Raining again


Well-Known Member
it has been raining on and off all week.

it started pouring this morning around 10 am, should last all the way to 1:30pm.

i checked the calendar, it says july. am i just really high and hallucinating, or is it really raining this much in july in oregon?:-?


New Member
Crazy year. I am kind of glad it is raining, my dog just got spayed, and it makes it easier to keep her inside.....haha. Hope the rain is not causing too many problems for you!


Well-Known Member
only halfway through the month and we are already at .8 inches, with .6 inches of rain being the average for the whole month. and we will get plenty today.



Active Member
Ya.. I am sitting up here in.. crap.. I can't remember my own county right now.. I'll try this again..

I'm in Portland.. I've always called Oregon my home but ended up in Montana for a few years and just got back to Oregon a few months back..

Since then rain clouds clouds rain rain rain rain sun rain rain rain clouds it's hot, no, damn it's cold.. rain rain rain *check calendar* rain rain clouds sun clouds clouds clouds rain rain..



I was always down in the Newport area except for a time in Lakeside and rain just didn't bother me there because it just seemed so 'coastal'.. but for the first time I am living inland and it is starting to depress the hell out of me..... *grrrr*


Whew.. I feel much better now.. thanks for letting me blow some steam about the rain clouds clouds rain rain rain rain sun rain rain rain clouds it's hot, no, damn it's cold.. rain rain rain *check calendar* rain rain clouds sun clouds clouds clouds rain rain..

I know these black berries (I mean the actual Oregon black berrie's) need sun, and they are ripening.. but how and why I will never know.


Active Member
dude, i wish it would rain that much where i live, we have gotten like 3 inches all year!

I dunno..

Here it is at 1 pm towards the end of July, and I am bundled up and a bit cold, no difference from February.

Solid days of solid unending clouds and low temps..

If I were a growing now and an outdoor grower, I would be a bit frantic right now actually. I'm certain things are growing, but certainly not at a rate they would be if there was any damn sun. I would estimate the total hours of direct sun with no clouds this month to be just a few dozen collectively.. very frustrating.

On the flip side, if I were growing indoors I probably wouldn't have to worry about keeping them cool, and they could be heating my house up a bit.

At least if there was no rain as you mention, one could always water in most cases. And not be in a funk because summer is over half over and we haven't really even had much of a spring, let alone summer.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
It just rained for the first time in like seven months a few days ago, it's pretty bad when the cacti are dying from drought. I'll be more than happy to take the rain off your hands, just send it down here.:mrgreen:


New Member
I dunno..

Here it is at 1 pm towards the end of July, and I am bundled up and a bit cold, no difference from February.

Solid days of solid unending clouds and low temps..

If I were a growing now and an outdoor grower, I would be a bit frantic right now actually. I'm certain things are growing, but certainly not at a rate they would be if there was any damn sun. I would estimate the total hours of direct sun with no clouds this month to be just a few dozen collectively.. very frustrating.

On the flip side, if I were growing indoors I probably wouldn't have to worry about keeping them cool, and they could be heating my house up a bit.

At least if there was no rain as you mention, one could always water in most cases. And not be in a funk because summer is over half over and we haven't really even had much of a spring, let alone summer.
Anyone that has not yet done so.....go to the link in 333maxwell's signature, and listen to his music. His song about Rush Limbaugh is solid musically, and very funny and scary at the same time. Just checked it out for shits and giggles, because I have been recording some stuff at home here recently. Great work, 333max. Good stuff, man.


Active Member
Anyone that has not yet done so.....go to the link in 333maxwell's signature, and listen to his music. His song about Rush Limbaugh is solid musically, and very funny and scary at the same time. Just checked it out for shits and giggles, because I have been recording some stuff at home here recently. Great work, 333max. Good stuff, man.
You are very kind.. The song actually ended up as part of a documentary (for lack of a better word) on Limbaugh on NPR.. I was the last to know (..'fair use', they can do pretty much do what they want as long as they use it accordingly and for no more than X amount of time.. or some such nonsense...).. If you are doing home recording, be careful what you put up for grabs on music upload sites on the internet if you want to 'protect' it.

Me, I was tickled pink, I didn't care, have at it.. but they could of at least 'told' me so I could of caught the presentation. But for others, if your out to protect your art, music, video, multi media.. be careful.

I do appreciate the kind words, always nice to run into other musicians.



Well-Known Member
it sprinkled again today. very few cloud breaks.

fuck this summer.
i hate this rain to, good for the farm plants though.
and rain i think should not effect your pants as they are in a GH. but i agree fuck this summer, its not even really a summer more like some spring time here right now


Well-Known Member
i hate this rain to, good for the farm plants though.
and rain i think should not effect your pants as they are in a GH. but i agree fuck this summer, its not even really a summer more like some spring time here right now
yeah, it started raining just after i planted the final touches on my three sisters garden. all those seeds popped without me having to water much.

the rain weakens the tape on the GH and i have to bring my friend over to help me retape it.

and the lack of sun can't be doing the plants inside the Gh any favors.


Well-Known Member
i hate this rain to, good for the farm plants though.
and rain i think should not effect your pants as they are in a GH. but i agree fuck this summer, its not even really a summer more like some spring time here right now
haha just realized i put " it should not efect your pants" i thought it was funny, any who seems the weather is going to be nice and hot again down here, hope it clears up theri


Well-Known Member
Why so much hate? We got a bunch of sun power! I finally found a very cool spot in my backyard for my plants to live in, hopefully it will that will help out my plants out with this heat issue!

yeah, it is green everywhere.

but we are way behind for the season, and need some sun to catch up.


my hatred for texas runs as deep as the cock in perry's asshole.