Why do ALL the LED grows look so lame compared to HID?

There is no need to respond JBone and BSD. You've said the same thing so many times that saying it again will be considered spam.

There is no need to respond JBone and BSD. You've said the same thing so many times that saying it again will be considered spam.

perhaps you should consider setting up a dislike option along with the like button. I dont mind them spamming I thought it was nice to have some action the forum again
FFS guys... we all like weed ... just have a spliff and chill out..

thread bombing a section about lights that you clearly dont like is fairly sad

You dont like LED we get it... stop being so wound up about it....
I feel the same way. You don't see me every day in the autoflowering section constantly letting everyone know how I feel about autoflowering strains.

It's all about context.

FFS guys... we all like weed ... just have a spliff and chill out..

thread bombing a section about lights that you clearly dont like is fairly sad

You dont like LED we get it... stop being so wound up about it....
1000 watts real led would be way better than 1000w hps. Leds only output the lights that the plant actually needs like reds, blues, etc. Hps wastes some of the power for the greens, yellows that the plant cant absorb.

There is the hype. If this were the case than why the trend to go to white LED panels?
Without white leds there is lack of green and amber which plants use help absorb more photons in all regions so no pigments become dormant. there is a greater amount of red and blue regions in white leds than there is in hps. White leds do waste some light. Hps wastes far more light. If I were to do hid. I would go with CMH over hps any day.. Higher par, cri, ceramic arc instead of an aluminum like hps. Because of that CMH have 2-3 times the longevity of hps. CMH run less watts and run much much cooler. . Led can match CMH with less watts. I liked running cmh. They were stolen along with alot of other stuff . I was going to buy more but I ended up going induction / led. I was skeptical going into it. After my first batch with all the issuse I had. I still had great results. I'm happy with my purchase.
you guy dont like leds... some people do..

youre flogging a dead horse here and what is your purpose... do you guys have shares in HID companies?
Probably HPS. Just being honest.

If i was looking to experiment or for something fun to do, I'd use LEDs. Definitely not bashing on leds, I think they're really cool, but HPS are still the de facto conventional weed growing lamp. Unless you're already dialed in with leds and getting good results, going the led route is a risk.

AMEN! However I must stress the fact that some strains/crosses seem to do better than others under LED.
The argument is simple, you get led guys like hyroot calling names and refuses to show a single grow where led beats a 600 or 1000 watt hid with the same veg time. If he wouldnt call names and just say that leds work great there would be no argument. When someone wants to argue and call names im game

Consider the source. hyroot has abandoned LED and went with induction. I am all for experimentation but why not be honest.
Consider the source. hyroot has abandoned LED and went with induction. I am all for experimentation but why not be honest.

I still have led. I have the pontoons and an a51 sgs 160. I'm sprouting seeds with it now. I plan on buying 5 more panels flower and 2 for veg. Have a room half induction / led and half led.

my place was robbed last August. I lost everything.. First batch I borrowed lights then bought new lights. Decided to go with induction
I got all of them over a span of 3 weeks. Then grabbed an a51 panel. Plan on grabbing more. I've only done 2 batches since the incident. 3rd batch is on day 1 of flower. Where was I not being honest. Most people on here already know all this from my threads and the party cup comps.
There are a few DIY panels that are really good, but not every one is a success...most aren't in fact. And the ones that are great might as well start their own company fro the time and $ they put into it. To say they blow apache(or a51 for that matter) away is a stretch too. Hans maybe, I'm not sold on hans being one of the greats. Apache at600 or getting enough(4) a51/at200's is/are the only lights I feel can replace a 1000hps. Is there a DIY pulling 1.5-2lbs/4x4??

i have to disagree. DIY is easy. Maybe making a red/blue is challenging but with the good whites available..easy. Open up any led light..area, apache, china....their all the same inside. Buy a $100 ebay light open it up and study the wiring until it makes sense...you just gave yourself a led wiring tutorial.

not to mention cheap. Upgrading my xml l2 to cxa would cost $160..the price of the leds. Not even an option for either on the market. No commercial dreams and mucho time and money saved not dealing with companies.

DIY is about a commitment to learn and getting the best bang for your buck. The rewards are the best herb I've ever grown hid or led, and that's enough, it's not about money.
DiY LED doubles the yield of my HPS no problem, same clones same soil etc. I expect we will triple it eventually. I don't run high yielding varieties because I have rarely find any that I like. On a long term basis I get about .3-.4 grams/watt/8 weeks from the bare 600HPS. I have been phasing out the 600s and bringing in LEDs and my yields and nug quality have improved. Once I phase out all the 600s I will be able to get more accurate numbers. Back in the day of early RWB LED I had plenty of all-led grows that yielded 1 gpw or better.

My veg process is always the same. 1-2 weeks to root the clones, 1-2 weeks in a tiny 4" pot, 3 weeks in 1.5L pot, 4 weeks in a 5gal bucket then they go to the flower rooms. So its an 8-9 week veg.
i have to disagree. DIY is easy. Maybe making a red/blue is challenging but with the good whites available..easy. Open up any led light..area, apache, china....their all the same inside. Buy a $100 ebay light open it up and study the wiring until it makes sense...you just gave yourself a led wiring tutorial.

not to mention cheap. Upgrading my xml l2 to cxa would cost $160..the price of the leds. Not even an option for either on the market. No commercial dreams and mucho time and money saved not dealing with companies.

DIY is about a commitment to learn and getting the best bang for your buck. The rewards are the best herb I've ever grown hid or led, and that's enough, it's not about money.

So are you getting over 1.5g/w with a strictly DIY LED setup or not? Perfomrmance is what shatter when you are saying that it is blowing it away. Cost ties into that but yield is what matters. Supra was one I was referring to when I said the great DIY'ers but I also know he runs a 600hps in there somewhere too. Like he just clarified. But there are others who have show some great grows, but not every DIY is a success is what I said...not that they are hard.

I have learned it all in theory too and know exactly how I would do my own and have it sourced already. I have the wiring schematics and everything. But I have an arsenal of AT's so there is no point for me to invest more for space that I already have great performing lights for.

And there is a big difference when you open up a apache panel. There is not one component that is not basically a top of the line component. Chip, drivers, housing, heat sink, fans, connections, lenses. Not to say you can't get all of that with a DIY but the cost savings to replicate for cheaper is not actually there.
Using your own design is something different but still comes back to my 1st question...are you getting over 1.5g/w or close to that with a strictly DIY led setup?
You cant veg 6 plants for 6 weeks and flower them in a 4x4 tent under 1 1000 watt light, you will yield less vegging 6 weeks than you would at 4, thats my point. Not seeing why thats so difficult to follow. The 3 week veg was great

What do your plants look like when you flip them?

And as a note, I want 2lbs per 1K and same with my apache.