfect.
Buts pretty good, an a step in the right direction towards repealing the USAs draconian pot laws....................


Well-Known Member
EDIT: Don't know enough about Prop 19 in detail to make a (an accurate) comment.....but any move towards general legalistation is a good thing in my mind.
Good for you man, I wish more people fucking didn't start just talking endless shit without reading it. I'm glad you said you don't know much about the bill, instead of just pretending you did and looking like a dumbass... Seriously.. +rep for that
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Well-Known Member
It disgusts me that anyone who loves weed would vote against Prop 19. Seems people forget there roots when it comes to weed. We all started using pot for recreational purposes and have all said 'legalize it' at one point or another. But give a hand full of people a 'medical' excuse and all of a sudden they forget where they came from. Sad.

The Ruined

Active Member
A YES vote on this measure means: Individuals age 21 or older could, under state law, possess and cultivate limited amounts of marijuana for personal use. In addition, the state and local governments could authorize, regulate, and tax commercial marijuana-related activitites under certain conditions. These activities would remain illegal under federal law.

NO A NO vote on this measure means: The possession and cultivation of marijuana for personal use and commercial marijuana-related activities would remain illegal under state law, unless allowed under the state's existing medical marijuana law.

Can someone please explain to me why they voted no?


Well-Known Member
It disgusts me that anyone who loves weed would vote against Prop 19. Seems people forget there roots when it comes to weed. We all started using pot for recreational purposes and have all said 'legalize it' at one point or another. But give a hand full of people a 'medical' excuse and all of a sudden they forget where they came from. Sad.
Same here.. seriously, wtf guys? why the hell would you vote no on this? This will be a major step forward in freedom for the whole world, everyone is watching closely from all over, California will be the first of many imo if this passes. The only reason someone would vote no is out of greed - unless someone can convince me otherwise. You realise if it doesn't pass, that's it, the general public will believe it didn't pass because people do not want cannabis around because it's such a bad drug..

The Ruined

Active Member
It's kind of interesting that people from other countries want it to pass. Kind of sends a message doesn't it?