What the F... Happened


Well-Known Member
First of all I can honestly say that I love my country and what it stands for,but as of late I have been doubting my patriotism.I am what most would call a simple man,I go with the flow,I don't make waves,I pay my taxes and obey the laws others have made whether I agree or disagree and for the most part am a model citizen.But my problem is that who are these people making these laws and making decisions that that change peoples lives.forever.I have lost all faith in democracy because there is none.The people in office today have no idea what that word means nor do they care.As for our recent election of our next Pres. what a sham,we should all be embarrassed and I mean no disrespect to D.T. and am hoping that he does great things keep your fingers crossed.But really is that the best we could come up with Donald or Hillary to lead a nation our forefathers would roll over in their grave if they knew how the rights of the American people have been shit on by career politicians power hungry dickheads who have nobody's best interest in mind but their own.It seem like everyday that goes by we lose a little more freedom and pay a little more tax and if memory serves me right I believe that's how a revolution started about 200 plus years ago.Some people just don't get it.I guess what I'm trying to say is I think our government has failed us,too many decisions have been made for the good of a few and not a nation,the american people need to come up with something better than this a new kind of government I think the presidency is too big for one man or woman it should be the job of many and they should be held accountable for their actions maybe policed by some kind of peoples police or something like that .Do you feel what I'm trying to say here, these people are no different than you or I what gives them the right to treat us like puppets and strip our freedom away it makes me sick to think that these are the kind of people running America and it's a travesty
Holy wall of text Batman!!
First of all I can honestly say that I love my country and what it stands for,but as of late I have been doubting my patriotism.I am what most would call a simple man,I go with the flow,I don't make waves,I pay my taxes and obey the laws others have made whether I agree or disagree and for the most part am a model citizen.But my problem is that who are these people making these laws and making decisions that that change peoples lives.forever.I have lost all faith in democracy because there is none.The people in office today have no idea what that word means nor do they care.As for our recent election of our next Pres. what a sham,we should all be embarrassed and I mean no disrespect to D.T. and am hoping that he does great things keep your fingers crossed.But really is that the best we could come up with Donald or Hillary to lead a nation our forefathers would roll over in their grave if they knew how the rights of the American people have been shit on by career politicians power hungry dickheads who have nobody's best interest in mind but their own.It seem like everyday that goes by we lose a little more freedom and pay a little more tax and if memory serves me right I believe that's how a revolution started about 200 plus years ago.Some people just don't get it.I guess what I'm trying to say is I think our government has failed us,too many decisions have been made for the good of a few and not a nation,the american people need to come up with something better than this a new kind of government I think the presidency is too big for one man or woman it should be the job of many and they should be held accountable for their actions maybe policed by some kind of peoples police or something like that .Do you feel what I'm trying to say here, these people are no different than you or I what gives them the right to treat us like puppets and strip our freedom away it makes me sick to think that these are the kind of people running America and it's a travesty

Did you vote, newcomer?

Hippee reminds me of @tampee, any relation?
First of all I can honestly say that I love my country and what it stands for,but as of late I have been doubting my patriotism.I am what most would call a simple man,I go with the flow,I don't make waves,I pay my taxes and obey the laws others have made whether I agree or disagree and for the most part am a model citizen.But my problem is that who are these people making these laws and making decisions that that change peoples lives.forever.I have lost all faith in democracy because there is none.The people in office today have no idea what that word means nor do they care.As for our recent election of our next Pres. what a sham,we should all be embarrassed and I mean no disrespect to D.T. and am hoping that he does great things keep your fingers crossed.But really is that the best we could come up with Donald or Hillary to lead a nation our forefathers would roll over in their grave if they knew how the rights of the American people have been shit on by career politicians power hungry dickheads who have nobody's best interest in mind but their own.It seem like everyday that goes by we lose a little more freedom and pay a little more tax and if memory serves me right I believe that's how a revolution started about 200 plus years ago.Some people just don't get it.I guess what I'm trying to say is I think our government has failed us,too many decisions have been made for the good of a few and not a nation,the american people need to come up with something better than this a new kind of government I think the presidency is too big for one man or woman it should be the job of many and they should be held accountable for their actions maybe policed by some kind of peoples police or something like that .Do you feel what I'm trying to say here, these people are no different than you or I what gives them the right to treat us like puppets and strip our freedom away it makes me sick to think that these are the kind of people running America and it's a travesty

