Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
some white people and some black people may favor their own races
So many distortions out of you. Just stop distorting shit. I said privilege. Stop morphing that into everything else to make it easier to attack. Stop turning it into black employers hiring who ever, stop turning into black women wishing they were white men, stop turning into me arguing absolutes when you are the one who finds even mere mention of the words to be offensive.


Well-Known Member
i have never seen a white person working in my local indian shop

i guess it could be nepotism, many of the employees there are family and also of course Indian
although i do recall some who were not family, is this "Indian privilege" >?
perhaps both black and white applicants were turned down in favor of indians


Well-Known Member
So many distortions out of you. Just stop distorting shit. I said privilege. Stop morphing that into everything else to make it easier to attack. Stop turning it into black employers hiring who ever, stop turning into black women wishing they were white men, stop turning into me arguing absolutes when you are the one who finds even mere mention of the words to be offensive.
its called a conversation, i am trying to find common ground with you, but i am finding it very difficult as you are an extremist


Well-Known Member
its called a conversation, i am trying to find common ground with you, but i am finding it very difficult as you are an extremist
I am an extremist for acknowledging that I have privilege in society because I'm a white male? It is certainly radical but not extremist. You are not trying to find common ground though, you are trying to distort my arguments in order to make them easier to attack.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You're the one who advocates for the rights of land owners to extract the value of labor from workers while paying an hourly wage.

He says while jingling the stolen change in his pocket and gnawing on a piece of bread purchased via force.

An extraction is the wrong term. The money in your pocket is (forcefully) extracted. That is undeniable.

The money or benefit I get working in a friends greenhouse is a negotiated process. I am free to accept the terms we arrive at, seek other options or get my own greenhouse. I am not forced to work there. If I agree to work for a basket of cabbages, that is MY business. What do you have against cabbage?


Well-Known Member
you are the one who finds even mere mention of the words to be offensive.
If you recall, you were the one that tried to insult me with your cry racist wolf routine including some swear words too
i am not offended by your invalid statements or polarized thinking, i would love to be able to free you from the box you have trapped yourself in


Well-Known Member
So many distortions out of you. Just stop distorting shit. I said privilege. Stop morphing that into everything else to make it easier to attack. Stop turning it into black employers hiring who ever, stop turning into black women wishing they were white men, stop turning into me arguing absolutes when you are the one who finds even mere mention of the words to be offensive.
I like how you complain about distortion, but then distort Everything Rob Roy says.
Its like Ironic hypocrisy wrapped in an enigma with bacon flavor.


Well-Known Member
You poor oppressed white man. It must be hard to live in a country where foreigners open up shops and sell stuff but don't hire the locals. Hey wait, didn't India used to be a British colony?
Now you are losing control of your emotions again , it does not matter to me if my local Indian shop only employees indians
and for your information, Indians are locals

please explain how white privilege exists here ^^


Well-Known Member
If you recall, you were the one that tried to insult me with your cry racist wolf routine including some swear words too
i am not offended by your invalid statements or polarized thinking, i would love to be able to free you from the box you have trapped yourself in
You're the one with an intense desire to hear black women express lament for not having been born white men. You're the one who finds mere mention of white privilege to be offensive. You're the one who has been distorting my arguments.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Such a cool example of how things would work if we were all libertarians.

I'm old. Grey pony tails and big ass Afros....shit like that. I don't fedora, was too old for the baggy pants thing too.

I hope you reconsider the force you participate in. I am going to smoke some herb and eat some cabbage now.


Well-Known Member
I like how you complain about distortion, but then distort Everything Rob Roy says.
Its like Ironic hypocrisy wrapped in an enigma with bacon flavor.
Rob Roy is a lolbertarian so unraveling his convoluted bullshit might seem like distortion, but only because of the oxymoronic nature of lolbertarianism.


Well-Known Member
Now you are losing control of your emotions again , it does not matter to me if my local Indian shop only employees indians
and for your information, Indians are locals

please explain how white privilege exists here ^^
I'm not the one complaining about who the Indian shop owners hire. Did you apply to work there? Why didn't they hire you?


Well-Known Member
I am an extremist for acknowledging that I have privilege in society because I'm a white male?
No and please try to grasp this notion that i am going to explain to you yet again

you're an extremist because you are unwilling to accept that not all white people experience privilege
you are unable to accept that i myself have not experienced privilege, you ignorantly assume i have purely because i am white

i am willing to accept You have experienced privilege in your life mostly because you are American and your society is somewhat behind with race relations
and also i would not be so ignorant to assume i know more about an individuals life experience than they do themselves

you are guilty of ignorance , polarized thinking and racism as you are judging people and making assumptions about them based on race alone

"you are white so you must of experienced privilege" this is clearly a racist belief to hold


Well-Known Member
you're an extremist because you are unwilling to accept that not all white people experience privilege
I disagree. Radical but not extremist. Anders Breivik and Ted Kazynski are extremists. I acknowledge white privilege, you're offended by mere mention of the words.