Well, there's surely better places to do express your annoyance than here. It does get repetitive, and tedious, and with prophecy gone, I was hoping the crap about different religious dogmas would chill.
Think about the audience that you are talking to, most of us don't care, because we are too busy doing our own thing in a system that has made us outlaws for doing it. Why would we want to stick up, knowing that the nail that sticks up is the first to get hammered down, and I am sure there are some here that have even more to lose than I do.
Interesting thing about history is that it can lead to seeing what tactics work better. Instead of whining about others, it is usually better to set an example. Leading form the front instead of the rear. If you are so sure that your agnostic or atheistic views are so much better why not found a group that meets once a week, discusses some random aspect of society, collects donations, and then uses some of those donations to do community good. How do you think Christians became so widespread. They set a positive example initially, and asked little in return. They still ask little in return, except for some that do go out of their way to try converting others, and force their beliefs down the throats of others.
Though there are people like that every where. I am sure some Muslims are sick of some sect going around trying to convert everyone to their teachings of the Koran, and that there is some subgroup of Judaism that is the same way.
Religion makes for a very boring topic, especially, because there's basically very little that can be found worthy of objecting to. Don't steal, murder, rape, adulter, fornicate, or be jealous. Good simple rules that people really shouldn't have any problem living by. Of course, it might be a lot less tempting to steal if the punishment for it was death, but :: shrugs :: for some reason it seems to be that the price of society is that we have to treat those that violate the contract with society better than we treat people that don't.
Well, Christian Religion makes for a very boring topic. Greek and Roman Mythology is actually interesting. Vestal Virgins who would be put to death if they didn't remain pure, and the Sacred Hearth of Rome that would harken the end of Rome if it was ever put out (ironically 100 years after the conversion of the Empire to Christianity, and the snuffing of the Sacred Hearth the Empire fell.)
Interesting stuff...
Besides, some people need something to believe in, and if it makes them better people on the whole then what's there to object to? It's not like Christians are advocating for human sacrifices of virgins to feed the angry hunger of their god, or even animal sacrifices.