Better lighting schedule, bigger growth, cheaper bills

kevin murphy

New Member
if you like taking short cuts when growing bud it shouldnt be grown simple as that giving the plant as much light as poss is the best thing you can do or would you say u do the same thing to autos...
good i'm glad it isn't worth your time to save money .. but not all of us have that luxury .. i kinda like saving the extra cash each month


Well-Known Member
less light less bud think about that id know what id choose lol done sprouting
since when do you bud during the veg cycle .. that is what 21-1 is .. a timing system for veg ... not flower gosh id wish people would actually take a few min to actually read about somehting instead of the lameo comments


Well-Known Member
good i'm glad it isn't worth your time to save money .. but not all of us have that luxury .. i kinda like saving the extra cash each month
Just did the math, shutting the 1000w light I veg with off for 3 hours a day would save me a whopping 1-1.25 dollars a day My grow more than makes up the extra 30 or so dollars! I really wouldn't call saving 30 dollars a luxury!


Well-Known Member
if you like taking short cuts when growing bud it shouldnt be grown simple as that giving the plant as much light as poss is the best thing you can do or would you say u do the same thing to autos...
its really not a shortcut .. most commercial growers have been using it a long time ..... as for autos .. don't know anything about them because ive never grown them or felt the need to .


Well-Known Member
since when do you bud during the veg cycle .. that is what 21-1 is .. a timing system for veg ... not flower gosh id wish people would actually take a few min to actually read about somehting instead of the lameo comments
the other half of the picture was also talking about reducing the light during flowering. I wish people would read the whole thing instead of making "lameo" comments...


Well-Known Member
Just did the math, shutting the 1000w light I veg with off for 3 hours a day would save me a whopping 1-1.25 dollars a day My grow more than makes up the extra 30 or so dollars! I really wouldn't call saving 30 dollars a luxury!
30$ is 30$ .. to you maybe nothing, but $360 a year is savings enough for me ..


Well-Known Member
Many seasoned growers have proven this method to be bunk(as far as increasing growth vs energy use) through trial and error...nothing but a gimmick, plain and simple......
I wasnt argueing that point. I dont care about energy savings. Ill agree that is a gimmick. What I would like to discuss is the claims on decreasing flowering times increases yield. It is more of a natural cycle, but with todays indoor strains trained on 12/12, will you actually gain anything by reducing hours? I know how the plants work, so a Botany 101 isnt needed, just honest, polite opinions.


Well-Known Member
the other half of the picture was also talking about reducing the light during flowering. I wish people would read the whole thing instead of making "lameo" comments...
i was talking about the 12-1 ... i dont recall saying anything about a flowering schedual


Well-Known Member
what are you talking about? if you actually knew how to use the 12-1 you wouldnt have came up with such a silly remark..... on a 12-1 schedual you only have your light on for 12 hrs as opposed to 18 or 20 or 24 .. hmmm seems like a saving to me .. and oh ya turning it off and on .. well you normally turn it off and one once a day dont ya? so there isnt any more off and on then when you grow 18/6 or 20/4 ... as for the 1 hour in the middle of the dark time .. you dont have to use your main light ... just a small cfl will be enough .. i use my main t5's on the 12 and a small 24w cfl on the 1 hr cycle. it's really too bad you don't investigate something before you spout off
read the picture the OP posted. 12 on 5.5 off 1 on 5.5 off. unless you are are in the special ed class you can figure out that is 13 hours on out of a 24 hour day with it switching on and off twice instead of once...


New Member
Unfortunately most new growers stumbling upon this method will only see 'reduced energy use and 30%+growth increase'. They are not interested in saving power, they see 30%+ increase in growth rates, which simply is not true. It may save a bit of energy but its still a gimmick in my book......

kevin murphy

New Member
for one ud get nout off a auto on that light cycle and for 2 it say it would cut time in veg and flower
its really not a shortcut .. most commercial growers have been using it a long time ..... as for autos .. don't know anything about them because ive never grown them or felt the need to .


Well-Known Member
i was talking about the 12-1 ... i dont recall saying anything about a flowering schedual
But you did say you wish people would read the whole thing. I wish people would read the whole thing as well! Go back to the First post and read everything on the picture!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately most new growers stumbling upon this method will only see 'reduced energy use and 30%+growth increase'. They are not interested in saving power, they see 30%+ increase in growth rates, which simply is not true. It may save a bit of energy but its still a gimmick in my book......
even the energy savings isn't much. 3 hours a day.... big deal!


Well-Known Member
read the picture the OP posted. 12 on 5.5 off 1 on 5.5 off. unless you are are in the special ed class you can figure out that is 13 hours on out of a 24 hour day with it switching on and off twice instead of once...
see again you didnt read ... i don't use my main veg lighting on the 1 hr in the middle of dark .. just a small cfl .. so lets see ..main lights on and off ONCE small cfl on and off ONCE but it really doeant matter .. you grow the way you want and i grow the way i want ...... like the sig says .. my methods work for me


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately most new growers stumbling upon this method will only see 'reduced energy use and 30%+growth increase'. They are not interested in saving power, they see 30%+ increase in growth rates, which simply is not true. It may save a bit of energy but its still a gimmick in my book......
like i said before .. ive been using it for a long time .. and ive never seen a 30% increase in growth .. i just like it for the little savings i get from it with and still have heathy and productive plants


Well-Known Member
I use it .. have for a very long time .. for me it works well , keeps the plants bushy and short , save $ on hydro, saves bulb life and the best part its never had any negative effects on my plants
but dont expect that 30% increase .. ive never seen it .. just short bushy healthy plants

happy growin
see again you didnt read ... i don't use my main veg lighting on the 1 hr in the middle of dark .. just a small cfl .. so lets see ..main lights on and off ONCE small cfl on and off ONCE but it really doeant matter .. you grow the way you want and i grow the way i want ...... like the sig says .. my methods work for me
I read everything you wrote! You didn't read the first post! And now you're trying to back out of it!


Well-Known Member
i still never said anything about flower .. only the 12-1 lighting schedual and no i m not backing out of it ..


Well-Known Member
what are you talking about? if you actually knew how to use the 12-1 you wouldnt have came up with such a silly remark..... on a 12-1 schedual you only have your light on for 12 hrs as opposed to 18 or 20 or 24 .. hmmm seems like a saving to me .. and oh ya turning it off and on .. well you normally turn it off and one once a day dont ya? so there isnt any more off and on then when you grow 18/6 or 20/4 ... as for the 1 hour in the middle of the dark time .. you dont have to use your main light ... just a small cfl will be enough .. i use my main t5's on the 12 and a small 24w cfl on the 1 hr cycle. it's really too bad you don't investigate something before you spout off
This is just funny. your 12/1 period has 2 on off cycles and is still running the lights 13 hours a day! It's even funnier that you're using T5's and are worried about saving that extra 3 hours a day. What's your energy savings a whole 5 dollars a month!?! I was vegging with 2 4ft 4 bulb t5's and 2 2ft 2bulbs and my power bill went up a whole 15 dollars a month! LOLOLOL!