It still just blows my mind how you 3 can be here on a weed forum labeling yourselves such things as progressives and independents and not support Ron Paul because of some petty issue or conspiracy theory...blows my mind!
You voted Obama so I assume you wanted change? Where is it? How can you call yourself a progressive when you vote for centrist and when you live by american exceptional-ism? Perhaps I blow your mind equally so..I am sure..Its funny, Dan said recently in this thread "Libertarian Magic Dust" while associating his view with reality. I see it just the same only I see it as "centrist magic dust"....except this magic dust of yours it moves in niether direction, it makes no progress neither forward nor backward, it holds no "Change". I see all three of you much like a view Glenn Beck, granted you are vastly superior in intelligence and you probably aren't compulsive liars, but what I see is that disconnect, for me it seems as if its a disconnect from reality, maybe not as disconnected as Glenn Beck but I am just using him because he comes to mind as someone who is incredibly disconnected so I use him as an example. Our government does wonderful things for us and life is great here indeed, but government has one goal in mind and its not to protect you and take care of you and society, the goal is to stay in power at all cost and to increase its power at all cost. This is part of the reason I support Ron Paul, its because he stands by the people, and in on sense he is the most in touch with reality of all federal government officials.