Trump is going to lose in November

If you think about it Burnet the guy who produced and "discovered" Donald, used Donald and his mental illness like Donald is using Kayne West, with is illness. Donald was dealing with a Hollywood producer and corporate lawyers, he didn't have much control obviously or he would have fucked things up at light speed.
so, maybe Trump pleads his case through the Kardashian tv show? Or maybe he gets his own spot on E! ? What would he name it? Maybe something like "Here comes Dictator Donald" or perhaps "Trump's Yuuge Stolen Election"?
As long as trump has access to Twitter, he will be in control of the Republican party, president or not.
No cellphones in prison and the judge will have him muzzled after arraignment, he will violate the court order and will end up in jail awaiting trial. His rivals for power in the republican party will be all for it, secretly of course. Donald looks like he will cause the republicans massive down ballot damage and cost them the senate with seats to spare. Some of the newly unemployed republicans might resent the fact they are off the gravy train and on the street come January 1st.

Those who hit the streets to free Donald might be shocked at the reaction of their fellow citizens, who have had quite enough of this bullshit. A big Biden win will see many cops worried about their futures and if they want to go all in for Donald it will be a path of no return.
I think they’ll still be afraid of him, each separately, personally.
He's got something over the republiscat members of congress. My guess is that it concerns money laundering through the NRA of Russian money and illegal campaign contributions to all of them. This fealty to him has to be driven by money. Morals and ethics go out the window when it comes to money.
No cellphones in prison and the judge will have him muzzled after arraignment, he will violate the court order and will end up in jail awaiting trial. His rivals for power in the republican party will be all for it, secretly of course. Donald looks like he will cause the republicans massive down ballot damage and cost them the senate with seats to spare. Some of the newly unemployed republicans might resent the fact they are off the gravy train and on the street come January 1st.

Those who hit the streets to free Donald might be shocked at the reaction of their fellow citizens, who have had quite enough of this bullshit. A big Biden win will see many cops worried about their futures and if they want to go all in for Donald it will be a path of no return.
We’ll see in a few days, I guess
We’ll see in a few days, I guess
Yep, this is almost as good as watching hockey in slow motion, second biggest sport in Canada. We have skin in the game so it makes it more interesting and terrifying too, guaranteed to get yer attention. I think Biden and the democrats are gonna win, the questions will be by how much and when will we know.

This elections has many novel factors, like Trump and covid, I hope it will be a landslide, a mandate and a repudiation of Trump and Trumpism. The elephant might not die this time, it will trash around for a spell, 2022 might see the end of it though after this shit sinks in and Joe beats back covid quick. Some regions of the country might be quarantined though, if they refuse to tow the line. Those red states that manage to hold onto power this time will face powerful grass roots organizations in their own states next time around, this will not be forgotten.
Yep, this is almost as good as watching hockey in slow motion, second biggest sport in Canada. We have skin in the game so it makes it more interesting and terrifying too, guaranteed to get yer attention. I think Biden and the democrats are gonna win, the questions will be by how much and when will we know.
I think so too but I’m not celebrating until it’s a done deal. Should be interesting tomorrow night and I expect lots of drama.

I love Election nights. The Super Bowl for geeks.
I think so too but I’m not celebrating until it’s a done deal.
Regardless of who sits in the round room, more than 4 in 10 of our neighbors to the south support Trump and his beliefs. The election is one, albeit very important, battle in the war for the future identity of the USA. A sigh of relief is all I'll feel if Trump is turfed, there will be no celebration. What lies ahead cannot be known, and even with the best of intentions a lot of damage must be repaired before moving forward.
Regardless of who sits in the round room, more than 4 in 10 of our neighbors to the south support Trump and his beliefs. The election is one, albeit very important, battle in the war for the future identity of the USA. A sigh of relief is all I'll feel if Trump is turfed, there will be no celebration. What lies ahead cannot be known, and even with the best of intentions a lot of damage must be repaired before moving forward.
Agree 100% but you gotta start somewhere and getting rid of trump is a good beginning.
I think so too but I’m not celebrating until it’s a done deal. Should be interesting tomorrow night and I expect lots of drama.

I love Election nights. The Super Bowl for geeks.
Elections shape the future and I hope the Americans sculpt a good one, who is in power and the forces that control them make the difference between utopia or dystopia. This period of polarization is a good thing in IMHO, the choice is now stark, basic and classical, right vs wrong, good vs evil, so simple that even a Trumper has no excuse. It's all about hate and fear with them, no ideology, most have no idea what a liberal actually is, and they are surer than shit are not conservatives.

If you removed the racists and bigots from the republican party, who would be left? Most say they are not racist and many even believe it, but the facts say otherwise and Donald has left them fully exposed for who they really are.
Regardless of who sits in the round room, more than 4 in 10 of our neighbors to the south support Trump and his beliefs. The election is one, albeit very important, battle in the war for the future identity of the USA. A sigh of relief is all I'll feel if Trump is turfed, there will be no celebration. What lies ahead cannot be known, and even with the best of intentions a lot of damage must be repaired before moving forward.
I think Trump revealed much to America about itself and made it face some painful realities. Sure these people will be around for awhile, but their numbers diminish among whites every year, as old voters die and new ones are minted with a different attitude. We have such people in Canada too, but they have no political home and are powerless in the wilderness, in America they currently have a powerful voice, soon I feel they will be in the wilderness too.

