why is some raceism okay on here?

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Active Member
Shurup you animal don't even try and bring 9.11 in to this which was a MOSSAD operation anyway. Its okay for you to say racist stuff but when someone WHO IS NOT EVEN BEING RACIST criticizes Israel you have a bitch fit and make a thread about racism?? And your damn right its a fight for survival but the main question is who is it thats fighting for survival Israel and Palestine. Last I check Israel has been occupying Palestine for 30+ years! Your country controls EVERYTHING that goes in there. Even medicine is barely allowed in. You treat people like animals for 30 years they WILL hate you. And the middle east was not that bad until Israel stole that land. How many UN resolutions has Israel committed? How many war crimes that we actually know about? Since after all during the disgusting Gaza strike you restricted journalist from getting in so you could hide your war crimes. Why is Israel complaining about Iran's nuclear program why they have 100+ UNDECLARED NUCLEAR WEAPONS! They live in pretty much a BIG prison with huge walls and checkpoints restricting there movements. Don't whine to me about Israels suffering just like people don't whine about Nazi Germany's suffering during the holocaust. The only difference is Israel realized its better to do a slow form of genocide rather than one done ASAP


Well-Known Member
Oh is that so? Sir you don't seem to understand one thing though, we own the west bank and Gaza. Not because we went in and snatched it from them but because they attacked, and lost. If you attack a country and while getting whooped on you lose some land guess what that's not your land anymore. I also like the insults instead of a valid point its cute. I may hurl insults as well never first mind you, never. But at least I throw them while making a point. I also would love to hear the unprovoked "atrocities" Israel is guilty of? If someone were to blow up your child's school with a rocket or suicide bomb your busses and market places, how would you respond? By giving them more liberties, I think not.


Active Member
So what your saying is Israel was created out of thin air?? No it stole the land of people when they fought back for their land they lost and Israel stole even more land and still continues to do so. So if your going to steal shit from people expect some form of retaliation don't bitch about it like your the victim. And so what if I threw insults its okay for you to insult 1.5 Billion people but its not okay for me to insult you. Besides I made MORE then enough points but you obviously ignored that since facts don't mean anything to a Zionist.

Atrocities committed by Israel.


Why is it when ever Israel is mentioned it immediately turns in to antisemitism also why does it turn in to Israel vs Palestine. Why do you keep derailing the topics on the other threads. Also this thread was talking about racism on these forums why don't you start by practicing what your BITCHING about and apologize for your racist remarks regarding Muslims.


Well-Known Member
I have never started a thread about the evils of Islam. And the reason behind the entwining of Israel and Jews is, oh yeah its a Jewish state you fucking moron I have apologized for my views countless times maybe you should read a little before making an ass out of yourself. And as for us stealing land, I think your beef is with the British not the Jews buddy. I like how whenever I make a valid point instead if really looking at it, if is instantly zionist lies. It's funny isn't it. I also like how because I'm a Jew I'm a zionist in your eyes but them you say oh zionism isn't the same as Jews. You really don't see the flaw in that reasoning do you?


Active Member
I have never started a thread about the evils of Islam. And the reason behind the entwining of Israel and Jews is, oh yeah its a Jewish state you fucking moron I have apologized for my views countless times maybe you should read a little before making an ass out of yourself. And as for us stealing land, I think your beef is with the British not the Jews buddy. I like how whenever I make a valid point instead if really looking at it, if is instantly zionist lies. It's funny isn't it. I also like how because I'm a Jew I'm a zionist in your eyes but them you say oh zionism isn't the same as Jews. You really don't see the flaw in that reasoning do you?
But you did say you hate Muslims and how they are swine eaters etc swarming Europe and what ever bullshit you wanna say. And your saying there are no Israeli's that are Christian? or even Muslim? And why don't you apologize in this thread since you brought the race card up. I don't have time to look through all your posts for an apology. And what valid point have you made I don't see any. Also and what if your Jewish you can be a Christian, Atheist or even a friggin Muslim and be a Zionist.

