Blowin' glass on my new mirage - WINTER 2010/11


Well-Known Member
The Irony of it All

a funny story-

by fdd

i started blowing glass in the first month of 2009. there were two things that really got me into it all. i was looking for a new hobby and knew i wanted something to do with fire. i was thinking of metal sculpting. then i tried it and it was filthy. i knew glass would be cleaner and had a little experience in the past with it. once i tried it i was hooked.

but the main reason that i started was due to the fact that i could not find a "hash specific pipe". hence, a pipe made just for smoking hash out of. something small and simple, yet designed for hash. i knew what it needed to be but couldn't find anything like it. we have a dozen pipe shops within throwing distance of my house and for 2 years we looked endlessly. so when i first thought about blowing glass all i had in mind was the fact that i needed a hash pipe. i think there is even a thread here discussing this.

so after almost two years, i still have yet to design that hash pipe. until today.

to me a hash pipe needs to have several things. we will start with the obvious:

a small bowl hole - a small bowl hole will allow the pipe to be used with out a screen. a lot of pipe require screens if hash is to be smoked out of them simply because of the hole size. a hash pipe should have a nice solid, small hole. a poker is often used to stir it so you can't afford thin walled glass near the bowl hole. this is why a "reduced" hole is best. my hash pipe bowl will be a "solid bowl, reduced hole" style.

a flat spot to rest on - hash pipes tip, hash spills everywhere. a good hash pipe should have a nice solid base. style and flow go along with this.

a big bowl - hash is often "fluffed up". shallow bowls allow for hash to fall out everywhere. a nice deep, over sized bowl will allow for stirring with minimal spillage.

trippy desins - hash is trippy. who wants to smoke hash out of a clear pipe? not me. a good hash pipe will have depth and color. things to see.

compactness - i feel hash pipes should be small. able to fit in your palm. the should fit the hand to help prevent dropping. hash tends to relax those who smoke it. a well fitting pipe will hang in ones relaxed hand.

so with that being said, ... here's my new hash pipe. :-P :clap:

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damn dude I"m actually impressed. I wasn't expecting this that fast either . . . *claps*

ima have to get some cash together...

if I had money I'd buy that joke.... looks like it's scrounge time...

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
i would not make a bubbler like that. it's ugly. sorry.
i don't do repairs. it's just not worth the time.
google "glass blowing classes". there should be something locally.
you sir are pretty insulting about my bubbler hey most of your stuff i think is ugly too so whatever man im sorry my inline bubbler is too good for you. when it worked it ripped harder than 95% of the BONGs i have owned and smoked out of nothing rips as hard as an inline bubbler unless its an inline bong or a steam roller of large proportions.

as for repairing it that i completely understand repairs usually arent worth the time. It was worth asking the question hadn't been asked before. This bubbler was special because my mom bought it for me after she finally came around to realizing i had a medical need for marijuana so excuse me for trying to get something fixed that has a lot of meaning to me.

Im just a little peeved as to your attitude towards me when i ask you if you might be making somthing. Its not like i said hey man make me a bubbler like most of the other people in this thread.

I doubt i will be buying anything from you now if thats what your attitude is when someone asks a question after complimenting you on your work i may think they are ugly but i at least respect the time effort and artistry it takes to make glass.

You really think i didnt already google glass blowing classes in my area? cant find any thats why i asked...

why is glass blowing such like a cult its almost as bad as breeders with our wonderful flowers...


Active Member
The man has an attitude because he has been asked the same damn questions over and over, no matter how many times he answers them, they are asked again.




Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
The man has an attitude because he has been asked the same damn questions over and over, no matter how many times he answers them, they are asked again.



be quiet man i didnt ask him to do anything i asked him if he had any plans to make an inline thats not saying hey fdd make me a bubbler like everyone else is saying. As for making myself accountable to learning how to blow i am im asking someone that already knows if they can help me out with some information like any NORMAL person would you know you have to ask questions to learn I didnt ask him anything that has been asked in this thread already so you can get off his nuts now hopkins

I got nothin against fdd guy knows his way around a plant and a torch i just dont like snide comments being returned to me after a compliment. Especially about somthing with as much sentimental value to me as that bubbler i could care less if its ugly it hits better than anything you've smoked out of probably. the bowl alone was ridiculous with a cherry the size of a cigar tip... i guess i just gotta buy another

Im pretty sure fdd didnt just sit down at a computer buy 2k worth of equipment and go sit down in his garage with some glass and just magically start blowing man. Probably someone showed him the basics and he took it to the next level. I tought myself how to weld but i had to have someone show me what a good weld looked like before i could go and try and do it myself.... use common sense man you dont just get good at something out of thin air. I am trying to find someone local to me to teach me HOW to properly use my equipment that i will have to buy and then from there im on my own. I consider that learning myself. Google is not helping with that...


