DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
Thrips are not a big threat to a harvest - but they do suck the chlorophlyl out of the leaves and can cause problems. Not something you want to have to battle in your garden.



Well-Known Member
thanks kiki, exactly, they are a pain in the arse, but in big enough numbers, can cause issues. I think I found the source though, we have two jasmins at my door to my terrace and they are absolutely covered. Garden is being treated.

Hey T, thanks man. It's quite weird because I normally use B.A.C Schimmels (Funky fungus) which has a number of different sorts in there. But since they were a bit yellow early on (after weather abuse) I added some dry nutes that I got for my connifers which also have mycorrhizae in them. This was added to the top, and when I put them in the grenhouse the fungus basically started growing out of the pellets, you could see it like sea enenemies (sp). I covered that with compost and the roots are now busting out everywhere, incredible.


Well-Known Member
Thrips - look like evil little so and so's. I thought DST had some sort of STD.lol "Aye, I got the thrips aff some wee dirty last night" hahaha


Well-Known Member
haha, doon the Uro clinic to get ma thrips brollied out.:shock:

Warning, thrips left unattended will eat your plant right up! And they move fast as fuk!


Well-Known Member
Hey thread followers. So I mentioned a while ago that I was looking for 8inch(200mm) cool tubes to replace my 5inch ones:shock: that at that end of the day, really couldn't handle the 600's. Well after lots of emails and working things out with the manufacturer of the tubes, I took delivery of them last week. Bought 3 connector ducts and after several adjustments to fans, etc, etc, I finally completed the job in time to shower and catch the football. So here are some pics.

A comparison of the tubes:shock: quite some difference eh?:hump:

The cab with the old 125mm/5inch cool tubes.

The new tubes.:hump::hump:

Diameter comparison:hug:

8inch ruck - 200mm

Fan in place

Lets all gather round the light children.


New tower in place, it's hella heavy, but it's double wire connected from the top tube to the middle tube, then single wire connected to the bottom tube. The duct tape is more for air that for holding the tubes together, but I have put several gorilla strips on there as well. Checked it after a while and it good so far.
I can basically leave my hand on the cool tube, it's like lying out on a sunny day and sunbathing.:)

Take it easy,

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
It's an Engineers Dream, lol.

Cheers for the visits guys, much appreciated. I think this will be worth the effort. The only thing I need to do is get rid of that MH 400 and stick in a 600. Getting the ballast is no problem, but for some reason MH bulbs are relatively rare in Amsterdam. Get this, the guys at my store, which is a House and Garden store, didn't even know what a MH was, lmao. dear o dear. Anyway, the 400 bulb is nearly twice as hot as the phillips 600's. Again, cheap light from Basement Lighting, what do you expect, needs replaced. But the daddies will hold things together until that comes in.

Okaydoky, off to finish me jegoint.


Well-Known Member
It's an Engineers Dream, lol.

Cheers for the visits guys, much appreciated. I think this will be worth the effort. The only thing I need to do is get rid of that MH 400 and stick in a 600. Getting the ballast is no problem, but for some reason MH bulbs are relatively rare in Amsterdam. Get this, the guys at my store, which is a House and Garden store, didn't even know what a MH was, lmao. dear o dear. Anyway, the 400 bulb is nearly twice as hot as the phillips 600's. Again, cheap light from Basement Lighting, what do you expect, needs replaced. But the daddies will hold things together until that comes in.

Okaydoky, off to finish me jegoint.
got shivers when i read those 2 words

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
It's an Engineers Dream, lol.

Cheers for the visits guys, much appreciated. I think this will be worth the effort. The only thing I need to do is get rid of that MH 400 and stick in a 600. Getting the ballast is no problem, but for some reason MH bulbs are relatively rare in Amsterdam. Get this, the guys at my store, which is a House and Garden store, didn't even know what a MH was, lmao. dear o dear. Anyway, the 400 bulb is nearly twice as hot as the phillips 600's. Again, cheap light from Basement Lighting, what do you expect, needs replaced. But the daddies will hold things together until that comes in.

Okaydoky, off to finish me jegoint.
I was just looking and could not find a 600 mh, only the 'conversion' bulbs. I'm getting 400 mh bulbs for $18 from a local electrical supplier.



Well-Known Member
Haha, I'll may be check them out, are they new, lol.

this lot seem to be well priced

So I go into the room and the top bloody light is not working, and the ballast is clicking away...ffs. I had to take down the light tower, dismantle the the ducting and shizznit, done a few test, changed wires around, still nothing......of course it's a brand new bulb so last thin I tried was swapping the bulb around...bingo. Brand new bubl is a duffer,ff. Back to the shop to see if they'll swap it. Lots of sweat and ffs-ing going on this morning, I can tell ya.


Well-Known Member
Aww man, perhaps you got your mulligan out of the way and now they will swap your bulb and give a discount for your next purchase!


Well-Known Member
If that happens I will eat the bulb, lol. These are Dutchies we are talking about, they never built a land under the sea without selling and trading a few things. They are worse than us Scot's. Drop a 50 cent piece and it hits the average Cloggie on the back of the head.....quite tight with cash are the Nederlanders.

Aww man, perhaps you got your mulligan out of the way and now they will swap your bulb and give a discount for your next purchase!