Will You Take The Vaccine?

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My grandpa was a Democrat for years. He is not anymore. He said he didn't leave the democratic party, but rather the Democrat party left him. It's funny how far left the Dems you have gone In recent years.

Tbh, I think a bunch of it has to do with where you live. Midwest democrats are coastal Republicans. People tend to just vote for the same party forever.

I have to point out most lifelong liberal people view the dems as having steadily marched towards the right since the 90s and that "fiscal conservative but social liberal" third way democrat style came about.
Look dude, I was trying to have an honest discussion but I've gotten nothing but attacks and these ppl making up things and just being trolls. When did it not become okay to have a different viewpoint. It's really sad seeing a forum admin telling me to stop a discussion when I'm not the one trolling people on here.
that's is strange...i was just about to say the exact same thing about you...
Look dude, I was trying to have an honest discussion but I've gotten nothing but attacks and these ppl making up things and just being trolls. When did it not become okay to have a different viewpoint. It's really sad seeing a forum admin telling me to stop a discussion when I'm not the one trolling people on here.

OK, fair enough. I have one question though.

Are you actually retarded, or are you just pretending to be?

Anger sells

I have been listening (also torturing my co-working Karen) to a podcast called Knowledge Fight.

It follows Alex Jones and analyzes his shows. At first I was thinking it couldn't be that interesting - I was wrong, it is fascinating. In addition to showing that today's rank and file Republicans are dancing to the same tune even if they don't know it, it shows the evolution of the whacko-right. They take his very old shows and use them against the current iteration of Alex Jones. Its very good at showing how they have evolved in today's political marketplace. Crazy sells. Fear sells. Hate sells. I highly recommend it if you are prohibited from discussing politics at work and are still keen to smother an unpleasant co-worker with hot coals twice a week.

Their first response is "Alex Jones? He's an extremist, I don't believe what he believes." And then they start to defend the things he says as it dawns on them that they have espoused similar beliefs openly. Does it make a difference? Probably not, but I am having a blast. I don't have to say a word and banning me from playing it would mean the end of them playing their shows.
Look son, you've proven that you are unable to pay attention, so you can stop now.


I predict we will be getting a couple of new posters in politics very soon. Older accounts that haven't said much in years but recently moved across the country to states where they are finally free to post. While we may experience a strong sense of deja vu, they will all be totally original and will have experienced horrible persecution due to those who seek to quell a public health crisis.
They're still out there trying to help poor people, minorities, the disenfranchised, protect the environment, etc. They do feed the corporate machine and I don't like it, but their philosophical inconsistency is not as glaringly obvious as republicans, who are the furthest thing possible from a conservative.

Something republicans have done for me, is make me appreciate actual conservatives, you know....the hundred or so that are still out there. You are a republican and I can tell because your agenda is the same as all republicans, it's not about the issues, it's about pretending it's about the issues while trolling for liberal tears.
You got that way wrong. I am as conservative as they come. Especially when it comes to economics. Its obvious that this admin wants to spend spend and spend some more. They claim taxes won't go up. Okay, taxes may not go up, but inflation is. And when there is massive inflatuon there are more tax dollars to work with. That's been their plan the whole time. Why do you think gas prices are up after shutting down the keystone pipeline? When gas is high everything goes up. There's no substitute for high gas prices. And you simply can't spend your way out of a crisis. Also the homeowners and property owners are getting screwed by many states. They are allowing people to not pay rent but the property owners are still being required to pay their mortgages and aren't getting relief. So there are many things we probably agree on. We just have a different opinion and outlook on the whole covid thing and where to go from here. I just don't want these mandates and government overreach to get out of hand...which it's already getting to that point. You know the old saying never let a good crisis go to waste...well this one certainly isn't being wasted by the corrupt politicians on both sides.
You got that way wrong. I am as conservative as they come. Especially when it comes to economics. Its obvious that this admin wants to spend spend and spend some more. They claim taxes won't go up. Okay, taxes may not go up, but inflation is. And when there is massive inflatuon there are more tax dollars to work with. That's been their plan the whole time. Why do you think gas prices are up after shutting down the keystone pipeline? When gas is high everything goes up. There's no substitute for high gas prices. And you simply can't spend your way out of a crisis. Also the homeowners and property owners are getting screwed by many states. They are allowing people to not pay rent but the property owners are still being required to pay their mortgages and aren't getting relief. So there are many things we probably agree on. We just have a different opinion and outlook on the whole covid thing and where to go from here. I just don't want these mandates and government overreach to get out of hand...which it's already getting to that point. You know the old saying never let a good crisis go to waste...well this one certainly isn't being wasted by the corrupt politicians on both sides.
You got that way wrong. I am as conservative as they come. Especially when it comes to economics. Its obvious that this admin wants to spend spend and spend some more. They claim taxes won't go up. Okay, taxes may not go up, but inflation is. And when there is massive inflatuon there are more tax dollars to work with. That's been their plan the whole time. Why do you think gas prices are up after shutting down the keystone pipeline? When gas is high everything goes up. There's no substitute for high gas prices. And you simply can't spend your way out of a crisis. Also the homeowners and property owners are getting screwed by many states. They are allowing people to not pay rent but the property owners are still being required to pay their mortgages and aren't getting relief. So there are many things we probably agree on. We just have a different opinion and outlook on the whole covid thing and where to go from here. I just don't want these mandates and government overreach to get out of hand...which it's already getting to that point. You know the old saying never let a good crisis go to waste...well this one certainly isn't being wasted by the corrupt politicians on both sides.

