sick plants, PLEASE HELP


doesn't matter...easier with lights on.

I dont use co2...temps don't get high enough...I ust exchange the air in the room constantly.
ive never used it before i just normally do the same and set the intake to pump freshair in eveyhour or so for a good half hour, so whats the deal with co2? does it really help your harvest by 20 to 30%??


I know it helps. In Cervantes bible, he mentions these pucks called Excellofizz that I may try.
yeah ive read it, thought of those thiongs but you can make them at home for so much cheaper than 15 pucks for 50 bucks
here check it out

Mix 3/4 Cup Citric Acid and 2 Cups Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda).
Add Eucalyptus oil (lol just like the commercial ones!!) ***NOT NEEDED*** .

While mixing, spray approx. 15mls (one tablespoon) of Witch Hazel onto the mixture (this will help set the mixture faster). Keep spraying lightly until the mixture sticks together (don't pour in liquid). When the mixture can be compacted and holds its shape it is ready to put in molds. Pack the mixture firmly into your mold and then gently tap the mold to release the bath fizzer *AKA OVERPRICED CO2 PUCK*. Let it stand for about 2 hours and then package it in an airtight container ... so it doenst react with humidity.
and bam co2 pucks hahah, and you can make as many as you want at a time
just a thought if your lokoing into them, i have beliefe they would do no justice for me cause the room is about 14x14x8 so i need a seystem


Active Member
well, if you have nothing that sounds like a start...I've tried the gas bucket type too...didn't seem to be enough...I should get a system...


Well-Known Member
DO NOT SUBMERGE YOUR POTS UNDER WATER TO SOAK THEM. Are you serious? If you say you watered them very recently, and the soil is moist, there is no need to water them. If you have continuously watered them a bit early, the roots may be experiencing some difficulties. You don't want to soak them again, you may come into a root rot problem doing so. Allow them to dry out, watch them within the last hours of drying up, then water with plain water, or with something like molasses to feed the microbes. Your leaves look dark, and it appears they have plenty of nitrogen.


DO NOT SUBMERGE YOUR POTS UNDER WATER TO SOAK THEM. Are you serious? If you say you watered them very recently, and the soil is moist, there is no need to water them. If you have continuously watered them a bit early, the roots may be experiencing some difficulties. You don't want to soak them again, you may come into a root rot problem doing so. Allow them to dry out, watch them within the last hours of drying up, then water with plain water, or with something like molasses to feed the microbes. Your leaves look dark, and it appears they have plenty of nitrogen.
i watered them 2days ago so they were pretty light today and they started wilting again, so i gave them a little drink and nothing has improved so far so i dont know, it seem they get REALLY droopy before the lights go out, or around that time, like earlier today they were looking FANTASTIC all leaves shootin up, now there all folded down again just cant win sometimes so i dont know lol


DO NOT SUBMERGE YOUR POTS UNDER WATER TO SOAK THEM. Are you serious? If you say you watered them very recently, and the soil is moist, there is no need to water them. If you have continuously watered them a bit early, the roots may be experiencing some difficulties. You don't want to soak them again, you may come into a root rot problem doing so. Allow them to dry out, watch them within the last hours of drying up, then water with plain water, or with something like molasses to feed the microbes. Your leaves look dark, and it appears they have plenty of nitrogen.
and yes i know they have a decent dose of N in them, but im starting to believe i have a phospherus problem, either tio much or to little, cause stems are turning dark purple reddish colour, and leaves are dark green and thin on some of them


Active Member
YES I am serious. You obviously did not read the entire thread. Whats your reasoning for not submerging them?

He already dried them up. The roots will be fine(its not like he's leaving them waterlogged.) He already has high N.

I do this every 10-20 days to my 1 gallon pots and NEVER have problems. Dunking gets ALL the trapped old air out, and the draining allows new air in and it soaks the complete medium, not some, like a regular watering does. Keep in mind I do this to them once each 10-20 days, not everyday. It works excellent. I wouldn't tell him to do it otherwise.

shmagpee, how is that one plant looking?


YES I am serious. You obviously did not read the entire thread. Whats your reasoning for not submerging them?

He already dried them up. The roots will be fine(its not like he's leaving them waterlogged.) He already has high N.

