LED grow

dimension 2350

New Member
I was interested about this grow and wondered if it worked? If it does work what size panel will I need? I just don't want to spend $600.00 on something I may not have use for.


Active Member
Nobody knows?
No personal experience myself, just read a ton of opinions on the subject. To summarize a lot of posts: a) The technology is still pretty expensive; b) good for vegging but not powerful enough to penetrate the canopy for flowering; c) better technology will come out "soon" given the mad chatter about the subject.

Obvious pros are less electricity, less heat (so less noise) but it's not the magic silver bullet to all your problems just yet.

dimension 2350

New Member
No personal experience myself, just read a ton of opinions on the subject. To summarize a lot of posts: a) The technology is still pretty expensive; b) good for vegging but not powerful enough to penetrate the canopy for flowering; c) better technology will come out "soon" given the mad chatter about the subject.

Obvious pros are less electricity, less heat (so less noise) but it's not the magic silver bullet to all your problems just yet.
I think in probaly 5 or less years theyll be good to go through start to finish and be cheaper. I remeber when CFL's came out they were out rageous now there 2 for 8 in walmart if that.

dimension 2350

New Member
No personal experience myself, just read a ton of opinions on the subject. To summarize a lot of posts: a) The technology is still pretty expensive; b) good for vegging but not powerful enough to penetrate the canopy for flowering; c) better technology will come out "soon" given the mad chatter about the subject.

Obvious pros are less electricity, less heat (so less noise) but it's not the magic silver bullet to all your problems just yet.
Nice tit BTW.:mrgreen:


Active Member
In LED world 600 dollars will not do much for you. LEDS are good from start to finish if you have enough of them. LED's produce more "LUMENS" Per watt then any HID or CFL could ever imagine. Although as you may know , Lumens are only relevent to the human eye and not to plants in anyway, makeing it a poor judge of lighting for plants. Many people on this board will give you terrible opinions that are not based on fact but on hearsay and inexperience. For some unknown reason alot of people on this board includeing "Veterans" will attack and flame anyone involved in journals or questions related to LED's and LED technology. Look around and you will find Journals and info about LED's that proove they can be used from start to finish and produce AMAZING results.

I can go and purchase a CHEAP peice of crap HID light from China, use it for an hour before it starts smoking and burns out, and then conclude that all HID lights are crap and should not be used at any cost. This is the same sort of thing that has happened with LED lighting on this board and other internet boards. A few people went out and got these terrible low wattage china made peices of shit to be honest, attempted to use JUST ONE of these units to grow plants and they failed miserably. These people then concluded that all LED's are junk and should be avoided at any cost because all LED's Simply do not work. This is where we stand now, despite all of the positive info and positive results with people that can truely afford to use the technology, good results are ignored because people already have their mind made up that " all LED's are crap and just dont work".. LEDS will shortly be more popular than HID lighting indoors because,
1. the ability to have hunderds of tiny points of light instead of just one.
2. The Ability to put these tiny points of light hunderds of times closer, even possibly down inbetween plants and completly surrounding them.
3. The removal of "cooling devices" for lights that burn at thousands of degrees.
4. Tons of other advantages including Life time of the unit, power used,PAR , ect.

Long story short, you can use LED tech RIGHT NOW, that will grow you MJ plants from start to finish awesomely! The only thing that is required is the latest in L ED technology and the money to purchase ALOT OF IT to jam into a small area SUPER CLOSE to plants. Please do yourself a favor and if you do have the money to purcahse the latest in LED tech DO NOT GET SOME CHINESE CRAP Because it will not work. Here are just a few examples of units that will get the job done.

Pyrocon 100
TI-Smartbar 1000
TI- Smartlamp 600
There may be more current technology then available on these units, keep your eyes open.

If you only have 600 Dollars to spend get yourself an HID lighting system and a means to cool it. If you have thousands of bucks to drop go ahead and get yourself a bunch of high powered LED units and you will not be dissapointed and you will make your money back in a few years. Who feels like flaming today?

dimension 2350

New Member
In LED world 600 dollars will not do much for you. LEDS are good from start to finish if you have enough of them. LED's produce more "LUMENS" Per watt then any HID or CFL could ever imagine. Although as you may know , Lumens are only relevent to the human eye and not to plants in anyway, makeing it a poor judge of lighting for plants. Many people on this board will give you terrible opinions that are not based on fact but on hearsay and inexperience. For some unknown reason alot of people on this board includeing "Veterans" will attack and flame anyone involved in journals or questions related to LED's and LED technology. Look around and you will find Journals and info about LED's that proove they can be used from start to finish and produce AMAZING results.

