First grow looking for advice


Well-Known Member
My 2¢ :

1. Feeding is pretty close and not bad ... Minor tip burn and claw .
2. Ph water and feeds to 6.5
3. Add a little CALMAG to her watering - showing trace problem ( early )
4. EXPECT it to double / triple in size ( Sativa lean )
5. SUPERCROP/ stem pinch / LST ( to shape her )
6. Pinch off the very small growth at base stem areas
7. Rotate her periodically ( light may not be enough )
8. Water only when dry ... Led grows don't dry as fast ( transpire )
9. When sex begins to show , begin a slight wind down in veg ( nitro ) nutes as she begins to CHANGE stage of growth .... Keep a veg feed for first week or two of flower as she will use nitro for branching and stretch .....
10. When you are in week 2 of ACTUAL FLOWER start the bloom nutes .
11. She will stretch / set up bud sites / then slow .
12. Expect a longer finish with Sativa heavy strains

On and on .... She looks fine to me . Leaves will droop when watered , when " saturated " with light , when going into a resting state , overfeeding , and other reasons .

Good luck


My 2¢ :

1. Feeding is pretty close and not bad ... Minor tip burn and claw .
2. Ph water and feeds to 6.5
3. Add a little CALMAG to her watering - showing trace problem ( early )
4. EXPECT it to double / triple in size ( Sativa lean )
5. SUPERCROP/ stem pinch / LST ( to shape her )
6. Pinch off the very small growth at base stem areas
7. Rotate her periodically ( light may not be enough )
8. Water only when dry ... Led grows don't dry as fast ( transpire )
9. When sex begins to show , begin a slight wind down in veg ( nitro ) nutes as she begins to CHANGE stage of growth .... Keep a veg feed for first week or two of flower as she will use nitro for branching and stretch .....
10. When you are in week 2 of ACTUAL FLOWER start the bloom nutes .
11. She will stretch / set up bud sites / then slow .
12. Expect a longer finish with Sativa heavy strains

On and on .... She looks fine to me . Leaves will droop when watered , when " saturated " with light , when going into a resting state , overfeeding , and other reasons .

Good luck
Thanks for your input I appreciate it!