The POTUS doesnt handle the position by himself/herself; hasn't for a very long time. He/she has The House, Senate and former POTUS to blame all the fuckups on. He or she doesnt have to worry too much about making decisions. The decisions are made by lobbyists, special interests and bone deep corruption. All the POTUS has to do is stand up front as a mouthpiece to convince sheeples decisions being made are in our best interest. It makes no difference who is elected they are all bought and paid for my someone.
History "always" repeats itself. All great Nations fall.
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First of all I can honestly say that I love my country and what it stands for,but as of late I have been doubting my patriotism.I am what most would call a simple man,I go with the flow,I don't make waves,I pay my taxes and obey the laws others have made whether I agree or disagree and for the most part am a model citizen.But my problem is that who are these people making these laws and making decisions that that change peoples lives.forever.I have lost all faith in democracy because there is none.The people in office today have no idea what that word means nor do they care.As for our recent election of our next Pres. what a sham,we should all be embarrassed and I mean no disrespect to D.T. and am hoping that he does great things keep your fingers crossed.But really is that the best we could come up with Donald or Hillary to lead a nation our forefathers would roll over in their grave if they knew how the rights of the American people have been shit on by career politicians power hungry dickheads who have nobody's best interest in mind but their own.It seem like everyday that goes by we lose a little more freedom and pay a little more tax and if memory serves me right I believe that's how a revolution started about 200 plus years ago.Some people just don't get it.I guess what I'm trying to say is I think our government has failed us,too many decisions have been made for the good of a few and not a nation,the american people need to come up with something better than this a new kind of government I think the presidency is too big for one man or woman it should be the job of many and they should be held accountable for their actions maybe policed by some kind of peoples police or something like that .Do you feel what I'm trying to say here, these people are no different than you or I what gives them the right to treat us like puppets and strip our freedom away it makes me sick to think that these are the kind of people running America and it's a travesty
That is a lot of words for a very few ideas. Why don't you tell us about all the freedoms you have lost and all the taxes that have pushed you to the brink of revolt?
First of all I can honestly say that I love my country and what it stands for,but as of late I have been doubting my patriotism.I am what most would call a simple man,I go with the flow,I don't make waves,I pay my taxes and obey the laws others have made whether I agree or disagree and for the most part am a model citizen.But my problem is that who are these people making these laws and making decisions that that change peoples lives.forever.I have lost all faith in democracy because there is none.The people in office today have no idea what that word means nor do they care.As for our recent election of our next Pres. what a sham,we should all be embarrassed and I mean no disrespect to D.T. and am hoping that he does great things keep your fingers crossed.But really is that the best we could come up with Donald or Hillary to lead a nation our forefathers would roll over in their grave if they knew how the rights of the American people have been shit on by career politicians power hungry dickheads who have nobody's best interest in mind but their own.It seem like everyday that goes by we lose a little more freedom and pay a little more tax and if memory serves me right I believe that's how a revolution started about 200 plus years ago.Some people just don't get it.I guess what I'm trying to say is I think our government has failed us,too many decisions have been made for the good of a few and not a nation,the american people need to come up with something better than this a new kind of government I think the presidency is too big for one man or woman it should be the job of many and they should be held accountable for their actions maybe policed by some kind of peoples police or something like that .Do you feel what I'm trying to say here, these people are no different than you or I what gives them the right to treat us like puppets and strip our freedom away it makes me sick to think that these are the kind of people running America and it's a travesty
I feel what you are trying to say maybe a little, I guess. But really -- "I think the presidency is too big for one man or woman it should be the job of many and they should be held accountable for their actions maybe policed by some kind of peoples police or something like that.".

That sounds like the original idea behind the division of power in the constitution doesn't it? This idea was rejected by the middle aged conservative white voting block of this country by the imposition of President Donald Trump on the majority. A wannabe dictator was voted in. Prior to that, GOP Congress ceded its role in governance and forced Obama to govern by presidential order, which only increased the power of the president. These developments are all useful to the kleptocracy or oligarchy who rule behind the scene. This train wreck has been coming for some time now, first with right wing propaganda radio that served the billionaire kleptocrats and now the subversion of social media by the same.

I'm not embarrassed by the recent election. I look to the conservative middle aged white voting block as the cause of that. I take no ownership for their actions.
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I feel what you are trying to say maybe a little, I guess. But really -- "I think the presidency is too big for one man or woman it should be the job of many and they should be held accountable for their actions maybe policed by some kind of peoples police or something like that.".

