Calcium nitrate and why you NEED it.


Well-Known Member
You do realize they teach chemistry in schools, right? Have you ever been to school?
You are mixing someones synthesized compounds in water that's not exactly chemistry. That's like saying you make cereal by buying generic oats add raisins and pour milk on it.


Well-Known Member
It is indeed as easy as adding the ingredients in the right amounts.

The chemistry part is all about the molar masses of those compounds, and underlying elements. Of course it's not that complicated, it's just that you can't do it.

You are mixing someones synthesized compounds in water that's not exactly chemistry. That's like saying you make cereal by buying generic oats adding raisins and pouring milk on it.


Well-Known Member
It is indeed as easy as buying cereal and adding raisins and milk. Cheap too.

The chemistry part is all about the molar masses of those compounds, and underlying elements. Of course it's not that complicated, it's just that you can't do it.
When did I say I couldn't? I just don't want to, it really isn't worth it to me.


Well-Known Member
Good, so stop posting here unless you have something to add about calcium nitrate.

If it's not worth 1-2 dollars for a pound of calcium nitrate, then buy something else and use that.

When did I say I couldn't? I just don't want to, it really isn't worth it to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm a fucking chemistry wizard compared to you.
I'm a fucking expert man. You'd be wise to take my advice.
It's been my experience that when someone has to point out how smart or "special" they are, it means something they probably don't want to admit. I.e., the frustrated, unrecognized genius. The boor to most others.

My first ignore on RIU. Hope you can find a way to make this productive for yourself.


Well-Known Member
You are talking in circles and proving nothing but the fact that we are both right which is what I have been trying to say to you since I started posting on this forum. You think someone has to be wrong, but that is not always the case. This thread would have not caused so many issues if you would have wrote it after fully thinking everything out beforehand.


Well-Known Member
He asked me a question. He asked what my "opinions" are based on. I know chemistry pretty well. They are not opinions. They are facts.

It's been my experience that when someone has to point out how smart or "special" they are, it means something they probably don't want to admit. I.e., the frustrated, unrecognized genius. The boor to most others.

My first ignore on RIU. Hope you can find a way to make this productive for yourself.


Well-Known Member
Funny how you come on my thread and then post about how you're ignoring me. You could have just went away and stopped polluting my thread about calcium nitrate.
You began it with incomplete information which came across misleading, if you would have been very clear from the beginning you would have not had so much backlash.


Well-Known Member
Had you kept quiet, the thread would have been more clear. Instead, you both wrote over 2 pages of complaints about my personality.

Do you have anything to add? I'm here to answer questions.


Well-Known Member
Had you dimwits kept quiet, the thread would have been more clear. Instead, you both wrote over 2 pages of complaints about my personality.

Do you have anything to add? I'm here to answer questions.
You are fucking kidding me right. Does someone need to reread the end of the original post?

Sounds like you thought you posted all the information you needed to....


Well-Known Member
"Any questions? Good. This thread is closed. I'm not even trying to sell you something. It's a salt."



Well-Known Member
Damn straight. The message is the first line. "Because it's calcium nitrate".
If you thought that was a well thought out idea deserving of it's own thread, than you are the one that should be questioning the quality of their educational background. I have pointed out many flaws of the original post, which you have even recognized and clarified.

church you are not wrong, church you are not wrong, church you are not wrong.

It's OK you were excited and wanted to talk calcium nitrate and all it's hydroponic glory I don't blame you. Don't blame me for trying to make sure people are not misled into thinking it may be the best option for their circumstance.


Well-Known Member
I need calcium as I use LED and don't last long without it by getting a really nasty calcium deficiancy , and it is expensive for what it is, what type of calcium can I substitute it with a lot cheaper?