If the democrats have a breakthrough this election and Joe manages covid and rights the nation in six months, it will change a lot of hearts and minds. Many of the republican electoral advantages will be removed and state houses are expected to go democratic in a big way too, redistricting is next year. After breakthrough comes exploitation and statehood for Puerto Rico and DC, 4 more senate seats and more democratic presidential ECV's. Then there is the question of disinformation and Foxnews breaking existing law and regulation, the AM broadcast band can be reassigned to digital and the equal time doctrine reinstituted, good bye hate radio. Face book and other social media companies over a certain size threshold can be regulated like broadcasters, they reach more people.

The whole republican power structure could come crashing down in many states, they will be in the streets this time and they are the minority and will stay that way. The republican party is about to become the post Trump Qnon party, filled with unelectable morons.
I think Trump revealed much to America about itself and made it face some painful realities. Sure these people will be around for awhile, but their numbers diminish among whites every year, as old voters die and new ones are minted with a different attitude.
It is something to hope for, but I don't think it's as simple as "almost all the racists are old".

To illustrate, I've been a member of this MMA forum for over 10 years. There is a sister, non-MMA forum that links from the same page. Five years ago the non-mma board was conservative, but still represented both sides. Non-mma posts on the mma forum were jeered.

Now, the non-mma board is a virulent nest of conservative hate and the mma board(as with many aspects of life) has also been mostly taken over by those people.
As I'm sure you can imagine, MMA's fan demographic skews young. Rest assured, there is a large segment of a new generation who have grown up hearing and believing hateful lies, who think name-calling and doxing is an acceptable way to express their political views.

There is a very long and very difficult road ahead. I hope the people are up to the task.
It is something to hope for, but I don't think it's as simple as "almost all the racists are old".

To illustrate, I've been a member of this MMA forum for over 10 years. There is a sister, non-MMA forum that links from the same page. Five years ago the non-mma board was conservative, but still represented both sides. Non-mma posts on the mma forum were jeered.

Now, the non-mma board is a virulent nest of conservative hate and the mma board(as with many aspects of life) has also been mostly taken over by those people.
As I'm sure you can imagine, MMA's fan demographic skews young. Rest assured, there is a large segment of a new generation who have grown up hearing and believing hateful lies, who think name-calling and doxing is an acceptable way to express their political views.

There is a very long and very difficult road ahead. I hope the people are up to the task.
I agree, the family hatred, the curse passed from father to son has lessened as did the influence of local culture. The media has more influence on establishing base "feelings" during development a subconscious picture of how the world "should be". The generations of Americans raised on modern TV see black people as people and not as stereotypes like their parents did. America is changing the BLM protests proved this with massive white youth support in the streets and this time at least at the polls. Don't overlook the youth vote this time, their future is on the line more than most, they don't usually show up, but they are this time.

Like Islamic terrorist's the danger now comes from disinformation, propaganda and indoctrination. America has allowed alternate realities to emerge in the mainstream, informational bubbles reinforced with confirmation bias automatically amplified by social media algorithms. Young men are particularly vulnerable to this manipulation and bullshit. Look for a lot of lone wolf attacks as these shits engage in asymmetric warfare, suicide bombers and all. They are on the losing side of history and know it, many will be preparing for them in 2022, this shit ends starting tomorrow and make no mistake tomorrow is just the start of the end for them.
This article contains 538's best halloween story, late but still frightening.

So let’s state a few basic facts: The reasons that President Trump’s chances in our forecast are about 10 percent and not zero:

  • As in 2016, Trump could potentially benefit from the Electoral College. Projected margins in the tipping-point states are considerably tighter than the margins in the national popular vote.
  • More specifically, Joe Biden’s lead in Pennsylvania — the most likely tipping-point state, according to our forecast — is solid but not spectacular: about 5 points in our polling average.
  • Without Pennsylvania, Biden does have some paths to victory, but there’s no one alternative state he can feel especially secure about.
  • While a lot of theories about why Trump can win (e.g., those about “shy” Trump voters) are probably wrong, systematic polling errors do occur, and it’s hard to predict them ahead of time or to anticipate the reasons in advance.
  • There is some chance that Trump could “win” illegitimately. To a large extent, these scenarios are beyond the scope of our forecast.
  • There’s also some chance of a recount (about 4 percent) or an Electoral College tie (around 0.5 percent), according to our forecast.

Basically, they say 10% chance is not the same as zero. Also, a lot hinges on what happens in PA, where their model projects Trump's chances of winning at better than 10%.


Personally, I think 538's model, while probably the best available for free on the internet, simply cannot get any better than this. So, I'm not waffling. Trump is going to lose in November. I'm saying it with my chest out.