I do this every 10-20 days to my 1 gallon pots and NEVER have problems. Dunking gets ALL the trapped old air out, and the draining allows new air in and it soaks the complete medium, not some, like a regular watering does. Keep in mind I do this to them once each 10-20 days, not everyday. It works excellent. I wouldn't tell him to do it otherwise.

shmagpee, how is that one plant looking?
i did it to one of the littler guys cause i to was sceptical but it looks fine, hahahah prb wont need water for a week but its fine lol, my plants seem to be doing the massive wilt p[hase everydasy right before lights go out! and now some of the top l;eaves are a little wrinkled looking and almosyt like it has been eaten on the sides of the leafs, but there are no pests in my room im sure of it, so i dont know whats going on iin that department, maybe heat stress im guessing but the room never gets above 82 and the lights are distant enough away i suppose


post some pics of the damaged leaves...
see some of them are doing okay, but some are still a bit wilty...
and the leaves that are damaged are almost like they been eaten at the edges but honestly i cant find a gnat or anything that would eat leaves in my room at all, (advangtage of sealed room)
and they go major wilty right before lights go off and during up till a hour or so of lights beiong on do they straighten out



Active Member
shmagpee, how is that one plant looking?
i did it to one of the littler guys cause i to was sceptical but it looks fine, hahahah prb wont need water for a week but its fine lol,
How is that plant doing in relation to the other plants? Did it bubble when you submerged it?

I'm assuming thats the only plant you have watered in what, three days? Have you lifted each pot for heft? Also, you have them on wooden shelfs, I did that and ended up with mold growing under my pots...I covered all wood with plastic sheeting and raised my pots with dunnage.


How is that plant doing in relation to the other plants? Did it bubble when you submerged it?

I'm assuming thats the only plant you have watered in what, three days? Have you lifted each pot for heft? Also, you have them on wooden shelfs, I did that and ended up with mold growing under my pots...I covered all wood with plastic sheeting and raised my pots with dunnage.
yah there going to get a drink when lihghts go out in a hour or so, but what ytou make out of those leaves? and no that little one didnt buuble to much, and yes the pots are fairly dry but not overlly dry out, so theyll get there little drink tonight


How is that plant doing in relation to the other plants? Did it bubble when you submerged it?

I'm assuming thats the only plant you have watered in what, three days? Have you lifted each pot for heft? Also, you have them on wooden shelfs, I did that and ended up with mold growing under my pots...I covered all wood with plastic sheeting and raised my pots with dunnage.
yah i was going to do that some time this week as for niow ther okay, but what do you make out of those leaves??? and no i didnt bubbkle to much like a few bubbles came out of there, the pots are fairly light, they will get a drink when lights go off tonight


Active Member
Well look around and select a light one. do it to that and see if it bubbles...

Before we can diagnose the leave problem, we need to settle your base. Check the PH from the run-off...we want 6.5.


Well look around and select a light one. do it to that and see if it bubbles...

Before we can diagnose the leave problem, we need to settle your base. Check the PH from the run-off...we want 6.5.
k when i water tonight im going to give a good one so i have a little flow come out enough to take a good reading


Well look around and select a light one. do it to that and see if it bubbles...

Before we can diagnose the leave problem, we need to settle your base. Check the PH from the run-off...we want 6.5.
and this is the first time using the stadium lighting, ho tall should i let these guys get before flowering? like there really bushy, im aiming for a oz a plant on thee guys


Active Member
They can double in height...I shoot for 24 inches +/- depending on the strain. I generally run indica dominates so looking at 4ft plant finished(topped)...I get between 120-140 gms per goal is a qp per plant> 112 gm, so i'm hitting that...

I am doing the dunk right now at this time...they are seedlings about three weeks old, six weeks and some WW clones. They were transplanted 10 days ago and to day is their 1st dunk...I will use 20-20-20 1/4 strength with 1 tbsp Superthrive per 5 gallons. Every one of them have bubbled some. They will now last 5-6 days before I need to water...(by the way after rethinking I guess I do this 20-30 days, not 10-20...

Take look at my album. putting your curser on the pic activates pop-up.


They can double in height...I shoot for 24 inches +/- depending on the strain. I generally run indica dominates so looking at 4ft plant finished(topped)...I get between 120-140 gms per goal is a qp per plant> 112 gm, so i'm hitting that...

I am doing the dunk right now at this time...they are seedlings about three weeks old, six weeks and some WW clones. They were transplanted 10 days ago and to day is their 1st dunk...I will use 20-20-20 1/4 strength with 1 tbsp Superthrive per 5 gallons. Every one of them have bubbled some. They will now last 5-6 days before I need to water...(by the way after rethinking I guess I do this 20-30 days, not 10-20...
hahah yah thats what i was thinking when you first said it hahaha...
and wow those are monster plants to yield a Qp of each plant, wow and i thought getting a OZ a plant was fairly good? but yet again your doing it with seedlings right?