That sounds like the original idea behind the division of power in the constitution doesn't it? This idea was rejected by the middle aged white voting block of this country by the imposition of President Donald Trump on the majority. A wannabe dictator was voted in. Prior to that, GOP Congress ceded its role in governance and forced Obama to govern by presidential order, which only increased the power of the president. These developments are all useful to the kleptocracy or oligarchy who rule behind the scene. This train wreck has been coming for some time now, first with right wing propaganda radio that served the billionaire kleptocrats and now the subversion of social media by the same.

I'm not embarrassed by the recent election. I look to the middle aged white voting block as the cause of that. I take no ownership for their actions.
Lol.....There is sooo much misleading bullshit in this comment I don't know where to start. " right wing propaganda radio"?...You as many others do pick and choose your poison and fail to admit the poison is all around us on both sides, or should I say the total corruption of the United States. it is beyond disturbing to see so many mislead people that have chosen sides in which both sides are destroying this nation. The reason they are destroying this country is because the people are so fucked up and entrenched in taking "the sides," of an absolute corrupt government and has lost focus on what is really important. Most folks who have chosen a side do not even get involved in the process and vote. They come up with all types of excuses; then bitch, complain and fight with others about something they elected not to get directly involved in. Fuck the democrats and fuck the republicans. Both Sides are corrupt and in the process of destroying this country. We will implode within, we don't need to worry about threats abroad nearly as much as our own leadership. Game Over!
First of all I can honestly say that I love my country and what it stands for,but as of late I have been doubting my patriotism.I am what most would call a simple man,I go with the flow,I don't make waves,I pay my taxes and obey the laws others have made whether I agree or disagree and for the most part am a model citizen.But my problem is that who are these people making these laws and making decisions that that change peoples lives.forever.I have lost all faith in democracy because there is none.The people in office today have no idea what that word means nor do they care.As for our recent election of our next Pres. what a sham,we should all be embarrassed and I mean no disrespect to D.T. and am hoping that he does great things keep your fingers crossed.But really is that the best we could come up with Donald or Hillary to lead a nation our forefathers would roll over in their grave if they knew how the rights of the American people have been shit on by career politicians power hungry dickheads who have nobody's best interest in mind but their own.It seem like everyday that goes by we lose a little more freedom and pay a little more tax and if memory serves me right I believe that's how a revolution started about 200 plus years ago.Some people just don't get it.I guess what I'm trying to say is I think our government has failed us,too many decisions have been made for the good of a few and not a nation,the american people need to come up with something better than this a new kind of government I think the presidency is too big for one man or woman it should be the job of many and they should be held accountable for their actions maybe policed by some kind of peoples police or something like that .Do you feel what I'm trying to say here, these people are no different than you or I what gives them the right to treat us like puppets and strip our freedom away it makes me sick to think that these are the kind of people running America and it's a travesty
Good OP
Lol.....There is sooo much misleading bullshit in this comment I don't know where to start. " right wing propaganda radio"?...You as many others do pick and choose your poison and fail to admit the poison is all around us on both sides, or should I say the total corruption of the United States. it is beyond disturbing to see so many mislead people that have chosen sides in which both sides are destroying this nation. The reason they are destroying this country is because the people are so fucked up and entrenched in taking "the sides," of an absolute corrupt government and has lost focus on what is really important. Most folks who have chosen a side do not even get involved in the process and vote. They come up with all types of excuses; then bitch, complain and fight with others about something they elected not to get directly involved in. Fuck the democrats and fuck the republicans. Both Sides are corrupt and in the process of destroying this country. We will implode within, we don't need to worry about threats abroad nearly as much as our own leadership. Game Over!
Don't like hearing people calling Limbaugh and his ilk propagandists? Too bad. That's what the word means. If you don't like hearing it, maybe you should retreat to a conservative safe space like Stormfront. LOL

To equivocate the crap that Fox News, Breitbart and right wing talk radio vomit out with other sources of information is false. I take it that you are part of the conservative white voting block that put Rump in power. Or maybe you "sent a message by not voting or voting for a 3rd party". In which case you still helped put Benedict Donald in power. And the majority of people in this country aren't fooled by your sources of propaganda. Not their fault either. Nope, the uneducated conservative white middle aged voting block is to blame. So fuck off with this "we are all to blame" crap.

Nope, not my fault one bit.

You were shagged.