Another State Of The Union, Who Will Obama Blame?

Here, I'll make this easier for you to understand: A Change You Can Believe In.

so you've given up on saying anything concrete. got it. empty talking points it is for you.

not unexpected.


this is much better than your AGENDA and DIVISIVE RHETORIC which DEFICITS and TAXES because ANTI-AMERICAN.
So which is better for that 1 percent? a large portion of a shrinking pie or a smaller portion of one that is growing? Is it better for them to force more and more into a lower class where they can spend money only on necessities or help them gain the wealth they need to not only expand the economy but to give the one percent a portion of their growing income?
Definitely a large portion.
um, currently, we have more than 2 parties: 1. Democrats 2. Independents 3. Conservatives 4. Latino Right 5. Tea Party 6. Rend Pawl "Leave Me The Hell Alone" Party 7. Libertarians amiright?:lol:
No. There are no Independents Party, no Conservatives Party, no Rend Pawl "Leave Me The Hell Alone" Party. I'm not sure about any Latino Right Party, but most Latino's are Democrats
Forcefully redistributing labor does not create a "good" in the total sense. By looking only at the result, rather than the METHOD and the result you blur the real view. For instance slaves picking cotton, created a "good" if you were the one that benefitted from their labor, yet if you were the one being forced you may have had a different perspective. Any program that relies on force as a cornerstone does not create "good" as the force cannot be overlooked or rationalized away.
You can ignore it or pretend it didn't happen. That's worked in the past.
Equal pay for equal work. I look at productivity, dont give a shit what your sex organs are. Man with a shovel in his hands tends to be more productive than a woman with the same tool. It isn't sexist, it's a fact based on the mans physical abilities compared to the womans. Isn't always the case, some women are built like trucks, but most are not.
Sadly, women built like trucks make less than those not built like trucks.
The speech was rousing, warming, encouraging and moving. It was filled with platitudes, compact with expectations and near promises of things he is incapable of doing for any number of reasons. It was, in effect, the fast food of State of the Union presidential speeches. There were things he asked for congress's help on that he could do unilateraly (like reduce or end drone killings). He insisted that he would take on issues unilateraly who's legality is questionable and even if not, would be temporary as all presidential edicts are. He asked for help from congress which he knows and has known he will never get. I was deeply ashamed that he had to mention that our movie theaters, malls, and kindergardens were not safe. And finally, even though he knew that wounded soldier before and after the wounds - I was embarassed, deeply so that he was on his 10th deployment, that he was applauded for struggling to mend the harm that our country caused him to suffer for no apparent reason and that Obama used this fellow to gain a response from the totality of the gathering. I am sorry I missed the responses but a notary arrived for me to sign morgage papers - that were it turns out, unsignable.
Usually, if they come to your house, it's a rotten deal. Sometimes, it's to avoid Federal charges that apply if sent by mail or fax.
Why don't you ever want to come let me make you a sandwich?

i have my reasons.

i have my reasons.

Not that I really am dying to break bread with you, but I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy.

That is the act of a coward. If I want to fuck with someone, I'll punch them in the face, not touch their bread with my pecker.

Although I do love to fart silently on elevators...
Not that I really am dying to break bread with you, but I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy. That is the act of a coward. If I want to fuck with someone, I'll punch them in the face, not touch their bread with my pecker. Although I do love to fart silently on elevators...
I'll wait for the next one then.