Iran Update...


Well-Known Member
Correct me if Im wrong, but dont all American children raise a flag and sing the national anthem at school each day? This is a form of Nationalistic indoctrination. Correct me if im wrong, but arent all American children taught that money is all powerful? A form of Capitalist indoctrination. Every state, either indirectly, or directly, indoctrinates the children of there land, with different results. I am an atheist capitalist by the way.
You are wrong... it is now illegal to sing the anthem and say the allegence to the flag, in most American schools. The flag does still get raised and flown before students get to school.


You are wrong... it is now illegal to sing the anthem and say the allegence to the flag, in most American schools. The flag does still get raised and flown before students get to school.

Sources for this, I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to sing the national anthem in schools if you want, same with the pledge.


Well-Known Member
A federal appeals court has ruled that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is unconstitutional because it includes the words "under God," violating the separation of church and state.

Here is one you can find many more online...


New Member
Did you folks read as I did where Obama is going to nix the missile defense shield for Europe? :lol: He has decided to use it as a bargaining chip with Russia (Europe's GREAT friend) to stop Iran from nuclear capability. Someone should send him a nice Timex watch. Of course I guess no one has told him that North korea has a brand new ICBM ready to launch which is now capable of hitting all of Europe.

I for one am all for keeping the roofs of Europe radiation free, but my President says....nope. Sleep well my unprotecteed comrades. I'm sorry did i say comrades? Yah, yah I did :mrgreen: Feel the change.

Nothing like negotiating from a position of weakness.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Did you folks read as I did where Obama is going to nix the missile defense shield for Europe? :lol: He has decided to use it as a bargaining chip with Russia (Europe's GREAT friend) to stop Iran from nuclear capability. Someone should send him a nice Timex watch. Of course I guess no one has told him that North korea has a brand new ICBM ready to launch which is now capable of hitting all of Europe.

I for one am all for keeping the roofs of Europe radiation free, but my President says....nope. Sleep well my unprotecteed comrades. I'm sorry did i say comrades? Yah, yah I did :mrgreen: Feel the change.

Nothing like negotiating from a position of weakness.

out. :blsmoke:
Yes because THAT'S where N.Koreo (or any country for that matter) would aim their weapons......Europe :dunce:

Poor little scared American....I feel sorry for you....but you're right to be Fearful.....Your country DOES have it coming.

(Just a little more Irony for you.... funny you should talk about 'protecting the roofs of Europe from radiation' you live in the only country to have actually killed thousands of Civilians using Nuclear weapons)


New Member
I'm not scared in the least. It bothers me not a whit if you are left unprotected and live by the whims of rogue nations. It must be difficult to drive with those blinders on :lol:.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
What does a Teacher in Sudan have to do with the situation in Iran?

Unless you're so ignorant that you lump all countries that practice similar religion in together...... oh yeah you're an American (oops!)
What does 1 persons thoughts have to do with a how a country thinks?

Unless you're so ignorant you lump in all people from one country into the same thought process, oh yeah you're as dumbass. (oops!)


Well-Known Member
What does 1 persons thoughts have to do with a how a country thinks?

Unless you're so ignorant you lump in all people from one country into the same thought process, oh yeah you're as dumbass. (oops!)
The Actions of a country speak for themselves.

The world has been watching YOUR country very closely over the past 9 years....

I think we're allowed to generalize


Well-Known Member
Dude, are you kidding me right now?

I've grown up in California my entire life, one of the most secular states in the union and I've always been told to love my country and believe what the president and government does is in the best interest of the people, I can't even imagine what kind of a chance people in the bible belt might have at escaping the dogma of the state and state sponsored religion, Christianity! Virtually none.

"More nationalistic discipline taught in schools if anything"

"Believe what you're government tells you kids!" "They know what's best!" "They're looking out for you" "They wouldn't lie to you..." :wall:

Think this over man...
I don't think enough people who vote, question their US government and officials enough. We go the way of the Stepford wife, walking through a haze of indifference.


Well-Known Member
What does 1 persons thoughts have to do with a how a country thinks?

Unless you're so ignorant you lump in all people from one country into the same thought process, oh yeah you're as dumbass. (oops!)
The Actions of a country speak for themselves.

The world has been watching YOUR country very closely over the past 9 years....

I think we're allowed to generalize


Well-Known Member
Yes because THAT'S where N.Koreo (or any country for that matter) would aim their weapons......Europe :dunce:

Poor little scared American....I feel sorry for you....but you're right to be Fearful.....Your country DOES have it coming.

(Just a little more Irony for you.... funny you should talk about 'protecting the roofs of Europe from radiation' you live in the only country to have actually killed thousands of Civilians using Nuclear weapons)
lol obama just shun your PM like he was a tourist. If anything I feel sorry for the UK. The once might of the world has become a third tier party at best. It reminds me of an old fighter whos just a shadow of his former self.
You have no resources other then zinc,copper and beer farts.
Please don't feel sorry for the alpha omega.:-P



Well-Known Member
The Actions of a country speak for themselves.
Actually the actions speak for the leaders. Just like where you live. Or are you one of those people who blame your countries problems on America even though your leaders sold you out? I blame the elected idiots for my problems in MY country.

The world has been watching YOUR country very closely over the past 9 years....
lol and??? what does this mean?

I think we're allowed to generalize
your generalization is off base imo.


New Member
What do you expect, he thinks having shariahs law means britain is treating everyone equally...:roll: hasn't a clue.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol obama just shun your PM like he was a tourist. If anything I feel sorry for the UK. The once might of the world has become a third tier party at best. It reminds me of an old fighter whos just a shadow of his former self.
You have no resources other then zinc,copper and beer farts.
Please don't feel sorry for the alpha omega.:-P

Pretty stupid of them to follow the US lead. Maybe they need to start asking more questions.
I'm hoping a few leaders from other countries quit following Americas leaders and do things for themselves. The world would be better off. Maybe our leaders will get a clue. It's always better to have options.


New Member
lol obama just shun your PM like he was a tourist. If anything I feel sorry for the UK. The once might of the world has become a third tier party at best. It reminds me of an old fighter whos just a shadow of his former self.
You have no resources other then zinc,copper and beer farts.
Please don't feel sorry for the alpha omega.:-P

:lol: Did you see that bit on the gift exchange as well Joe? :mrgreen: It was funny, but I felt a bit embarrassed for us. Obama pretty much gave the brits the brushoff.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
:lol: Did you see that bit on the gift exchange as well Joe? :mrgreen: It was funny, but I felt a bit embarrassed for us. Obama pretty much gave the brits the brushoff.

out. :blsmoke:
25 bluerays? hahahaha nope 25 old ass dvds that sell for $5.99 a piece.

I wasn't as embarrassed about the dvds like I was when Brown address our congress.

We should have taken pm Brown hostage when we had the chance. :shock:

Yeah, your right it would be pointless what could we possibly get in return from the UK?



New Member
The disparity of the gift exchange was an indication that Obama does not respect Britain.

To pile on more insult, Obama said he was "too tired" to meet with Gordon Brown!! OMG!! McCain must be giggling his ass off.

out. :blsmoke: