Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

Has anyone called a dispensary to see if the provisional access program is in effect today?

Good question. Even though it appears that the state hasn't sent out any provisional access paperwork to applicants, I wonder if dispensaries have been notified that it begins today and given instructions on how to deal with it. The way I read the law, the dispensaries will need to access the state's database to confirm each provisional access patient's presence in the state's system before allowing access to their medicine.

I suppose the best way to find out the answer is to call a dispensary and ask...
I just got off phone with dispensere they said they are still waiting on some info but it will probably be by January15 and you will probably have to mail stuff in id and so forth
I just got off phone with dispensere they said they are still waiting on some info but it will probably be by January15 and you will probably have to mail stuff in id and so forth

So are you saying that the dispensary told you that there's more paperwork for provisional access in addition to the application that has already been submitted to obtain the card?
So are you saying that the dispensary told you that there's more paperwork for provisional access in addition to the application that has already been submitted to obtain the card?[/QUOT
Thats what they said more paperwork that had to be filled out and sending in copy of ID
I just got off phone with dispensere they said they are still waiting on some info but it will probably be by January15 and you will probably have to mail stuff in id and so forth

Basically a "your guess is as good as ours" answer.
Your ID is already sent in with the application.

January 15 tells me they need to investigate this IDPH crew and governor. That is the day after the new governor and head of IDPH take office. It surely is a good guess the way they've been.
But in the law there is no excuse for provisional to wait.

The way I read the law, the dispensaries will need to access the state's database to confirm each provisional access patient's presence in the state's system before allowing access to their medicine.

Already there at the bottom of the online application page, and I think dispensaries already do that for first time patients. The only difference is checking the validity of the QP# each time with the document.
I registered on the IDPH MCPP website last night even though I mailed my application. Tried to start/cont. the registration and got the “due to the license you have with IDPH...” thing. I know I’m grasping at straws but Chicity2323 said he could always start a new app until his check cashed. So I’m thinking you only get this when the app has been processed. If so, I’m processed and will hear something soon. Timeline is MCO 8/31 told app received ~9/15. Is anyone about month from mailing in application? You could register at MCPP and test this theory.
January 15 tells me they need to investigate this IDPH crew and governor.

January 15 tells me that's just how the real world works. I don't see any malicious conduct by IDPH here, and I don't think your hyperbolic calls for investigations are realistic or productive. The new regulations are coming, probably on Monday. The dispensaries need to be trained by IDPH on how the provisional access verification is going to work. No matter how simple you think these things are, they do take some time. January 15 (or 1/1 as I predicted earlier) is a perfectly reasonable timeframe given real-world considerations.

I know it's popular to dump on IDPH (and they do deserve some share of criticism), but I've yet to see IDPH drop the ball on provisional access. Let's see what happens next.
9/12 sent by mail
9/14 recieved. (Weekend)
9/17 date that state said it was received (Monday)
11/30 called and state said app is currently processing (probably waiting for check to clear)
12/1 Check cashed today
1-2 more weeks hopefully
January 15 tells me that's just how the real world works. I don't see any malicious conduct by IDPH here, and I don't think your hyperbolic calls for investigations are realistic or productive. The new regulations are coming, probably on Monday. The dispensaries need to be trained by IDPH on how the provisional access verification is going to work. No matter how simple you think these things are, they do take some time. January 15 (or 1/1 as I predicted earlier) is a perfectly reasonable timeframe given real-world considerations.

I know it's popular to dump on IDPH (and they do deserve some share of criticism), but I've yet to see IDPH drop the ball on provisional access. Let's see what happens next.

January 15th actually tells me that's someone's guess based on the changing of the guard, not reality. Just like January 1st is based on a guess (it also ignores that it is a state/federal holiday). Either of those dates for me are calls for investigation because they do not say need, they say someone's desire. 1/15 shows that this administration is the reason for the delay.
Guesses of December 19th or January 7th says that's how long it will take and aren't just convenient dates.

You didn't go look for the license verification did you? It's already there. It's already in use.
I was told to plan on a little extra time my first visit to get me into the system. They have to have this system already in place to watch that you don't go over your 2.5oz limit. The card is not magic, the QP# is what matters. The reason the provisional QP# needs checked every time is because it is not full approval.

Not having the emergency rule submitted "by December 1st" is dropping the ball. Not getting cards out in 30 days as the previous law requires is dropping the ball. Originally issuing a rule about mmj that was a gun ban is dropping the ball. Never allowing any conditions to be added as the law stated is dropping the ball. The assortment of high licensing costs we've seen is dropping the ball. Trying to sell the idea of 3 year licenses because they would save the patient $1500 a year over renewing every year wasn't only dropping the ball it was a scam.

Not getting licenses to people before they died is not only dropping the ball it is possibly criminal and why there should be an investigation to see if the delay is intentional because someone doesn't like cannabis.
I don't even think cannabis is a miracle cure all that would've saved anyone's life, but those people will never know because of unnecessary delays. Nothing takes 90 days to approve in the days of internet. That is simply a waiting period.
Nothing takes 90 days to approve in the days of internet.

Ha! You obviously never applied for a building permit in the City of Chicago. That took almost six months!

I'm not saying it's right; but its a fact and it's not because the permit department hates construction projects. Sometimes that's just how government works. Should we investigate the permit department?

Bottom line: I respect your opinion, but I think most of your criticisms of the IDPH are overstated. We do, however, agree that there's definitely room for improvement, and I'll leave it at that.
I think everyone is losing focus here. Every state is different and all went through growing pains. It’s very easy to criticize. Especially the state of Illinois. But until you’re an Illinois legislative official working on these bills. Or just a state worker at IDPH. You really have no perspective. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink. Fact is we are out of the starting gate. And it’s a marathon not a sprint. I hate all the bureaucracy as much as everyone else, but I’m glad they’re working on it. Keep it up Illinois. Make it the best you can. Not what’s best for me or the next person, but as mutually beneficial and convenient for all Illinois residents as it can.
Ha! You obviously never applied for a building permit in the City of Chicago. That took almost six months!

I'm not saying it's right; but its a fact and it's not because the permit department hates construction projects. Sometimes that's just how government works. Should we investigate the permit department?

Bottom line: I respect your opinion, but I think most of your criticisms of the IDPH are overstated. We do, however, agree that there's definitely room for improvement, and I'll leave it at that.
I think medicine and building permit should never be used to compare....come on
I take so many meds for PTSD. I've bought off the street once in my life after applying for the medical program.

It was so nice to take a break for the medications I am on. I wasn't sure about all this till I tried it, but I am now a believer.