Heat thermal police detectors


Well-Known Member
I came home after having a good laugh with some friends & thought Id have some ice cream before I go to bed on the way to the kitchen I found an old newspaper (couple of weeks old) which stated "cannabis drug raid" they found 250 plants & have caught no one. The police used a thermal image sensor which enabled them to detect heat given off the lights.

WTF! :evil:

Are we all screwed? whether or not anybody was caught is not the fu*king point the grow area was discovered...by the POLICE! Aaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhh!

Excuse me if Im losing it but thats the 9th cannabis related bust this year in my area.

By the way if found a product on ebay called "Infra red heat sheeting" which claims to stop heat being detected. I dont know if it works or if to a limit.

Although these grow rooms are discovered the growers are rarely caught (in my area) even though they are renting the premises, if I was a police officer Id simply ask the landlord who was the tenant & what are his/her credentials and voila, right? I dont get how they are getting away with it.



Well-Known Member
You have no worries theses are major grows and police wont even think about implementing that FLIR on small grows only major heat.
If you aint got major work growing theres no worries.
You cant worry bout this type of shit.. It'll get to ya head, n you don't want that.

I been growing since a kid and the last thing you wanna do is worry about this, so just grow and take the precaution of not telling nobody shit no light leaks etc.
You dont need that thermal sheeting.
Someone might come along and give you the scientific answer but this is a real answer straight up.

Be easy n grow away n if you slingin dont do it out ya growhouse;).


Well-Known Member
are you growing 250 plants?? they must have had a truckload of 1000 watt hid lights giving off enough heat to supply a city block. normal personal grows are not going to stick out much from the normal vented heat coming from a residntial house. relax and smoke out.

Aslan King

Active Member
250 plants is MAJOR! I have used similar sheeting in construction to insulate house and have seen the difference in thermal images. Only works it you do the windows. Otherwise you are concentrating the heat going outside.

Especially in winter!!!!!!!! the imager pick up temperture differences.


Well-Known Member
You have no worries theses are major grows and police wont even think about implementing that FLIR on small grows only major heat.
If you aint got major work growing theres no worries.
You cant worry bout this type of shit.. It'll get to ya head, n you don't want that.

I been growing since a kid and the last thing you wanna do is worry about this, so just grow and take the precaution of not telling nobody shit no light leaks etc.
You dont need that thermal sheeting.
Someone might come along and give you the scientific answer but this is a real answer straight up.

Be easy n grow away n if you slingin dont do it out ya growhouse;).
is a good answer


Well-Known Member
they don't drive they use the helicopter as long as your heat signature isn't in the high red your good


Well-Known Member
i think he may be on about the new hand held heat seeking units that the police have been given, not sure they are that good, for tracking people in dark insted of using helicopter.


Well-Known Member
the flir cam only reads the outside surface temp of any building, it isnt x-ray vision, watch the police videos on tv involving car chases etc you can clearly see the heat being produced by the engine and tyres etc but on the flir image it cant even see the heat of the person sitting behind the wheel through the windscreen until it switches back to normal vision, the reason the big grows with hundreds of plants and multiple 1000w lights get busted is because all the heat is warming up the fabric of the building causing the building to show up on the flir screen like a sore thumb in comparison with neighbouring properties, the police then raid based on that heat annomoly and or other information they might have received, if you use hid lighting just keep the light away from any outside facing walls so the radiant heat cannot warm the wall up and be visible on the outside to flir, and just keep everything about your property "normal" looking, dont give any members of the public or your neighbours any reason to be suspicious and grass you up, this is how most grows are busted not flir, or someone that you have told about your grow all of a sudden deciding they dont like you anymore and dropping you in it, the police and the media hype up flir`s abilities to try and scare the growers into stopping growing, or not start in the first place, i live 20yards from a busy heliport and iv always got the copper chopper buzzing above my flat, it looks like a big wasp painted black and yellow, london police choppers are these new eurocopters supposedly with multimillion pound flir and other technology, i stand on my balcony night after night smoking a fat joint watching the copper chopper above my head and i clearly see the flir camera going on and off its a faint orange/amber glow on the underside of the helicopter, and iv been growing for nearly 7 years with two rooms one with a 600w hps the other with envirolites, and iv not had any probs from mr plod


Well-Known Member
check out fire officers using flir too search for hot spots, this will give you a big idea on how they work. they look for a large heat source. say a cars engine a humans radiated heat, a dog,cat.

now that heli has too keep moving too keep your heat source locked. soon as you hide behind a wall it cannot see you, untill pilot has moved heli so cam can lock the heat source again.

go check firefighting videos these show you exactly how a flir works. we use them in the UK for searching blazing buildings. they was also used at chenob nuke meltdown too check the temp of the molten core.



Well-Known Member
check out fire officers using flir too search for hot spots, this will give you a big idea on how they work. they look for a large heat source. say a cars engine a humans radiated heat, a dog,cat.

now that heli has too keep moving too keep your heat source locked. soon as you hide behind a wall it cannot see you, untill pilot has moved heli so cam can lock the heat source again.

go check firefighting videos these show you exactly how a flir works. we use them in the UK for searching blazing buildings. they was also used at chenob nuke meltdown too check the temp of the molten core.

i was watching a perfect example of that on bbc news when that hospital in london was on fire a lil while ago, iv forgotten the name of that hospital now, dam i knew i shoudnt have put that extra bit of bud in my joint............:dunce:


Well-Known Member
rofl yeah i remember the same thing. used too stop down in croydon ;-)

and yes there is a material in testing by governments that shadows human thermal sigs, cant remember the tv proggy but its in the making/testing stages.



