Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Uhh yep, wealthy people don't create jobs, they speculate with that wealth and create investment bubbles which turn into economic recessions when the bubble pops. So even in the best of times, that 50% of wealth is put to poor use and in the worst of times, recession. Parting the world's wealthiest from a significant fraction of that wealth should be part of the next president's job description. For Trump and Hillary, it's not, but it should.



Well-Known Member
It's probably just as solid as the bottom of the Atlantic or pacific ocean. So by your logic the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe are all one land mass
Your conclusion is correct. The planet we all live and migrate upon is fairly solid ground. Does the term "Pangea" mean anything to you?
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Calm down. The UN declaration of human rights has no provision stating that all immigration is legal. It says people have the freedom to leave any country and to return to their country. Also the right to apply for asylum.
Article 13.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 14.

(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

I wonder who the "they" are in your response?
Everyone at the top. R & D. Media. Big oil. Big banks. Etc.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
cheers Bean! no worries there mate. Is the major consensus , toward Trump, a negative one in the UK? I think I saw your prime minister dissing him?? maybe was he saying he would not allow Trump into the UK or something like that? lol, kinda like. Black
Michael Savage (the talk show host) has been banned from the UK. its laughable.
Trump has a slogan "America First" , " Make America Great Again" scary shit like
Bean i if you could see the completely insanity of this process and media manipulation first hand over here. Its hard to keep up with. Its too cold to go swim in the ocean here. There are plenty of swimming holes in beautiful mountain streams though!
What is wrong with an American president saying we need to protect our own interests first? What is wrong with wanting America to be great?

Furthermore, to all you that say he back pedaled on taxes..

He said his proposal would be negotiated higher most likely but that the end result would still equal lower business taxes and lower middle class taxes than we currently have.

Have you listened to the interviews the media is sourcing their quotes from?

ky man

Well-Known Member
AMERICA should protect are own people FIRST and stop giving money to other countrys WE ARE BROKE from giving are money away to shit holes that has never help the American people in need and while we are broke they just ask for moor.. I say fuck them take care of are own first for a chang..VOTE TRUMP I AM KY..

ky man

Well-Known Member
cheers Bean! no worries there mate. Is the major consensus , toward Trump, a negative one in the UK? I think I saw your prime minister dissing him?? maybe was he saying he would not allow Trump into the UK or something like that? lol, kinda like. Black
Michael Savage (the talk show host) has been banned from the UK. its laughable.
Trump has a slogan "America First" , " Make America Great Again" scary shit like
Bean i if you could see the completely insanity of this process and media manipulation first hand over here. Its hard to keep up with. Its too cold to go swim in the ocean here. There are plenty of swimming holes in beautiful mountain streams though!
I hope that uk dos black list TRUMP THAT WAY WE CAN KEEP ARE money that they wount from us every day..TRUMP LETS HELP HIM MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN...KY

ky man

Well-Known Member
I know, right? Unemployment has steadily dropped the entire term of Obama's presidency and the economy while not exactly robust has steadily gotten better. What effect the ACA has had on employment has been good. I mean look at all the right wing media jobs it created.
The economy has got worse every day that oboma has been in office and will get worse if that bitch wins.TRUMP is Americas last hope to

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
What is wrong with an American president saying we need to protect our own interests first? What is wrong with wanting America to be great?

Furthermore, to all you that say he back pedaled on taxes..

He said his proposal would be negotiated higher most likely but that the end result would still equal lower business taxes and lower middle class taxes than we currently have.

Have you listened to the interviews the media is sourcing their quotes from?
I am sorry about the misunderstanding FlamingPie, i was being sarcastic. :peace:I should know better then try to pull that off online:leaf:.. Making America Great And America First are terrific slogans.:p
I look forward to hearing Trump explain his proposals and policies. It will be a refreshing change. I do appreciate his stream of consciousness speaking skills.
figuren might not be your thing


Well-Known Member
I am sorry about the misunderstanding FlamingPie, i was being sarcastic. :peace:I should know better then try to pull that off online:leaf:.. Making America Great And America First are terrific slogans.:p
I look forward to hearing Trump explain his proposals and policies. It will be a refreshing change. I do appreciate his stream of consciousness speaking skills.

Doc is all of that sarcastic as well?


Well-Known Member
Your conclusion is correct. The planet we all live and migrate upon is fairly solid ground. Does the term "Pangea" mean anything to you?
I know pangea. But since then the land mass has been split several ways. Hence no more pangea. It's true, you can look it up. I believe our planet is mostly water,about 70%. Not solid ground at all.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member


Former Mexican president Vincente Fox doubles down on Trump criticism, calls him 'hated gringo'
Published May 10, 2016
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Former Mexican President Vincente Fox (right) makes an obscene gesture to Donald Trump after appearing on the Kickass Politics podcast with host Ben Mathis. (Courtesy: Kickass Politics)

Former Mexican President Vincente Fox doubled down on his criticism of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in a recent interview, comparing him to Latin American dictators and calling him a "hated gringo" while also giving him the middle finger.

Fox made the obscene gesture to Trump after appearing on the Kickass Politics podcast with host Ben Mathis. The interview was pre-recorded and released Tuesday.

"He is the ugly American," he told Mathis. “He is the hated gringo because he’s attacking all of us. He’s offending all of us.”

The former president also reiterated his criticism of Trump's proposed border wall, while comparing him to Latin American dictators Hugo Chavez and Juan Peron.

"I'm not going to pay for that f***king wall," he said.

Fox also warned if Trump starts a trade war, that Mexico could retaliate by stopping or limiting money transfers and remittance for U.S. corporations and American tourists in the country. He added that some of Trump's proposals could add not just a trade war, but a full war.


Well-Known Member


Former Mexican president Vincente Fox doubles down on Trump criticism, calls him 'hated gringo'
Published May 10, 2016
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Former Mexican President Vincente Fox (right) makes an obscene gesture to Donald Trump after appearing on the Kickass Politics podcast with host Ben Mathis. (Courtesy: Kickass Politics)

Former Mexican President Vincente Fox doubled down on his criticism of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in a recent interview, comparing him to Latin American dictators and calling him a "hated gringo" while also giving him the middle finger.

Fox made the obscene gesture to Trump after appearing on the Kickass Politics podcast with host Ben Mathis. The interview was pre-recorded and released Tuesday.

"He is the ugly American," he told Mathis. “He is the hated gringo because he’s attacking all of us. He’s offending all of us.”

The former president also reiterated his criticism of Trump's proposed border wall, while comparing him to Latin American dictators Hugo Chavez and Juan Peron.

"I'm not going to pay for that f***king wall," he said.

Fox also warned if Trump starts a trade war, that Mexico could retaliate by stopping or limiting money transfers and remittance for U.S. corporations and American tourists in the country. He added that some of Trump's proposals could add not just a trade war, but a full war.
A lot of us say the same thing. FUCK TRUMP
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