Government claims it owns children, threatens 2nd mom with jail

Polio is a progressive disease.
That's like a super subtle FDR joke isn't it ?
Haven't been to Walmart in awhile have you ?

No, but seriously, if the goal behind the forced vaccines is for the government "to save lives". How is doing a forced liposuction not aligned with the goals of the vaccine Nazi ?

You have zero medical knowledge. Go to school and come back to argue this after you have a basic understanding of biology and medical science. Until then you have NO ticket to this argument. Stop showing your ignorance it should be embarrassing to you if you knew how ignorant you sound.

The USPHS is an arm of the US military for a reason. Do some research (please use reputable sources).

Everyone else, get your kids vaccinated. No, they won't get autism, herd immunity is a good thing, illiterate conspiracy theorists are a bad thing.
You have zero medical knowledge. Go to school and come back to argue this after you have a basic understanding of biology and medical science. Until then you have NO ticket to this argument. Stop showing your ignorance it should be embarrassing to you if you knew how ignorant you sound.

The USPHS is an arm of the US military for a reason. Do some research (please use reputable sources).

Everyone else, get your kids vaccinated. No, they won't get autism, herd immunity is a good thing, illiterate conspiracy theorists are a bad thing.
Polio is a progressive disease. A very good friend of mine has been paralyzed by it for 50 years and it is still progressing gradually taking away his ability to breath.

The creepy NAMBLA president OP is at it again.

He doesn't want children vaccinated, he just wants them to be able to legally consent to sex.

I want people to have the individual option of consenting ( or not) before somebody else sticks something in their body.

You do realize that it's contradictory to on one hand to express contempt for nonconsensual contact and then also be for it on the other hand?

I hope your schizophrenia relents soon.
Haven't been to Walmart in awhile have you ?

No, but seriously, if the goal behind the forced vaccines is for the government "to save lives". How is doing a forced liposuction not aligned with the goals of the vaccine Nazi ?

your way behind's cool sculpting now. you no longer have to risk lipo. they took a procedure for freezing cancer cells which liquid removal through lymph system, realized it works on fat and voila`!
your way behind's cool sculpting now. you no longer have to risk lipo. they took a procedure for freezing cancer cells which liquid removal through lymph system, realized it works on fat and voila`!

So I should put down the scalpel and the Electrolux ?
Polio is a progressive disease. A very good friend of mine has been paralyzed by it for 50 years and it is still progressing gradually taking away his ability to breath.
Yes, it's called Post-Polio syndrome. I was pointing out his ridiculous reply to you as ignorant. Taking his reply out of context would not make sense.
I personally have a neighbor that got messed up by a mrsa vaccine required by his work. My questions are if it's been made into a law to force vaccination is it really for the safety of the individual or for the profits of the corporations supplying the vaccines.
I personally have a neighbor that got messed up by a mrsa vaccine required by his work. My questions are if it's been made into a law to force vaccination is it really for the safety of the individual or for the profits of the corporations supplying the vaccines.
Could you tell me the name of the company that requires this alleged vaccine and the name of the actual vaccine and company that produces it, please.

Until you can do that this is what I know of the search for a S.A. vaccine:
Oh, I thought the point was "saving lives". I notice you didn't answer my question.
a bad diet only effects the person eating it. a child with an infectious disease is a threat to many other people. that why we quarantine them. are you unable to tell the difference between protecting the population from n outside threat and protecting a person from yourself? if your a 500 pound junk food addict it does not affect me. but if you have Ebola than I want the government to keep you away from me so that I do not get infected. your argument is absurd. anything can be carried to an absurd extreme but that not a rational argument against anything