am i off base?


Well-Known Member
everyone is mad at me because we all want to move to a nice house, and its kinda far away from where we are now.
well my mom, sister, and stepdad know how to drive and have cars (though even when my sister didnt have a car, she still got rides every where). So they can still go where they need to go. As for me, I dont know how to drive (no one wanted to teach me), and walking would take me hours and hours to get to school, and they are all like, "catch the bus". But the closest bus stop is like a mile away, plus it'd be a very long bus ride.
my first class next semester starts at 9. So i'd have to wake up hella early, walk a mile, hop on the bus for like an hour or 45 min, go to school all day, hop back on the bus, walk back.
My mom has never made my sister walk anywhere. She makes sure my sister has a ride to and from work. But what about me? It feels like im being forced to go above and beyond just to get to school.
And no one is willing to take me to school or whatever. But they sure as hell can make sure my sister gets to and from work.

I feel like my mom doesnt understand how hard that would be, and is punishing me for choosing to go to school full time and not working full time like my sister. It makes me so mad when they call me selfish, but im just trying to get an education. No one else in my family is going to college!!!!!

Fuck me, I need to go smoke, im getting hella mad just typing this


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately thats just the way some parents are. Me and my brother (who is younger) are treated some what differently. When raising the issue with them makes it more awkward so just learnt to live with it tbh and do the things I wanna do, my way. Hope things get better. Have a good smoke and chill.


bud bootlegger
learn how to drive urca, it's not that hard... they even have driving schools if no one in your house wants to show you, and sometimes it's just the best way to do shit anyways as family and driving usually lead to a big night mare..

you were going to lend your bro some of your school money for a car, simply do the same for yourself.. you can get a beater for idk, 2k or so.. it will be good enough to get you to school and home for sure...
but i do tend to agree, public transportation in the us is a joke unless you live in a major city or something along those lines.. in my state, if you get busted for possession, you automatically lose your dl for a year, so stupid.. and then they want you to have a job and pay all of these fines and shit, but have no dl, it's retarded... i hated losing my shit, as i had a car six months before i ever had my dl, and to me a car means complete freedom.. nothing like getting behind the wheel of your car and going where you want when you want to...
get your dl and a car, you'll love me for it, seriously, you will find a sense of freedom that you've never felt before.. :)


Well-Known Member
sounds like you need to stick up for yourself!!
i tried and they just told me im being a selfish bitch. i want the house just as much as they do, but I want to be able to go to school without having to go above and beyond.
my mom uses the example "ive walked hundreds of miles in my life to get shit done. I used to catch busses every day with you three kids, quit complaining." But its like, she was in a completely different situation where no one could help her out, but im in a situation where I live with three people who drive! And, my mom used to wake up everyday at 4 to take my sister to work, then pick her up at noon before she got her car.
but im selfish for wanting to hitch a ride with her to her work and then walking to school from there?


Well-Known Member
learn how to drive urca, it's not that hard... they even have driving schools if no one in your house wants to show you, and sometimes it's just the best way to do shit anyways as family and driving usually lead to a big night mare..

you were going to lend your bro some of your school money for a car, simply do the same for yourself.. you can get a beater for idk, 2k or so.. it will be good enough to get you to school and home for sure...
but i do tend to agree, public transportation in the us is a joke unless you live in a major city or something along those lines.. in my state, if you get busted for possession, you automatically lose your dl for a year, so stupid.. and then they want you to have a job and pay all of these fines and shit, but have no dl, it's retarded... i hated losing my shit, as i had a car six months before i ever had my dl, and to me a car means complete freedom.. nothing like getting behind the wheel of your car and going where you want when you want to...
get your dl and a car, you'll love me for it, seriously, you will find a sense of freedom that you've never felt before.. :)
last week, my sister got pulled over for having no tags, no registration, driving without a license, and no insurance. And had a person smoking in the car with her, and was high herself. Im so mad that my mom cant make some way for me to go to school, but she can help my sister out


Well-Known Member
No your not, I'd react the same way. You fuckers want inconvinience me that much, make me walk to far while my stupid ass sister ain't gotta do shit and all of you have cars and what not, fuck y'all I ain't going no where. On a side note urca, I'd put u on ur back one leg in the air and hammer time. from your typings u get the short end most if not all time. Brunettes are ok, blondes are aight but a red head is the holy grail IMO the rest are a fucking dime a dozen.


Active Member
i tried and they just told me im being a selfish bitch. i want the house just as much as they do, but I want to be able to go to school without having to go above and beyond.
my mom uses the example "ive walked hundreds of miles in my life to get shit done. I used to catch busses every day with you three kids, quit complaining." But its like, she was in a completely different situation where no one could help her out, but im in a situation where I live with three people who drive! And, my mom used to wake up everyday at 4 to take my sister to work, then pick her up at noon before she got her car.
but im selfish for wanting to hitch a ride with her to her work and then walking to school from there?
move into your own pad and talk to them at your discretion. when you ignore people, thats how you get back at people


Well-Known Member
When I was your age we had to walk 10 miles in the snow backwards just to get stoned and have sex


bud bootlegger
last week, my sister got pulled over for having no tags, no registration, driving without a license, and no insurance. And had a person smoking in the car with her, and was high herself. Im so mad that my mom cant make some way for me to go to school, but she can help my sister out
damn, that is pretty fucked up.. my mom's always been pretty fair with all of the kids, ie, not one of us has ever gotten shit for the most part, lol..


Well-Known Member
so i just talked to my sister, and she said it was about me not being dependant on someone else, that it was time for me to grow up and accept responsibility and do what i had to do.
but.... wtf? she's never had to do all that to go where she needed to.

plus she said " we dont even have the house yet, and already you're bitching about having to walk."
fuck man, i swear these people just wanna fuck with me


Well-Known Member
why do people always look at the bad side of things. nice , peacful walk every mornin, fire 1 up, take a look around, enjoy nature. besides, IT BUILDS FOKIN CHARACTER ....peace


Well-Known Member
just did the mapquest on how long it would take me to walk, they said an hour and a half, but thats for fast walkers, it'd take me two hours each way


Well-Known Member
dont u have friends who can work with you on driving? u need to be able to get around.
no. my parents told me to go to driving school. but they taught my bro and sis how to drive.
Normally I have to walk every where or beg for a ride to go places. Which wouldnt suck, except for now we live like a long long walk away