Well-Known Member
keep those bubblers coming lookin for a new piece you had one i wanted then you sold it on me haha all good though my eyes are open watching waiting i know a piece for me is coming just waiting till you blow the one that blows me away
i do owe you one. i will forget so don't feel bad reminding me. ;)

sometimes this all overwhelms me. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
you sir are pretty insulting about my bubbler hey most of your stuff i think is ugly too so whatever man im sorry my inline bubbler is too good for you. when it worked it ripped harder than 95% of the BONGs i have owned and smoked out of nothing rips as hard as an inline bubbler unless its an inline bong or a steam roller of large proportions.

as for repairing it that i completely understand repairs usually arent worth the time. It was worth asking the question hadn't been asked before. This bubbler was special because my mom bought it for me after she finally came around to realizing i had a medical need for marijuana so excuse me for trying to get something fixed that has a lot of meaning to me.

Im just a little peeved as to your attitude towards me when i ask you if you might be making somthing. Its not like i said hey man make me a bubbler like most of the other people in this thread.

I doubt i will be buying anything from you now if thats what your attitude is when someone asks a question after complimenting you on your work i may think they are ugly but i at least respect the time effort and artistry it takes to make glass.

You really think i didnt already google glass blowing classes in my area? cant find any thats why i asked...

why is glass blowing such like a cult its almost as bad as breeders with our wonderful flowers...

seriously, what the hell is wrong with all of you? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
be quiet man i didnt ask him to do anything i asked him if he had any plans to make an inline thats not saying hey fdd make me a bubbler like everyone else is saying. As for making myself accountable to learning how to blow i am im asking someone that already knows if they can help me out with some information like any NORMAL person would you know you have to ask questions to learn I didnt ask him anything that has been asked in this thread already so you can get off his nuts now hopkins

I got nothin against fdd guy knows his way around a plant and a torch i just dont like snide comments being returned to me after a compliment. Especially about somthing with as much sentimental value to me as that bubbler i could care less if its ugly it hits better than anything you've smoked out of probably. the bowl alone was ridiculous with a cherry the size of a cigar tip... i guess i just gotta buy another

dude, i said i was sorry. IMO i find it unattractive. i don't make ALL CLEAR stuff. i like a little color. YOU asked if i would be making anything like that and i politely answered. it is you who is butt hurt. i am truly sorry you broke your bubbler. i have no plans on making anything that looks like that in the near future. you would be better off just buying another one. you do have the link. ;)

when i first started blowing glass i GOOGLED "glass blowing". it brought up all kinds of stuff in my area. i suggested to you to do the same because it is what i did and it helped.

i seriously have no idea why you are all agro. :neutral:

i am the happy guy blowing glass. it is NOT me with an attitude. :cool:

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
i dont know your attitude of im better than everyone else and i dont have the time to answer a question nicely ill just be rude about it after the guy said i was good at what i did....

cmon man.... get real

your good at what you do man but that doesnt give you the right to go around insulting peoples stuff. your an admin your supposed to know that


Well-Known Member
i dont know your attitude of im better than everyone else and i dont have the time to answer a question nicely ill just be rude about it after the guy said i was good at what i did....

cmon man.... get real

your good at what you do man but that doesnt give you the right to go around insulting peoples stuff. your an admin your supposed to know that

jesus christ, go smoke a joint. :wall:


Well-Known Member
i dont know your attitude of im better than everyone else and i dont have the time to answer a question nicely ill just be rude about it after the guy said i was good at what i did....

cmon man.... get real

your good at what you do man but that doesnt give you the right to go around insulting peoples stuff. your an admin your supposed to know that

maybe you shouldn't insult artists by dragging in others work and asking them to copy it.

in the art world i would be shunned for this.
