Does anyone here not do drugs?

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
do you find it kind of odd you post on an mj message board?
No, not really... I'm on probation... So I smoke not too often, and get ridiculously high off of one hit, and then say something retarded, and spend the rest of the night thinking how I made an ass out of myself in front of my friends. And the properties of weed are not the best... I would rather take some LSD or eat some shrooms, drink some horribly bitter mescaline syrup, take a bump or a line or even a gram of coke... hit some nitrous oxide... and then there's Xanax...

Smoking some weed, definitely good, but not the best...

Don't grow either... probation, getting raided for a 9mm I didn't have, and straight up living in a dorm; are not the best circumstances to start growing...


Active Member
i recently fumbled with some white and came out with some money so i pretty much stopped doing drugs just drinking, and eating, man iv had the best food, we need a sushi growing forum

lucie lou

New Member
do you find it kind of odd you post on an mj message board?

yea wtf is up with that...:confused: what maybe he never heard of myspace.:confused: says he dont really like weed but here he is postin on a weed growin forum! :o :shock: shit. isnt that against the rules or somethin?????? :evil:

lucie lou

New Member
No, not really... I'm on probation... So I smoke not too often, and get ridiculously high off of one hit, and then say something retarded, and spend the rest of the night thinking how I made an ass out of myself in front of my friends. And the properties of weed are not the best... I would rather take some LSD or eat some shrooms, drink some horribly bitter mescaline syrup, take a bump or a line or even a gram of coke... hit some nitrous oxide... and then there's Xanax...

Smoking some weed, definitely good, but not the best...

Don't grow either... probation, getting raided for a 9mm I didn't have, and straight up living in a dorm; are not the best circumstances to start growing...




New Member
Some folks are just lonely and post no matter what.

If one doesn't like or use weed, why else are you here?? :lol:

Go to Farmville and hang with the squares. Ur one of them!! :wink: (mooo)


New Member
We Used To Believe That You Could Tell A Good Cop By Having IT Take A Bong Hit.
But now We are confused as to the validity of that belief.
Brevity, The Soul Of Wit! missed the boat. moderately disliking marijuana is not an option if you have 10000 post on a weed growin site. fucking dumb ass tweeker poser kids .. go to topix or some shit why are you here if you dont grow or smoke?? i bet half the cats on this website dont even know how to water a plant.
Ya know some people grow for patients who can't do it themselves you sanctimonious jackass.


New Member
"sanctimonious jackass"
Holy Shit!
Who Does That Remind You Of?
Here, Please Let Me Take Off My Mirrored Sunglasses So You Don't Get Any Briefly Bright Ideas.



New Member
Ya know some people grow for patients who can't do it themselves you sanctimonious jackass.
Pardon me, maybe I'm not up on ur local laws, but why can't the grower partake? Other than personal choice?

Again, we're back to ultra low %'s..........

Anyone to the point of growing MMJ for patients is probably NOT going to need much help from this forum.

Why bother?