Decided to start flushing did water once and now i changed my mind?!?!?


Well-Known Member
I think i might run nutes a lil longer now after reading up on the topic. Can i go back to nutes again or am i stuck flushing now?
Also i have a bud builder that i use should i continue this during feedings for a bit...can i?

mollasas? just wanna maximize my yield here and want these last 2 weeks pack it on. any ideas?

Thanks so much RIU!

I am also thinking about continuing to flush just one
and 1 week flushing one
and not flushing the other just to get a feel for the difference?!


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I don't flush soil at all, I think it stresses the plant too much. It's not gonna use up all it's nutes in 2 weeks and you are sucking the life out of the leaves as the plant tries to keep itself alive. So nute away.


Well-Known Member
Why would one worry about if the plant is stress the last few weeks ^_^ Depending on what nutes you use you may be able to get away with it, but if your using a ton of chemicals & forget to flush you can totally taste it in the buds.


New Member
Why would one worry about if the plant is stress the last few weeks ^_^ Depending on what nutes you use you may be able to get away with it, but if your using a ton of chemicals & forget to flush you can totally taste it in the buds.
Because the last 2-3 weeks is when the buds pack on most of their weight, which means it's a period where they need the energy (=food) most.

So the question is.... are the energy the plants take from their leaves enough to pack on all this extra weigth - or is it only enough to get by?

My guess is they will survive on leaf, but not thrive.

So flushing has a cost, probably not a big cost - but still.
This means you have to ask if you need to flush, and this is something only the grower can answer after trying both.


Well-Known Member
Not if you simply wait until its swelled completely & flush.. then you lose nothing & gain amber trichs.?.
Mr.Grønn;6169409 said:
Because the last 2-3 weeks is when the buds pack on most of their weight, which means it's a period where they need the energy (=food) most.

So the question is.... are the energy the plants take from their leaves enough to pack on all this extra weigth - or is it only enough to get by?

My guess is they will survive on leaf, but not thrive.

So flushing has a cost, probably not a big cost - but still.
This means you have to ask if you need to flush, and this is something only the grower can answer after trying both.


New Member
Not if you simply wait until its swelled completely & flush.. then you lose nothing & gain amber trichs.?.

Correct, but then you loose control over when to haverst.

Most people want to have the thrics at a certain point of maturity, personally I harvest when I see first signs of amber thrics, so it's not possible for me (to do it you way).

A slightly overripe plant which also is cured 2 months will be full of CBN (degraded shit, not to be confused with CBD).

However - you might have guessed already, I grown mainly Indicas, which have a shorter harvest-window. I guess with sativas it's another story.....

Anyway, it's a meaningless point to discuss for me personally, as I don't flush anymore.

(But the original question remains for any botany-educated master out there; when the plant eats it's own leaf, is it enough to pack on weight or only to survive?)
pack on the nutes and molasses until the last week of your desired flower time then flush for the last week. its the best of both worlds, you increase bud growth and yeild while also getting the cleaner non chemical taste. btw nice buds!