Dear TBT, Please address the level of excellence attained by managers at AIG. They are certainly being rewarded handsomely.
You said that there would be no rewards for excellence, for exceeding the standards of humanity. There would be no recognition for pushing the envelop of human progress further.
BTW I don't get it. Many people exceed the "standards of humanity" as you have labeled doing a good job, and recieve no more than an atta-boy and their paycheck, sometimes even no atta-boy. Why should anyone recieve bonuses for doing their jobs? I built probably 50 buildings as the ramrod for my boss, Never got a bonus, and all the buildings came in on time and under budget, not even an atta-boy. I was just doing my job to the best of my abilities and getting paid. This Bonus thing is crap.
Fine then, you get 2.85 an hour, you shouldn't need anything more than that. You don't need a place to live. Just enough to feed yourself.
Oh, and if you bitch the idiots like the proposer of this bloated scheme get to beat the shit out of you, and confiscate your property to "better" serve the rest of humanity.
Like I said, it's a sh*t idea.
And if you're going to try arguing at least try arguing intelligently Med o Mao.
Never once have I supported the f* bail outs for AIG, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Wachovia, BoA (Serpent Bank, err Bank of America), or any other entity that got wiped out due to the fact that they were logging paper profits and paying out real bonuses to their employees.
What's more amazing is that you some how think that an employee that is bringing in (or was supposedly bringing in 20 Million/year) in income isn't worth a million, or half a million/year.
While I might not agree that Stock Trading is honest work (At least not day trading, and futures trading.) I can't really bitch to loudly about the fact that it's probably a lot more stressful than building houses or writing computer programs.
One false move and they might cost the company millions, in which case their job is likely on the line, and they might be facing jail time and other criminal charges for their failure.
Compensation has to be commensurate with risk.
It also explains why CEOs get a lot of money. I wouldn't be willing to risk jail time because I signed Financial Docs that stated a company was making x amount of money when do to the actions of people under me it was only making y amount of money.
$500,000/year for 4 - 5 years is not enough to compensate me for having to spend even 1 fucking night in prison, or in holding, or even having to deal with the hassle of dealing with government pukes.
Then there's the fact that CEOs on the average have spent 30 - 40 years at one company, have moved 6 times for the company, as a result of their job duties, and ended up (after that 30 - 40 years) making that millions of dollars a year.
Compared to a brain dead jock who's only talent is playing with balls who makes that kind of money right out of college.
If you want to bitch about something, now there's something to bitch about. Idiotic Jocks making millions right out of college as opposed to CEOs who likely have a masters degree in a Business Related Field, or a Science, and have waited 20 - 30 years to make millions.
Then there's f* bureaucrats who make $300,000 a year (School Administrators, Mayors) Now that's something to be pissed off about. Why the f* should a bureaucrat be making $300K/year for what would probably only get $50 - $60K in the private sector.
I didn't think Government, Public Service was supposed to be a f* get rich quick scheme.
Give me just 1 year at that kind of salary and I'd retire.