major dicision need help to kill or not


Active Member
ok everyone I've been growing outdoor in greenhouse and ether my seeds I got were all herm seeds or someone around me has a male growing witch I doubt or I shocked them to herm/self-pollinate. Anyways I was covering the green house every day but sometimes did not uncover them at the right time (longer nights/shorter days) plus lots of light leaks early on in flower. So I have 7 plants flowering so far I know of 4 of them being seeded BTW they are 2 weeks from harvest and they started making seeds like 1-2 weeks ago. So long story short I have 12 veg plants in the same green house and they all are showing sex now so do I keep growing these herm/flower plants and keep up with the covering of the green house or do I just harvest it and let the little ones stay uncovered and just wait for nature to flower them?


Well-Known Member
ok everyone I've been growing outdoor in greenhouse and ether my seeds I got were all herm seeds or someone around me has a male growing witch I doubt or I shocked them to herm/self-pollinate. Anyways I was covering the green house every day but sometimes did not uncover them at the right time (longer nights/shorter days) plus lots of light leaks early on in flower. So I have 7 plants flowering so far I know of 4 of them being seeded BTW they are 2 weeks from harvest and they started making seeds like 1-2 weeks ago. So long story short I have 12 veg plants in the same green house and they all are showing sex now so do I keep growing these herm/flower plants and keep up with the covering of the green house or do I just harvest it and let the little ones stay uncovered and just wait for nature to flower them?
I would say pull all of your hermies, and make hash with them, or something to that degree. dont submit your babies to the same male rape that your ladies suffered :(


Active Member
I would say pull all of your hermies, and make hash with them, or something to that degree. dont submit your babies to the same male rape that your ladies suffered :(

can the herms or "male rape" plants infect the non seeded flowers?


Well-Known Member
Pull any males / Hermes and try and save any females you might have. Let nature do it's thing since it's going to do a better job then you with light schedules.


Active Member
Pull any males / Hermes and try and save any females you might have. Let nature do it's thing since it's going to do a better job then you with light schedules.
hey I'm not sure if they are herm or just seeded how do you tell? I have no male plants anywhere. Also, the problem I have is in San Diego, ca you have to keep all plants in a greenhouse thus two more weeks of force flowering to finish off the seeded flowers at the same time I'm also forcing the little ones so in two weeks when the old ones are done and I let nature take over will this stress out the little ones?


Well-Known Member
if the plant is hermie she will have male pollen pods sticking out of the buds "bannanas"....... hopefully your plants are hermie and haven't been pollenated by an unrelated male (cuz it could pollenate all of your vegging plants later on)..... finish force flower, check for hermies...... hope for the best and expect the worst my friend, grow indoors ;)


Well-Known Member
A herm plant will show some banana looking things, sometimes your got to look for them as there may only be a few. The herm can pollinate your other females and you will produce Feminized seeds. If you can't find any banana's then my guess is there's a male plant near you. Wind can carry pollen several miles. If its seeding I belive the pistils will retract and the cylax will swell to a little ball


Well-Known Member
Seems to me there'd be plenty of male pollen in SDiego, in the wind, on insects, etc.

I read somewhere here on RIU just recently that bananas often pop up late in flowering, and these are not fertile/don't necessarily drop pollen. It was a cited post, so I'm taking it for truth.


Active Member
A herm plant will show some banana looking things, sometimes your got to look for them as there may only be a few. The herm can pollinate your other females and you will produce Feminized seeds. If you can't find any banana's then my guess is there's a male plant near you. Wind can carry pollen several miles. If its seeding I belive the pistils will retract and the cylax will swell to a little ball

I have just noticed that the seeds that are forming on the plant are only on the lower branches with the smaller bud growth. And it seems to me that the seeds I'm talking about are only growing from where the bud and the branch meet. Also, I have not found any bananas on the flowering seeded plants. but if you see the picks they are kinda big and fat so it could just be hard to find? thanks for all your help any more would be great.

I was also told some where that if it has bananas then its a herm but if it just starts growing seeds its ether pollinated or stressed to seed? And one last thing the seeds are white? fully done hard and don't crack when you rub them but they are white with tan tiger stripes?


Well-Known Member
Seems to me there'd be plenty of male pollen in SDiego, in the wind, on insects, etc.

I read somewhere here on RIU just recently that bananas often pop up late in flowering, and these are not fertile/don't necessarily drop pollen. It was a cited post, so I'm taking it for truth.
That is ALL true :) good man :)


that sounds to me like you probly have had those seeds for a while maybe you left the males too long befor those are the first calx's to form