rehab and seeds


Well-Known Member
so im a recovering alcoholic and past july i checked myself into rehab, the cops came to pick me up to take me to the va and i said " wait i need my pills" and they got all my pills and i had one pill bottle full of seeds, and i told the cops about it and they went and gave it back to my roommate...pretty cool cops if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
What an awsome thread! It really makes me feel good to read about stuff like this.

When i was a teenager, i was one of the craziest fuckers you would ever meet. Its still hard for me to believe some of the stuff i did. Well back then, EVERYBODY kept telling me i was an alcoholic/drug addict, but mostly is was my probation officer and parents(i was on probation for weed). So i was forced to go to those AA meetings, work the 12 step program, get a sponsor, the whole nine yards. Well now that im older a lil wiser, i no what i am and what i am not. I can seriously keep a 12 pack in the fridge for months, as sometimes that happens, and im not freaking out going crazy, its not an issue.
Now i did get addicted to heroin, BUT, i think there is a difference between a full blown heroin addict, and someone who used it for the first time and just happen to get physically addicted to it.
I just kinda want to express my negative feelings toward AA. For all those very few who actually got something out of AA, more power to ya, and keep coming back lol. But ive learned the success rate for AA is ablosute shit, and i cant help but feeling like im walking into some weird cult when i walk in the room cause everyone simotaniously says WELCOM and KEEP COMING B ACK or w/e they say, they have ALOT of sayings. But i feel as if i was being brainwashed. I really did think i was an alcoholic, because everyone kept telling me i was. I say screw AA and there shitty success rate. Moreover, people arent gonna quit unless THEY wanna quit. Stupid probation tries to force it on you.
Well i was sober for about 5 years. No weed, no alvohol, no drugs, nada. I swear to god it was one of the most boring/depressing times of my life.
About 2-3 years ago, i moved into a new town with my gf, and didnt kno anybody. I felt like i was bout to shoot myself in the head i was so bored and life was so dull, so i started smoking weed again. Since i started smoking again, i dont have the urge to go out and shoot heroin, or any other drug. Its made it to where even tho it can be boring out here, im perfectly ok, just because im high


Well-Known Member
smokemore, i couldnt agree with you more i too was forced to go to AA years ago for probation.Your right to me it did seem like a cult ,those people were just as addicted to AA as they were to drinking, and dont get me started on ciggeretts i quit those fuckers 2 years ago .BTW fuck NA too,i never did go to one of those because you know who wrote the book on NA thats right L. Ron Hubbard. nuff said


Well-Known Member
.BTW fuck NA too,i never did go to one of those because you know who wrote the book on NA thats right L. Ron Hubbard. nuff said
Holy shit! The scientology guy?! My gf is gonna get a kick out of this. I wonder why no1 has ever pointed that out to me before lol


Well-Known Member
the best part of all of it is..i used seeds from that pillbottle to grow my grow in my sig.