Wheres the dogs at??


Well-Known Member
*Cough* Michael Vick & Co. *Cough*

That BB gun sounds effective to be honest. Let's hope it's loud or very accurate. :D Teaching her to recongize intruders wouldn't hurt though. But attacking...eh. You could train her to bark then bolt upstairs to your side and wake you. Then you can be ready.

I dodged a couple felonies...luckiest thing ever. I love my concealed carry permit. :D And my .45 :hump:
I bet you do. It is loud and very accurate. Research said that its the most accurate repeating firearm even over techs and mac 10s. IDK though. I wore a hoodie with it up and she went nuts and came at ME. Shes very protective. The bb gun is loud and she dont like it so I fire it empty around her sometimes. If you point any weapon at her now she hates it and comes at you. thats good shit...lol


Well-Known Member
The logic seems correct. U are right. I dont want her to growl though. I had a pit before her and his name was brutus and also like 4 times the size of her. He would just sit in the dark and if you came in my shit, you wouldnt know it until its too late. A black buddy of mine came over one day and didnt see bruto by the steps and all I heard was my dude yelling. I went downstairs and seen brutus standing up and had my buddy pinned up to the wall just lookin him dead in the eye. My dude was so scared.....it was funny. Brutus wasnt going to hurt him, just waiting for me to come and say it was ok. after that he never bothered my buddy again. But he hated black people and I didnt train hiim to do that. Why is this a common trait in pits?
he didnt bark at your friend cause he was black he cornerned him because he was a stranger that just walked into your house. thats not a pit thing a lot of dogs will do that.. first off i know a lot of black people with pits so i know there not just scared of black people. i think its because (in my personal experience , sorry not trying to be racist or anything) black people are generally more afraid of the dogs, and that makes them nervous and wonder why there afraid and makes them protective. and white people (im white by the way) are stupid around dogs pretty often i have had white people walk up to my dog and try to pet it when it was barking and growling like crazy... some people are stupid. who knows? but as far as training it to attack you should never train a dog to attack untill you have it trained to only listen to you. it can never choose to bite someone on its own. if you just go out and buy a bite sleeve and teach your dog to use it your going to create a biting monster


Well-Known Member
She knows I am boss. She wont obey anybody but me and everybody hates that she dont listen and calls her dumb. I call her good girl...lol She dont attack me at all. I want her to be aggresive when she knows I am in danger so if someone ever points a pistol at me, she knows that aint good and for whoever that person may or may not be.....I feel sorry. She is the friendliest dog to people she knows. Everybody loves her.


Well-Known Member
i meant more that she only listens to you to attack not only listens to commands from you and noone else (although i guess that would be a good thing too). i was more saying that your dog can not bite or really do anything until you have told it to it cant make those decisions


Well-Known Member
i meant more that she only listens to you to attack not only listens to commands from you and noone else (although i guess that would be a good thing too). i was more saying that your dog can not bite or really do anything until you have told it to it cant make those decisions
correct but isnt Attack!! a command.


Well-Known Member
this dog is awesome



Global Moderator
Staff member
Having a dog trained to attack will very possibly get you into huge trouble should he actually bite someone.
Lawyers can quickly turn that around on you.
That said, check out what a Boerboel is all about.


Well-Known Member
yea thats a sweet dog man. I dont ever want my dog to bite or hurt anyone and Im not going to just sicc her on people for nothing just to do it. I want the satisfaction of knowing my dog is very capable of protecting the house and punish any person who tries to cause harm to me or family not just intruders.


Global Moderator
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Here's my buddy, 2 yo boerboel. He went 151 in Feb, my guess is about 165 or so now. He's a big sweetheart but tends to play very rough, not biting but he has a battering ram for a forehead, can punch with his forepaws like a MMA fighter & if he manages to get between your legs can (and has) pick up a 200 lb man off his feet.
Ouch !
Moral of the story, don't rough-house with him.


ganja girl

New Member
thx...I aint even a pit guy either for real. I like dobermans but I was offered her for free so shit. About 6 mos back I got a visit from the dog warden for not having beware of dog signs posted and he found she was unregistered so now with all the shots and tags and 300,000 insurance policy plus a micro-chip, Ive invested alot in her and now love her more than ever since I almost lost her to the pound. But I still like dobermans.
There isn't anything wrong with pits they can make great pets, just like any other dog. My friend had pits and his kids climbed all over them, played fetch, poked them and pulled their ears and they just them. I knew his bitch for 10 years and she always had my respect.

My Lab was trained to attack, but the watch'em command was only as far as I ever had to go. A big dog with big teeth with a deep growl stops them everytime. Sorry about the insurance, that is the reason I don't own one.


Well-Known Member
There isn't anything wrong with pits they can make great pets, just like any other dog. My friend had pits and his kids climbed all over them, played fetch, poked them and pulled their ears and they just them. I knew his bitch for 10 years and she always had my respect.

My Lab was trained to attack, but the watch'em command was only as far as I ever had to go. A big dog with big teeth with a deep growl stops them everytime. Sorry about the insurance, that is the reason I don't own one.
Its cool, Im paying 40 bux a month for it. Yea she loves the kids here. the 3 year old twin boy loves her and she watches over him like crazy. shes awesome and I couldnt ask for a better dog.


Staff member

shes a pomerian shihtzu poodle mix, so basically a mut but i love her all the same, shes so cute and brightens up my day as much as i love big dogs i live in an apartment so its not easy to have a big dog and i feel bad for the bigger dogs as they dont have a place to run


Well-Known Member
all very nice looking dogs. Dogs are a awesome pet. Weather their toy poodles or St Bernard. they truely are more loyal than almost any human.