If you can't even see how dumb it is to be complaining about Racism in this forum and than post racism against Muslims I simply give up your beyond any rational conversation and have no empathy or even common sense.
Btw are these Jews Zionist since you keep saying Zionism=Judaism?



King Tut
Not sure if i posted this yet or not but it is still funny as hell :)



Well-Known Member
Mc you are one of the few who has an adult point to make, I understand a little hostility shit I have some lol, it just sad when absent a valid point one turns to anger to make themselves look like they know Wtf they are talking about. Actually your post on the NAACP prompted ne to look into it and I learned a few things I was wrong about. I am very happy to say I was wrong when I was.


Well-Known Member
Man there are Jews in Israel trying to segregate busses. Do I think its right no and I have apologized in this thread. You just keep saying the same things man how many times do you want an answer? Also why is it that these peaceful non threatening people don't say let's kill Israel but instead say let's kill the Jews? Just another little fact you won't like so ill hear I'm a zionist right? There I said it for you so u don't have to waste your time.


Active Member
I already know your a Zionist its not hard to tell at all trust me on that.
And what you talking about peaceful non threatening people you talking about Muslims? What about Iran's President he got an award from the Jewish community in Iran for understanding the difference between Zionism and Judaism. And don't waste my time with that bullshit he wants to 'wipe Israel off the map' cause it was 100% bullshit which I noticed you mentioned in a previous thread. Or how about the people your fighting against Hamas. Heres a link to the founder and his views on the Jews.

But f*ck it this thread is about racism in this forum lets not go off topic


Well-Known Member
I agree we have digressed quite a bit I personally am all about telling someone we don't agree I think that will be one thing we can agree on. As for this post from the amount of pm's I've gotten I can tell you I am not the only one who sees this. My main point was to show that no other group is allowed to be spotlighted like this. Was really just wondering why. Answer me this, if you went on somewhere where you have seen people instantly stop some hate and not others, wouldn't you say something? Especially if it were your people being called nazis? If its wrong of me to say anything how could it be right for others to attack mine? That's where I'm at.


Active Member
Well explain to me this how is it possible to critize Israel without being called an anti-semite whilst I can critize Saudi Arabia as much as I like and not be called one. Also is it okay for a Jew to say Israel acts like Nazis? The 'racist' threads your talking about are threads in the 'Politics' Section criticizing guess what? Politics
Link related to Israel acting like Nazis


Well-Known Member
No Jew would dare say something like that where I come from but we handle our shit in house. How do you see any likeness to nazis in Israel? The dome of the rock still sits atop our holiest site. We provide healthcare for "palestine" we provide food, education and a form of welfare. That in no way equals killing people and throwing them in ovens does it? Also because I'm sure it will be said we drop leaflets telling people where we are going to retaliate. Thus giving the innocent a chance to leave. It sucks but when a governing body makes bad choices their people suffer that's how it works. I really don't get how we are these evil zionist oppressors. And just because they got the short end of the stick this time, that was our land before the hoards evicted us by the sword. It is to bad for them and I wish there could be peace I really do, as stated I've done enough fighting for my life. But if attacked will I sit and take it? Who would?


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of ways to speak against Israel but when people say the Israelis are these evil hate mongers wich has been said time and time again, and when the only response is posts to YouTube videos by people who call for the wiping out of Israel, what does that say to you? I'm really not being condescending I'm curious how that makes sense. If I say anything about the land I love I am instantly labeled a zionist. Since I am not a zionist, and my cries are those of Jews how does that differentiate the two groups? You cant have it both ways.