Much does hinge on PA. Their polls close at 8pm EST. Those prone to anxiety should load up on whatever they need to keep them safe. Come to think of it, I just might take a trip to the local dispensary and pick up some potent Indica.

Come to think of it, which strain would you recommend for an evening of poll-watching. Or maybe you recommend something else?
This article contains 538's best halloween story, late but still frightening.

So let’s state a few basic facts: The reasons that President Trump’s chances in our forecast are about 10 percent and not zero:

  • As in 2016, Trump could potentially benefit from the Electoral College. Projected margins in the tipping-point states are considerably tighter than the margins in the national popular vote.
  • More specifically, Joe Biden’s lead in Pennsylvania — the most likely tipping-point state, according to our forecast — is solid but not spectacular: about 5 points in our polling average.
  • Without Pennsylvania, Biden does have some paths to victory, but there’s no one alternative state he can feel especially secure about.
  • While a lot of theories about why Trump can win (e.g., those about “shy” Trump voters) are probably wrong, systematic polling errors do occur, and it’s hard to predict them ahead of time or to anticipate the reasons in advance.
  • There is some chance that Trump could “win” illegitimately. To a large extent, these scenarios are beyond the scope of our forecast.
  • There’s also some chance of a recount (about 4 percent) or an Electoral College tie (around 0.5 percent), according to our forecast.

Basically, they say 10% chance is not the same as zero. Also, a lot hinges on what happens in PA, where their model projects Trump's chances of winning at better than 10%.

View attachment 4731957

Personally, I think 538's model, while probably the best available for free on the internet, simply cannot get any better than this. So, I'm not waffling. Trump is going to lose in November. I'm saying it with my chest out.

Much does hinge on PA. Their polls close at 8pm EST. Those prone to anxiety should load up on whatever they need to keep them safe. Come to think of it, I just might take a trip to the local dispensary and pick up some potent Indica.

Come to think of it, which strain would you recommend for an evening of poll-watching. Or maybe you recommend something else?
I think we will know before midnight which way the wind is gonna blow, lot's of counties will be reporting in lot's of places by then, it shouldn't be hard for experts to compare last years performance with this years. It might not be an official news network call until the next day, but I think Florida and Texas will tell the tale before the night is over. If Trump loses any of the big three southern states it's game over, Florida might even make up for 2000 with an early call, game over if Trump loses it there.
This article contains 538's best halloween story, late but still frightening.

So let’s state a few basic facts: The reasons that President Trump’s chances in our forecast are about 10 percent and not zero:

  • As in 2016, Trump could potentially benefit from the Electoral College. Projected margins in the tipping-point states are considerably tighter than the margins in the national popular vote.
  • More specifically, Joe Biden’s lead in Pennsylvania — the most likely tipping-point state, according to our forecast — is solid but not spectacular: about 5 points in our polling average.
  • Without Pennsylvania, Biden does have some paths to victory, but there’s no one alternative state he can feel especially secure about.
  • While a lot of theories about why Trump can win (e.g., those about “shy” Trump voters) are probably wrong, systematic polling errors do occur, and it’s hard to predict them ahead of time or to anticipate the reasons in advance.
  • There is some chance that Trump could “win” illegitimately. To a large extent, these scenarios are beyond the scope of our forecast.
  • There’s also some chance of a recount (about 4 percent) or an Electoral College tie (around 0.5 percent), according to our forecast.

Basically, they say 10% chance is not the same as zero. Also, a lot hinges on what happens in PA, where their model projects Trump's chances of winning at better than 10%.

View attachment 4731957

Personally, I think 538's model, while probably the best available for free on the internet, simply cannot get any better than this. So, I'm not waffling. Trump is going to lose in November. I'm saying it with my chest out.

Much does hinge on PA. Their polls close at 8pm EST. Those prone to anxiety should load up on whatever they need to keep them safe. Come to think of it, I just might take a trip to the local dispensary and pick up some potent Indica.

Come to think of it, which strain would you recommend for an evening of poll-watching. Or maybe you recommend something else?
I have been smoking some really really good Wedding Cake. You should try it. For me it leans heavily in the euphoric and anti-anxiety side. It is my new favorite strain. I will be growing it next its so damn good.
I think we will know before midnight which way the wind is gonna blow, lot's of counties will be reporting in lot's of places by then, it shouldn't be hard for experts to compare last years performance with this years. It might not be an official news network call until the next day, but I think Florida and Texas will tell the tale before the night is over. If Trump loses any of the big three southern states it's game over, Florida might even make up for 2000 with an early call, game over if Trump loses it there.
Florida can't run an honest election, not even if their lives depended on it. A 2% advantage to Biden in opinion polls isn't enough. I concede Florida to Trump though I think Biden would win in an honest election where every valid voter could vote if they wanted to.

Texas? lulz. That goes to Trump too. You know nothing, Nova Scotia boy.

Same with Georgia, another "contested" state.

Pennsylvania is the linchpin that most strongly favors Biden. If it falls his way, Trump is toast and I like Biden's odds there. We might have to wait a day or so to know for certain, so get yourself stocked up with distractions or go somewhere where you can't access the news until Friday.