The TRUTH About Men...


Active Member
that is very sweet ... but you know we do it all just to impress girls like you ..... girls are pretty damn awsome themselves .... coundnt imagine what we would do without ya's ....
as am i. sorry i snapped at you. you should understand why i feel the way i do if you have a sister who gets stepped on. it's not all her, there are seriously like 5% of the entire male population that is decent, the rest are users and abusers, lol, that sounded pretty corny.
Props for apologizing & I am very sorry about your experience & outlook... but I would like to see where you got the 5% from. All the males in my life, I would say 5% are dicks. ~ unlike the females, lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, i love it when he starts poking around in there :D Tis a good vintage arrrrr. Ever gotten drunk and snorted prawn crackers and whipped cream? :lol:


Well-Known Member
IMO the feminist movement didn't overload the divorce rate, but it sure as hell ruined family values. Thanks to that women decided it was more important to burn bras & bitch about equality, when they themselves just can't simply do it all. Thanks to the feminist who feel like working all the time makes then equal, mean while their kids are pushed to the side... like going to day care or a friends, better yet, depends on the kids age- they could be off having sex & doing drugs.... when all could be prevented w/ dinner table conversations & games, but mommy & daddy are working.

I know a lot of old timers... never heard of one who just grinned & bear it. I think that's an understatement..... not saying no one ever did.... but I don't think as many people said were as said.
yeah, that is not what feminism is.

feminism is not all women working, it is each woman having the ability to choose whether she wants to work or not and having the same opportunity and equality as anyone else to get to whatever position she desires. not just being the office secretary, like back in the 'good old days'.

the work of feminism is far from over, as women are still being paid $0.80 on the dollar of what a man makes, ceterus parabis. as a man, i consider myself a feminist as sexism or inequality is good for no one, man or woman.

i take pride in pointing out the patriarchal constructs of society and bringing them to people's attention. one need look no further than this page to see the title of "mr. ganja" under medicalmayjane's name.

Angry Pollock

Well-Known Member
lofl, i don't know what men you're talking about, around here, the men are little boys. Little pussy, metrosexual momma's boys who are more concerned with what you're wearing than you are.

I don't care too much for men. I prefer the ideas and emotions of women. My fiance is the exception.

Men disgust me.
why i oughtta........


Well-Known Member
Feminism = women can now drink, drug and whore like men without society calling them drunken sluts.

Theres a good reason women were not allowed to do that in a civilized society and we are seeing the effects of it today. Millions of demon spawn with no daddy and a worthless mama looking to pop out some more with any soul unfortunate to be lead around by his little head.


thump easy

Well-Known Member
shit my old ladie wakes up telling me make me a sandwich bring me my coffee check my oil i clean house i pay the bills thow man it sucks jajajaja but wen it come to my turn i terorrize that in the bedroom she loves that i get angry grab those hips n take my agger out like that jajaja funny how that works, i think she does it on purpose.


Well-Known Member
Feminism = women can now drink, drug and whore like men without society calling them drunken sluts.

Theres a good reason women were not allowed to do that in a civilized society and we are seeing the effects of it today. Millions of demon spawn with no daddy and a worthless mama looking to pop out some more with any soul unfortunate to be lead around by his little head.

sexist much?


Well-Known Member
I dont know how I missed this thread.

....I remember being thought of as a woman by someone and her husband not long ago.