Active Member
What you talking about I provided a link to a British JEWISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MP saying that Israel acts like Nazis. And what you talking about you provide food, shelter and welfare you've got restrictions on everything! Theres next to no building materials allowed just so Palestine can't build/repair their own homes because your government want them out of Palestine! How many international Aid organizations would it take to remove these restrictions??? And one of Hitlers plans was to move the Jews to Madagascar whilst Israels is to move the Palestinians to anywhere in the world other than Israel. And am not that gullible to believe in Israeli propaganda that they drop leaflets to people thats bullshit!!!! And you are the occupying force that are making these people live like animals so not like they have a choice, like many oppressed people they have to FIGHT for their freedom. Also can you prove that Israel is your land like evidence that your ancestors lived in Palestine 2,000 years ago? Same goes for the Palestinians will they sit back whilst being attacked and having their land/freedom stolen.
You also ignored my question how is it possible to criticize Israel on a politics board without being anti-Semitic.

Also watch this video atleast 5 times and let it sink in your THICK head.



Active Member
There are plenty of ways to speak against Israel but when people say the Israelis are these evil hate mongers wich has been said time and time again, and when the only response is posts to YouTube videos by people who call for the wiping out of Israel, what does that say to you? I'm really not being condescending I'm curious how that makes sense. If I say anything about the land I love I am instantly labeled a zionist. Since I am not a zionist, and my cries are those of Jews how does that differentiate the two groups? You cant have it both ways.
Well this is not Youtube this is RIU. You can be against your governments policies and still love your people theres a HUGE difference between the two. Just like any American criticizing their government does not mean they hate America or Americans but that they hate the people in power. Am not going to sit back and let people saying anything about Palestinians that fight for their rights in both good AND bad ways. Its not difficult to understand you can criticize a government whilst not being against its people.


Well-Known Member
I see I hope you have a good life and your blessings are plenty. Again you say things, where is your proof? If you look on YouTube you can find that this universe is all an idea of some alien. My point is you can find a bunch of ignorant people such as yourself its not that hard. As for the leaflets I have seen them dropped with my own eyes. I have also seen building supplies supplied by israel in tunnels used to transport arms. You would like us to just let em do whatever and I get that but they refuse to live in peace. What is a people to do? You have not answered that one. I did answer your question it just must not be what you wanted to hear. But again I wish the best for you. May you fund peace, and since you have obviously never been to Israel maybe you should find a cause that you know something about.


New Member
Well, I gotta tell ya...If I were a mod I would close this thread quicker than the Nazi's killed my people in the war. Nothing productive going on.

"All we are saying is give peace a chance"~John Lennon


Active Member
I see I hope you have a good life and your blessings are plenty. Again you say things, where is your proof? If you look on YouTube you can find that this universe is all an idea of some alien. My point is you can find a bunch of ignorant people such as yourself its not that hard. As for the leaflets I have seen them dropped with my own eyes. I have also seen building supplies supplied by israel in tunnels used to transport arms. You would like us to just let em do whatever and I get that but they refuse to live in peace. What is a people to do? You have not answered that one. I did answer your question it just must not be what you wanted to hear. But again I wish the best for you. May you fund peace, and since you have obviously never been to Israel maybe you should find a cause that you know something about.
Blessing to you as well brother. But proof of what? Me and ignorant LOL! I've done more then enough research to know who is in the right and who is in the wrong which clearly you have not. And you should support the 2 state solution, Israel has their state Palestine does not. All your gov does is try and stop them from it because all your government wants is more land. And if your government takes so many steps to avoid killing civilians why is it that a majority of the people dead are in fact civilians. Why has Israel got the most amount of UN resolutions, broke god knows how many international, Geneva laws. Virtually no other country breaks as many as Israel does. Why is most countries other than US backed ones always complaining about Israel and its aggressive policy towards Palestinians. Am not saying Hamas is some good thing but its been 30+ years of occupation the longer the occupation the more people get sick of it the more people become desperate, when people become desperate they will do things most people would never do. Maybe the fact your a racist you just can't understand/know their pain or suffering. And did you have a look at the video of the UK Baroness?
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