Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
I was still seeing a few whiteflies fucking about when I brushed against the plants so they all got hosed this evening with a strong dose (2 tbs) of chili sauce (coupla mouth burners) mixed with water and a few drops of soap + some LAB in the spray bottle. Fuck off cunts
Go get em' VN, LOL.............I'm battling fruit fly ATM, not a pest as such but bloody annoying. I've found that they're extremely partial to the same wine I'm addicted to. So my grow room is now covered in empty wine bottles with pierced lids and they're working great, only been doing it a few days and I've already noticed the numbers significantly reduced....................gotta cut down on the wine though, blew work out today cos' I nailed 2 bottles while re-potting my seedlings last night. Gonna have to go in on Sunday instead now to drag the time back.

sandhill larry

Well-Known Member
lol..i thought that until my neighbor died of throat cancer...not a nice way to go, but theres the vaccine now so just make sure the girl has had the jab & its happy days!
My cousin's husband has been fighting throat cancer for a couple years now. He has just got to where he can eat some solid food again. I'm sure he ate some pussy in his time, but he also smoked and drank whiskey, two of the leading causes of throat cancer.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Don't want throat cancer, well don't smoke fucking cancer sticks for one and don't be pouring poision down your gullet for 2. Don't put any tobacco in your mouth of any kind 3. Sure there are a few other things NOT to do, but they don't include not eating pussy I know that