The TRUTH About Men...

You know what I just noticed guys.... & what is sad & wrong with our Country? One reason why our divorce rate is so high? You want to know what it is???? Not one woman has liked or agreed with this thread. Not ONE! I did have a couple of disagreements from girls, but...

Just sad.


Well-Known Member
You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink. You can give a woman a good man, and you cant make her treat him well. But give a woman a mediocre sub par man, she's devoted for life. I agree with what you say about treating a man well, but i refuse to treat a bad man well.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
shit i wish i had ran into a women like that i bearly have so i think my guard is up i meat them n i fuck them almost emideatly the fall inlove with the sex n not me but wen im away or i get to bussy the fuck up is it that i meat the wrong girls i am a fool for falling inlove with women so soon pritty faces n pritty lil toes get me all the tym. yet over the year i get email n some still trien to get me back my friend r cheater all the fucken way but wen it happend to me i cant believe it i guess i work to much n if i do they complain n if im not working they complain i just dont understand women but nevor have they ran into a faithfull motherfucker like me lets c what happends in this relationship n prove all them others wrong. they say wen u eat stake every day all day u get tired of it n need some salid or soup well to me if it beef ill heard all the years till i die. but if im sigal i will go threw them till i find the wright one so i think. my friends trip out that i turn them down i swear to god. i aint bragn im telling u my heart been riped out like a mortal combat game and kicked for a foot ball field goal. y i cant believe this i dont know. i often run into married women n they try to throw me the panties i cant my friends would but man the odds r against u guys im sorry i speek from esperiance i aint sexie i aint special im just me observing life. if u guys r like that them dam were the fuck were u guys wen i was around lolz just kiding i dont have kids for that same reason i dont trust women. all the important x's have email me but its to late i cant take them back im a good guy they say good guy finish last well i aint racen anyone :) i cheated wen i was young, oww she was hot i got with her one night stand as soon as i got naked hot n horny we were kising i thought hahaha this is so cool n i put my dick in her pussy warm wet soft glorry ow man the moment i nuted it was pure guilt i felt bad i felt guilty i was just a young teen i broke her heart...... it has happend to me ever since i often think i should just bend them over n fuck it or get all up in it befor it happend to me but i remember it has n it feels like slow death pain days of liquor to numb the pain......... so i dont i dont do it cuz the hoes r willing i do it cuz i know what that dudes going threw n i cant do it....... man i got so many stories ohhhhffffff you guys dont want to hear them so i will just stop.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Why do you say that? Do you happen to think we live in this fabulous world where the government goes to bed at night thinking about our smiles and laughter? :lol:

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Why do you say that? Do you happen to think we live in this fabulous world where the government goes to bed at night thinking about our smiles and laughter? :lol:
No, I think everyone agrees that there is a problem, which will give power to this guy. But who is he? How do we know he isn't crazy like Hitler? We'd all still be sheep if we traded in one bad thing for another- and at least we know the details of our current situation. How do we know this guy isn't planning on blowing stuff up and considering it necessary for the movement? The whole thing was way to foggy for me. Perhaps in time his intentions and methods will become more apparent, but until then I'm not jumping on the bandwagon, and if he has any good intentions, then I'm sure he'd understand...