why is some raceism okay on here?

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Active Member
Well, I gotta tell ya...If I were a mod I would close this thread quicker than the Nazi's killed my people in the war. Nothing productive going on.

"All we are saying is give peace a chance"~John Lennon
I think am just going to stop posting in this thread. The topic is about racism in this forum and its talking about a different topic which is a waste of everyones time.
If you want to carry on this discussion fenderburn84 just PM me instead. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I understand their plight and it really does suck. On that note my brother has lived in Israel full time now for fifteen years his children took nothing from anyone yet they are under constant threat that's why this conflict really doesn't have a solution. I never understood until I moved there. This is not an American style conflict, most people can not wrap their minds around it. It's not one side or the other they are fighting for the sins of their fathers on both sides. I am an adamant antiwar speaker and I hate to fight, and i have met many palestinians and Jews who feel the same, but until violence ends there can be no peace. And as long as we are fighting we will fight just as savagely as our enemies.


Well-Known Member
Right on man I'm actually kind of enjoying the different perspective. Hit me up if you ever want a fun heated debate take care. I as well am gonna have to call it quits I have been paying nowhere near as much time as I should to studying growing lol.


Well-Known Member
Fenderburn are you aware of the idea of Cause and Effect? Let me sum it up for you...
Effect: Palestenians hate Israelis
Cause: 30+ years of violent, oppressive occupation by Israel in the Palestenian territories

You say you fight them because they hate you...it's actually they hate you cos you treat them worse than animals and call them the likes of "swine". Don't get it all twisted, Israel brought this conflict upon itself. Just as (controversially) I'll say the US invite alot of their own problems from bombing the world. Like did you notice there was a strange lack of suicide bombings reported yesterday after the US ended the occupation of Iraq? But at least alot of people from the US are starting to recognise the principle of "blowback" now tho and have stopped trying to blame the other side.


Well-Known Member
I can respect that view lemon. As for you harreken again the same arguement never any sense just the same useless ideas from the same useless sources. I'm ready for a good debate whenever you are I am waiting.


Well-Known Member
I want to complain about the white rich people bashing going on. Everyone seems to hate rich white people even if they have done nothing but good. Why such bigotry towards the whitey? Are hard working members of society bad? Motivated upstart entrepreneurs being portrayed as baby killing, black beating, cheating, disingenuous bastards has got to stop!


Well-Known Member
I think there is a lot of hate for whites I got your back man. But in all seriousness hate sucks no matter who it is directed at it is a sad sign of our species.


Well-Known Member
I can respect that view lemon. As for you harreken again the same arguement never any sense just the same useless ideas from the same useless sources. I'm ready for a good debate whenever you are I am waiting.
You're completely deluded, my argument is one of logic with no bias. Yours claims Muslims are your enemy, that they're "dogs" or "swine" and that you can never make peace. You're a lunatic and clearly one of the many reason Israel gets away with what they do.

Good luck when you eventually attack Iran and Russia/China kicks you in the face tho, can you not clearly see why Israel hasn't attacked yet? Cos their American overlords can't get involved without pissing off the Russo-Chinese.


Well-Known Member
When we do attack the Iranians it will be for defense good sir. They simply can not have bikes it will result on a nuclear attack on Israel. I am sorry for the delay I was really busy. Are you a Muslim? Also have you ever been to Israel? If you answered no to either of the questions you really have no legs to stand on. If you are not involved you really don't have a leg to stand on here. I would like to say that any person who promotes people walking into a yeshiva and shooting children is a dog bottom line.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Apparently the OP got his answer. It's ok to call arabs and muslims dogs. But it's an offense to say anything against jews and Israel. Since this call to arms thread in support for Israel and jews stays open. Sucks to be arab on this site.


King Tut
Apparently the OP got his answer. It's ok to call arabs and muslims dogs. But it's an offense to say anything against jews and Israel. Since this call to arms thread in support for Israel and jews stays open. Sucks to be arab on this site.
i closed that thread.


Well-Known Member
Oh really now you as well? Maybe you should try reading the posts the thread. I have never said my prejudices were okay or cool I'm just being honest wich I guess in your opinion means I am an evil zionist huh? Why would you make an ass of yourself trying to stir up the pot when you haven't even read the whole thing? And you wonder why people would have a negative view of Muslims? This is by far the most humours attempt at logic I have ever heard. And just so ya know I don't hate all Muslims but there are some that deserve what they get. I am in a state of pure pity for you. I hope you have a good argument instead of the same things the others have said.


Well-Known Member
Oh and budlover he started that thread just more of the same I guess though. I really wouldn't mind if you closed this one as well. The point was made long ago and now it has become a joke.


King Tut
So what do we, as a community, want? i'm trying to toe the line here as best i can and do as little censoring/moderation as possible.


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is I started this thread to ask a question, my question got answered and then it turned into a shit storm as the op if I knew how I would shut it down myself. It was a very eye opening thread and I heard a lot of very good yet very different opinions but it seems now to have run its course and turned into a constant battle that really has no end in sight. I cast my vote as shut her down we have a lot more important things to discuss than this imo


Well-Known Member
Thank the lord we all have the freedom to just walk away. Crazy how many problems arise when people forget that.
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