I can go and purchase a CHEAP peice of crap HID light from China, use it for an hour before it starts smoking and burns out, and then conclude that all HID lights are crap and should not be used at any cost. This is the same sort of thing that has happened with LED lighting on this board and other internet boards. A few people went out and got these terrible low wattage china made peices of shit to be honest, attempted to use JUST ONE of these units to grow plants and they failed miserably. These people then concluded that all LED's are junk and should be avoided at any cost because all LED's Simply do not work. This is where we stand now, despite all of the positive info and positive results with people that can truely afford to use the technology, good results are ignored because people already have their mind made up that " all LED's are crap and just dont work".. LEDS will shortly be more popular than HID lighting indoors because,
1. the ability to have hunderds of tiny points of light instead of just one.
2. The Ability to put these tiny points of light hunderds of times closer, even possibly down inbetween plants and completly surrounding them.
3. The removal of "cooling devices" for lights that burn at thousands of degrees.
4. Tons of other advantages including Life time of the unit, power used,PAR , ect.

Long story short, you can use LED tech RIGHT NOW, that will grow you MJ plants from start to finish awesomely! The only thing that is required is the latest in L ED technology and the money to purchase ALOT OF IT to jam into a small area SUPER CLOSE to plants. Please do yourself a favor and if you do have the money to purcahse the latest in LED tech DO NOT GET SOME CHINESE CRAP Because it will not work. Here are just a few examples of units that will get the job done.

Pyrocon 100
TI-Smartbar 1000
TI- Smartlamp 600
There may be more current technology then available on these units, keep your eyes open.

If you only have 600 Dollars to spend get yourself an HID lighting system and a means to cool it. If you have thousands of bucks to drop go ahead and get yourself a bunch of high powered LED units and you will not be dissapointed and you will make your money back in a few years. Who feels like flaming today?
Up yours!:finger:


Active Member
if you dont want to spend more than $600 on a unit, then expect only enough watts to grow 1 single stalk plant. coverage is the only flaw for LED units. it also depends what kind of unit you want. do you want last generation tech, or next generation? if you want to use something with the cheaper 1 watt diodes, then HydroGrow or ProSource are your best bet. for units with newer tech you will want to look at HomeGrownLights.com, LumiGrow.com, TheoremeInnovations.com, but expect to pay a little more for the better circuitry and diodes.


I have read dozens of hours about LED purchased a 4th or 5th gen. UFO awhile back. Used... and finally came to the conclusion that they are suitable for vegging along with some CFL's.. But for Flower go HPS


Well-Known Member
They work to an extent.

Are you using one 90w UFO for that plant? That is what the picture looks like.

Everyone should listen to Ap0c0leS. He knows what he is talking about. +rep to him. and -rep to some. Are we all closed minded here?

The TI-Smartbar 1000 is a 1000watt HPS replacement. With studys done by Agriculture Canada.

Go to this site http://www.growrevolution.com/index.html

These Hightech LED lights could grow some good pot. Without a doubt.

The Growrrevolution could be a actual revolution for the growing industry.

But people only believe what they want to hear right?


Well-Known Member
Are you using one 90w UFO for that plant? That is what the picture looks like.

Everyone should listen to Ap0c0leS. He knows what he is talking about. +rep to him. and -rep to some. Are we all closed minded here?

The TI-Smartbar 1000 is a 1000watt HPS replacement. With studys done by Agriculture Canada.

Go to this site http://www.growrevolution.com/index.html

These Hightech LED lights could grow some good pot. Without a doubt.

The Growrrevolution could be a actual revolution for the growing industry.

But people only believe what they want to hear right?
2 fu*kin grand fer that shit tho!!!:wall:


Well-Known Member
thats like a 4'x2.5'x5' tent with 2 90w triband ufo from HTGsupply and 40w floro to have the full spectrum.

Constant 70* and 55% humidity


Active Member

they flower great, you just need enough of them... also the plants dont stretch like under hps, they grow stocky and stacked. i grow with both, seperately and combined, if you have 600 bucks, go with hps. its jut much more cost effective initially. takes more capital to get enough leds in there.
but besides the price, i have no gripes.


Active Member
Im defintely investing in the new LED 1000 watt/ hps replacement & will supplement the sides with CFL.. The pros significantly outweigh the cons for me. Look for my grow starting in late jan in thegrow journal section. If you got g'z LEDs will please. If you got hundos stick with them 80's era hps lights! Haha theres a first! an LED advocate that talks shit about the out dated Hps
bahaha usually other way around. Save up some $ and then play with big boy toys :p
lol in advance @ anyone who disagrees bahaha