Thanks for answering my question.

So it's actually retarded huh?

not that there's anything wrong with that! :lol:

You got that way wrong. I am as conservative as they come. Especially when it comes to economics. Its obvious that this admin wants to spend spend and spend some more. They claim taxes won't go up. Okay, taxes may not go up, but inflation is. And when there is massive inflatuon there are more tax dollars to work with. That's been their plan the whole time. Why do you think gas prices are up after shutting down the keystone pipeline? When gas is high everything goes up. There's no substitute for high gas prices. And you simply can't spend your way out of a crisis. Also the homeowners and property owners are getting screwed by many states. They are allowing people to not pay rent but the property owners are still being required to pay their mortgages and aren't getting relief. So there are many things we probably agree on. We just have a different opinion and outlook on the whole covid thing and where to go from here. I just don't want these mandates and government overreach to get out of hand...which it's already getting to that point. You know the old saying never let a good crisis go to waste...well this one certainly isn't being wasted by the corrupt politicians on both sides.
So you suck at economics too! Cool. America was growing faster in the 1950s than any other country on earth. Was was the maximum personal tax rate under Eisenhower? Simple question; I await your answer.

I would have to argue that a government in the position of the United States can spend their way out of problems. Closest we ever came to losing our spot was when the republicans refused to raise the debt ceiling and we became a default risk. Inflation just really isn't an issue.
I would have to argue that a government in the position of the United States can spend their way out of problems. Closest we ever came to losing our spot was when the republicans refused to raise the debt ceiling and we became a default risk. Inflation just really isn't an issue.
Inflation is a relative thing. The most recent studies show that the whole world is experiencing it - so it is entirely irrelevant - like @Rob Roy
You got that way wrong. I am as conservative as they come. Especially when it comes to economics. Its obvious that this admin wants to spend spend and spend some more. They claim taxes won't go up. Okay, taxes may not go up, but inflation is. And when there is massive inflatuon there are more tax dollars to work with. That's been their plan the whole time. Why do you think gas prices are up after shutting down the keystone pipeline? When gas is high everything goes up. There's no substitute for high gas prices. And you simply can't spend your way out of a crisis. Also the homeowners and property owners are getting screwed by many states. They are allowing people to not pay rent but the property owners are still being required to pay their mortgages and aren't getting relief. So there are many things we probably agree on. We just have a different opinion and outlook on the whole covid thing and where to go from here. I just don't want these mandates and government overreach to get out of hand...which it's already getting to that point. You know the old saying never let a good crisis go to waste...well this one certainly isn't being wasted by the corrupt politicians on both sides.
You don't understand.
Look dude, I was trying to have an honest discussion but I've gotten nothing but attacks and these ppl making up things and just being trolls. When did it not become okay to have a different viewpoint. It's really sad seeing a forum admin telling me to stop a discussion when I'm not the one trolling people on here.
It is not possible to have honest discussion with someone who keeps vomiting forth the classic set of hateful lies that define Maga.