I'm voting for McCain....

fuck mc cain but i want to fuck paulin

There's only one way you can do that, sonny. Work with Todd Palin (Sarah's husband) on the North Slope for a year in 50 below weather, race, and beat him, in the annual 2000 mile snow machine race, which he has won four times, then out hunt and out fish him for a year. His annual salmon take is 100,000 pounds. Have you ever field-dressed a caribou or a moose? Then build your own home, be a great husband to a beautiful, accomplished wife and be a great Dad to five children and support them all in great style.

That's the kind of man who gets Sarah Palin. Think you can measure up? :blsmoke:

I wouldn't fuck her with your dick:

mccains wife could be superwoman too. if all those pills she takes gave her superwoman strength. just wish shed legalize them for us. since shes takes them all year, fuckin addict.
There's only one way you can do that, sonny. Work with Todd Palin (Sarah's husband) on the North Slope for a year in 50 below weather, race, and beat him, in the annual 2000 mile snow machine race, which he has won four times, then out hunt and out fish him for a year. His annual salmon take is 100,000 pounds. Have you ever field-dressed a caribou or a moose? Then build your own home, be a great husband to a beautiful, accomplished wife and be a great Dad to five children and support them all in great style.

That's the kind of man who gets Sarah Palin. Think you can measure up? :blsmoke:

i was very proficient at hunting humans in many extreme climates and a lot of tax dollars went to train me, however children scare the shit out of me.

I wouldn't fuck her with your dick:
but i'd fuck her with yours...

What's the use? Cracking through the cemented shut brains in this forum is impossible.

no its not, just takes determination..
Anybody see Matt Damon saying that Palin is like a really bad Disney movie...........

Youtube it bitchez........

P.S Palin is a joke , hahahahahahahahaah oh wait... FUCK this thing is for real