Well-Known Member
Bad cop...No doughnut :finger: Yeah the fire dept has hand helds but there not good enough for the pigs to just drive down the street with they are close quarters units.....lots of firemen smokebongsmilie Its always something stupid that gets ya caught....lose lips sink ships...there is a reason thoses people don't live there, thats why they don't get caught you just call that one a loss and grow somewhere else. 200+ the fucking smell alone should have given it away....I'd prefer a bussiness front rather than a house in a res district....anyway that sucks :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeh i think theres a difference from 250 plants from to say a couple, i dont think would go out and waste there time looking for stoners who just grow to get high and make a lil money on the side maybe.


Well-Known Member
the flir cam only reads the outside surface temp of any building, it isnt x-ray vision, watch the police videos on tv involving car chases etc you can clearly see the heat being produced by the engine and tyres etc but on the flir image it cant even see the heat of the person sitting behind the wheel through the windscreen until it switches back to normal vision, the reason the big grows with hundreds of plants and multiple 1000w lights get busted is because all the heat is warming up the fabric of the building causing the building to show up on the flir screen like a sore thumb in comparison with neighbouring properties, the police then raid based on that heat annomoly and or other information theyve might have received, if you use hid lighting just keep the light away from any outside facing walls so the radiant heat cannot warm the wall up and be visible to the outside by flir, and just keep everything about your property "normal" looking, dont give any members of the public or your neighbours any reason to be suspicious and grass you up, this is how most grows are busted not flir, or someone that you have told about your grow all of a sudden deciding they dont like you anymore and dropping you in it, the police and the media hype up flir`s abilities to try and scare the growers into stopping growing, or not start in the first place, i live 20yards from a busy heliport and iv always got the copper chopper buzzing above my flat, it looks like a big wasp painted black and yellow, london police choppers are these new eurocopters supposedly with multimillion pound flir and other technology, i stand on my balcony night after night watching the copper chopper above my head and you can clearly see the flir camera coming on and off its a faint orange/amber glow on the underside of the helicopter, and iv been growing for nearly 7 years with two rooms one with a 600w hps the other with envirolites, and iv not had any probs from mr plod
there's ya scientific answer ;)


Well-Known Member
If I am not mistaken the police have to have some other kind of info in order to flir your house, they dont just go down the road checking everyones house.

My room is directly in the same portion of my house as the furnace A/C unit, so unless my little lights are putting out more heat than an OPEN FLAME that my furnace creates or the 120+ that the AC unit puts out Id say i'm safe. I dont think that FLIR ALONE is responsible for many busts. LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS.

A few years back there was a bust in a HIGH INCOME neighborhood ($1 to 5 Million price range) The reason they found it is because the dumb asses could afford a million dollar house but had to STEAL ELECTRICITY to run it all.


Well-Known Member
rofl yeah i remember the same thing. used too stop down in croydon ;-)

and yes there is a material in testing by governments that shadows human thermal sigs, cant remember the tv proggy but its in the making/testing stages.

i was driving through croydon earlier today :blsmoke: hasnt it changed! theres something similar on sale already, its called c3 adf (anti detection foil) whether it works or not i dont know, but i think its supposed to reflect 90% of the infra red back at the flir cam, i think anyway? its not that expensive and they sell it at greenfinger hydroponics in bermondsey if your local to there, heres the link if you like the sound of it ;-) C3 ADF sheet, London / Surrey - UK - Greenfinger Hydroponics


Well-Known Member
If I am not mistaken the police have to have some other kind of info in order to flir your house, they dont just go down the road checking everyones house.

My room is directly in the same portion of my house as the furnace A/C unit, so unless my little lights are putting out more heat than an OPEN FLAME that my furnace creates or the 120+ that the AC unit puts out Id say i'm safe. I dont think that FLIR ALONE is responsible for many busts. LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS.

A few years back there was a bust in a HIGH INCOME neighborhood ($1 to 5 Million price range) The reason they found it is because the dumb asses could afford a million dollar house but had to STEAL ELECTRICITY to run it all.
as far as i know thats the laws in the u.s, that they have to have another reason to flir scan your house, in the uk they dont need no excuses, they just scan away regardless, thats the other thing, when you see the police chases and other flir images on tv and the helicoptor is going over all the buildings it passes, even in the middle of winter you never see any heat annomolies from peoples furnaces, boilers hot water storage tanks etc, even though you know people will have their heating on full blast! and the inside of a boiler where the gas flames heat the water in the heat exchanger gets a dam sight hotter than any hps bulb!
same over here mate dumbasses setup huge really great grow ops in multimillion £ properties, and steal the lecky and get caught! theyre fucking it all up for everyone because everytime the police raid one of these drug factories as they call them, the police learn more and more about what us growers are doing and how were doing it, and because of this the police are finding more big grow ops everyday!


Well-Known Member
yeah moved from the big city into the country, decided me an misses had too go our own ways. she was a none smoker and well always moaned when i was blazed, but was ok for her too be blind drunk.

right back too my new cab :D i dumped the pc idea for a slightly bigger cab and Moreeeee lights


Aslan King

Active Member
My local is a najor city in Maryland. the local police can fly over and with their heat detector. May not be useful in court but they can find a reason to get a warrant. WE INSULATE EVERYTHING!:fire: