22 million americans have lost health care under trump


Well-Known Member
CHIP left unfunded = 9 million kids lose health care

repeal of individual mandate snuck into GOP tax scam = 13 million people lose health care

meanwhile, premiums have started to o up faster than at any time in american history. under obama, they went up slower than any other time in american history.

you trumptards feel blessed yet?


Well-Known Member
At this precise moment, nobody has lost health care coverage.

Drama queen much?

Oh wait...it's you. Of course you do.

Will people lose coverage in the future? Yes. Has anybody lost it now? No.

It's exaggerating drama queens like you on both sides that fuck this country completely up.


Well-Known Member
At this precise moment, nobody has lost health care coverage.

Drama queen much?

Oh wait...it's you. Of course you do.

Will people lose coverage in the future? Yes. Has anybody lost it now? No.

It's exaggerating drama queens like you on both sides that fuck this country completely up.
According to most sources, 9 million children have either already lost or are going to lose their healthcare benefits because of CHIP going unfunded.

According to most sources, 13 million people will lose their healthcare in the very near future due to the tax bill individual mandate clause.

Where is the exaggeration?

Why are you not smart?


Stop being not smart. Try harder to be smart.


Well-Known Member
The law hasn't even taken effect yet, dumbasses. The president hasn't even signed the fucking bill yet, so it is NOT EVEN IN EFFECT YET.

Nobody has lost a god damned thing.


Well-Known Member
You have shitty insurance. Has costs gone up? Sure. Doubled? No. If it has then what you have is a company that is simply screwing you over by paying less of a share of your policy, cherry picking benefits for themselves, increasing your out of pocket for lower coverage so they can have better coverage for themselves, and then they blame Obama for it and you're too stupid to see what they're doing.


Well-Known Member
My healthcare "nearly" doubled after ACA went into effect and I had to pay out of pocket for anything and everything including routine doctor visits until my deductible was met, prior to the ACA it only cost me $20 per visit and I only paid a percentage of procedures I had until the deductible was met.
mind if i ask what state you live in?

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
My healthcare "nearly" doubled after ACA went into effect and I had to pay out of pocket for anything and everything including routine doctor visits until my deductible was met, prior to the ACA it only cost me $20 per visit and I only paid a percentage of procedures I had until the deductible was met.
Youre too fucking stupid to make a good purchase decision. The evidence is all over riu, youre a common fucking idiot.


Well-Known Member
My healthcare "nearly" doubled after ACA went into effect and I had to pay out of pocket for anything and everything including routine doctor visits until my deductible was met, prior to the ACA it only cost me $20 per visit and I only paid a percentage of procedures I had until the deductible was met.
prove it. scan your docs, black out your info and post it.