the most fucked up thing someone ever did to me(must read)

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Well-Known Member
i own a shotgun! but everybody quit bashing canna!!!! he is doing the right thing nd he never claimed to be gangster.

u know what it is. sometimes people dont understand somthing, that try and relate it to the closest thing to fit that description. because i talk a certian way, because i used to own a gun,and ill even go as far as me selling drugs that makes me a gangster? lol around here thats the average 14 year old. its sad but its true. if i was to fall under a lable it wouldnt be gangster. i have never killed anybody, and i dont seek plesure out of hurting anyone. i sold drugs to keep the lights and the water on in my house, and i was too young at the time to get a real job. and the only reason i bought a gun was because men broke into the apartment next to mines and stole eveything and made my neighbors wife give the theiff head while my neighbor watched. i never used the gun in combination with the other. but um, i gotta go to work, but um. yea ppl say things like that only because they dont understand. no sense of getting bent out of shape because people are going to judge you everyday of your life. but thanks tho. im glad u see it for what it is and not for what people wanna make it out to be.


Well-Known Member
Oh what Wild and Crazy adventures Young Internet users seem to get into ALL THE TIME.

How about get new "boys" if this really happened to you.

lol crazy shit happends every day.
yea man i hear you. he risked my family on that one. i cant deal with that. he's not a child and he knew what could of happend, yet he did it anyway. so fuck him. that is some fucked up shit to do to a person. but maybe he will learn from this. if he wants to act all hard, hard men dont need friends right?


Well-Known Member
fuck that dude, thats fucked up.. i'd just take it to the police station.. period... or throw it in teh fuckin river dude.. no sence in it being put back on the street.. and you're right.. you don;t just "forget" some shit like a fuckin gun...

Is it possible that it fell out when y'all were smokin, or after he passed out? I'd give him the benifit of teh doubt... don;t offer up any excuses for him, just ask him what the fuck.. and if you know there's noway that is the case, then fuck him.. thats some disrespectful careless inconsiderate shit that coulda had repercussions of monumental porportions... I mean with kids bein in and out of the house, it possibly bein a throw away.. your grandmother bein in the house and shit.. I say fucki him up and throw it in the river


New Member
no prob canna! i hate when people bash other people, mainly because as you all know it was done to me in like everyone of my threads, lol.


Well-Known Member
Put that shit in a fucking plastic bag, dont touch it with bare hands and drive it straight to the police station. Say you found it on the road or some shit. If he actually tried to stash it at your house then hes one low sack of shit. especially with kids around and the fucking safety off. Even if he didnt mean to stash it I would be so fucking angry at him for bringing a weapon into my house around kids and shit.


lol shit... well i prb dont have the best storyy but its funny...
i had a 420 party at my crib. last year. we had a lil more than half a pound of some canadian dank and shit. all of my boys roll like 15 blunts, we had a nice fire out a few girls and started to smoke the funny thing was that my parents were at the house and i was 18 at the time stil in high school. there were about 20 dudes with a blunt in there hands smoking outside in my backyard, and my parents came out a few times but did not notice. couple of my freind took some pills in the house right as my dad came in, i almost shit my pants but he didnt even kno wtf was happening lol. but yeah evenatually around 3 a.m. all my buddies and a few ladies just passed out with a blunt in the hands and almost caught the house on fire. i had alot of explainig to do that morning but it was just another good day in the neighborhood!!!


Well-Known Member
This is the second story I've read that you put up. Remember the other one was about your girlfriend complaining about your friends? Well guess what, SHE'S RIGHT!!! The proof is in the pudding my friend. Whoever your "friend" with the gun is, he's obviously too irresponsible to be a gun owner. May I suggest for the second time, get new friends.


Well-Known Member
don't give the gun to the cops... are you kidding me? son nobody I know who deals with shit like that, especially a gun that potentially has bodies on it, fucks with police. even if you've left whatever lifestyle you had behind, that's something that never goes away.


Well-Known Member
Dude, don't give it to the cops. It would make you a suspect if it was a murder weapon. Even if it gets thrown out that's a headache you DON'T need.


Well-Known Member
That's just not cool. I hope you give him an earful, a long and LOUD earful. I don't know what I would've done... probably freaked out and buried the thing in my backyard. o_o


Well-Known Member
Take the gun to the police department or call them and tell them that you found it in your yard and brought it inside because of kids running around (it would explain any prints you may have on it).

If it has "bodies" on it and your boy gets caught with it - guess where he is going?


Well-Known Member
Dont be giving no shit to the cops you think they aint gonna check you out if you hand in a gun that might have bodies on it! you want cops watching what your doing looking into your shit i wouldnt say so! dump that shit some where or sell it! even if this is a bull shit story why would people tell him to give it to the cops a cop makes up his mind the min he looks at someone and cana dont sound like no clean cut bisinuss type so you see what im sayin


New Member
This is the second story I've read that you put up. Remember the other one was about your girlfriend complaining about your friends? Well guess what, SHE'S RIGHT!!! The proof is in the pudding my friend. Whoever your "friend" with the gun is, he's obviously too irresponsible to be a gun owner. May I suggest for the second time, get new friends.

in the pudding? lol.


Well-Known Member
Dont be giving no shit to the cops you think they aint gonna check you out if you hand in a gun that might have bodies on it! you want cops watching what your doing looking into your shit i wouldnt say so! dump that shit some where or sell it! even if this is a bull shit story why would people tell him to give it to the cops a cop makes up his mind the min he looks at someone and cana dont sound like no clean cut bisinuss type so you see what im sayin
son this guy needs to move out of his neighborhood if he's about to involve police in his business... he's not street wise, he's never been involved in the streets or else that would have never shown up in his own post
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