DR. GreenThumb seeds

I can't order seeds from Dr. GreenThumb. He answered only 2 of my 10 questions. And now he's silent. How to order? I need help.
He probably sensed that you were just a talker and not out to buying anything. 10 questions?
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He probably sensed that you were just a talker and not out to buying anything. 10 questions?

Finally got around to placing an order. Doc rarely responds. He replied to me that Big laughing is sativa dominated, although I look at his webarchive site and it says indica dominated. Did he forget or did he change the variety? Made it more sativa?


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I already have the seeds. I forgot to write for joy. It's already growing under the lamp. It remains only to wait for the harvest to ripen. Now I'm worried, does Big-laughing actually make you laugh? I tried to search on Google, but there are very few reviews and all the reviews are on RIU. And almost all from the esteemed Hobbes.
And almost all from the esteemed Hobbes.

Shucks (blushes)

I ordered Big Laughing while I was going through a clinical depressive stage, BL definitely helped lift the depression to a manageable level.

Mine were definitely indica dominant, they looked like 18" fire plugs. The branches grew around the stem in a spiral and were very close together.

As for laughter, for a few chuckles and fighting depression, it was pretty good.

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