Trimming Machines, and the Ultratrimmer

$700 retail in the hydro store in northern Alberta where I ordered close to a grand of stuff a few months ago. TrimPro has it for $550 Canadian on their website.

I put probably 4 times more than 4-5 golfball sized buds in and I'm sure it could do more. I toss the popcorn in there too and it gets nicely minced. I dry that stuff slowly so it gets rid of the green and makes better cocobudder etc. Might water cure some and see how that works for cocobudder.

I like lots of high grade trim for keif, BHO and the cocobudder. I mix BHO with keif to make a nice black hash. When was the last time you hot-knifed some decent hash? :)


The price sticker is still on the trimmer and it was $599.95 not $700 as I thought. I got it for $299 + GST. No sales tax here in AB.

Trimming sucks ass enough. Without beer and tunes it would be unbearable
I love trimming. Ive never trimmed while drinking beer though. How many beers do you usually drink in a trimming session? Like if someone needs you to put in a 11 hour shift for them, how many beers will you drink?
What about hand held electric wet and dry trimmers? Who has any opinions on these?

They seem a good compromise between big machines and hand trimming, but it would be nice to hear from people who have experience with them.
I love my bonsai heros..