FOX Admits Obamacare Works!!!


Well-Known Member
so frst it was 100k over 4 years, then it was 50k a year, now it's 60k a year?

it's the internet. no need to lie.
This coming from the guy who accused me of living in my parents basement for years...

Why are you mocking everyone who makes less than 13 bucks per hour for a living?? Especially since you are unemployed??


Well-Known Member
This coming from the guy who accused me of living in my parents basement for years...

Why are you mocking everyone who makes less than 13 bucks per hour for a living?? Especially since you are unemployed??
i'm unemployed?

news to me. i'm not even looking for work, haven't in years. have more than i need.


Well-Known Member

do you know how many hundreds of thousands of dollars i've paid federal and state governments in my lifetime?

the fiscal crisis wasn't MY doing and i had a choice to make.

tough shit that someone has to pay it forward for me now.

I'm thinking "0"


Well-Known Member
Well, he obviously isnt supporting her ....

Again the facts prove him to be the lying bum that he is...

I wonder if his wife has to hide her cash to prevent him from stealing to fuel his alcoholism.
She put $200 in his work boots 7 years ago. It's still there.


Well-Known Member
i'm unemployed?

news to me. i'm not even looking for work, haven't in years. have more than i need.
I was wondering about that the other day... When your wife goes to her jr college or technical school for her classes what does she say you do for a living??? Does she tell her friends that you grow pot?? Maybe she says you are in the CIA??? LOL!!!

I love the acronym treadmill salesman because for all your activity you are going absolutely nowhere in life....