Top 10 breeders in the world


Active Member
I Would like to complile a list 'based on experiences' and knowledge of the breeders.. (NOT OPINIONS)
im talking about breeders with the 'BEST STUFF' according to catagory..

This information should be based on FACTS and not 'OPINIONS' as i have found myself lost in a sea of breeders and strains all claiming to be the best

I think this will benifit all on the forum; if we can nail this lets make it a sticky!!

Eg: Best sativa breeders; best indica breeders; best autoflower breeder; best hybrids; best new strains, best genetics... (QUALITY & SUPERIOR GENETICS COMES FIRST FOR ME)

not sure how we could come up with a official sheet that would combine all these factors but if this works out somehow i think we can update it every few months if need be.
anyone know how we can go about setting this up and getting all the info we need?...
i would say it would be pretty hard to base anything so subjective like who's the best at anything off of anything such as facts instead of opinions..
i don't know where one would get facts on which breeder is the best, but rather only have opinions based mostly off of personal experience, others experiences, etc...

i could tell you what breeders i prefer, and why i like them, but then someone else will surely come in right behind me and tell me how my choices suck and how this and that breeder should really be in the top ten..

just my $.02 worth.. :)
i would say it would be pretty hard to base anything so subjective like who's the best at anything off of anything such as facts instead of opinions..
i don't know where one would get facts on which breeder is the best, but rather only have opinions based mostly off of personal experience, others experiences, etc...

i could tell you what breeders i prefer, and why i like them, but then someone else will surely come in right behind me and tell me how my choices suck and how this and that breeder should really be in the top ten..

just my $.02 worth.. :)

thats the thing we shouldnt have to buy seeds on 'hear say'... i got burnt with crap genetics because somebody 'said they were great'.

i want FACTS.. something this industry lacks.
thats the thing we shouldnt have to buy seeds on 'hear say'... i got burnt with crap genetics because somebody 'said they were great'.

i want FACTS.. something this industry lacks.

well, that's just the thing about things that effect the body and mind like drugs do.. what hits me one way, may in fact have completely different effects when you smoke it..
the best way to get a good feel for a strain is to check out a few grow journals on it if you can first.. find someone on here that you think is a good grower, and check out what they've grown in the past and how it's turned out for them.. i have a few members here that i'll watch their grow and than if it looks dank, i'll maybe grow the same strain at a later date..

some of the better breeders out there today in no real order would be, hmm..i'd have to say some of the ones that have been in the game the longest
mr nice seeds
sensi seeds to name but two of the older ones that have solid genetics for sure...

some of the newer breeders a lot of people seem to like again in no order are...

gage green genetics
karma genetics
cali connection
dr greenthumbs
dna / reserva prevada
bog, bushy old grower
tga / subcool gets a lot of votes around these parts as well..

the few i'd steer clear of would be top of the list, greenhouse seed company, and a close second would go out to barneys farm.. heard a lot of horror stories about both of these breeders.. :)
its stupid to make a top 10, i think there are HUNDREDS who are can breed as good as eachother and still not have the right genetics on their hands to make something exceptional.

but if i must

Subcool(main tga breeder)
Vic high
Bros grim( i guess there is more than one)
Stitch(makes incredible autos, so he's probably the best auto breeder)
Ed borg(delta 9 labs)

last 2 were a joke... cmon, i said it was stupid to compare elite breeders. its about knowledge AND genetics, not just know-how.
if you want facts, then we would have to take this into the scientific realm and issue a CHALLENGE to all beeders, whoever makes the best strain out of a select few parents would be crowned the KING or QUEEN of cannabis... i always felt like that is what the cannabis cup should conist of anyways, every year decide on 10 strains and provide clones AT THE EVENT, and whoever makes the best cross by the next cannabis cub would be crowned the best breeder, and then they would have to provide the information as to what parents they bred and i'm sure you would still have cheaters(greenhouse hint hint hint hint hint hint) but you would still have a fair exchange between breeders themselves, hell.. only breeders should be able to vote, who cares what Johnny Schwagson has to say.
if you want facts, then we would have to take this into the scientific realm and issue a CHALLENGE to all beeders, whoever makes the best strain out of a select few parents would be crowned the KING or QUEEN of cannabis... i always felt like that is what the cannabis cup should conist of anyways, every year decide on 10 strains and provide clones AT THE EVENT, and whoever makes the best cross by the next cannabis cub would be crowned the best breeder, and then they would have to provide the information as to what parents they bred and i'm sure you would still have cheaters(greenhouse hint hint hint hint hint hint) but you would still have a fair exchange between breeders themselves, hell.. only breeders should be able to vote, who cares what Johnny Schwagson has to say.
fuck yea, who cares what those amsterdammmers think about real weed, the only time they get a good taste is when the cup comes around anyway lol.
they should have TWO brackets, breeders choice and Consumers choice, breeders can vote on the best and the patrons can vote for themselves, because i would like to see the contrast.
well i would love if everyone, and i mean EVERYONE could participate, but there should be a separation in voting for the types of strains(those who invented them), between those who make the strains that enter the cup and those like me enjoy the strains released(or released prior to the cannabis cub) at the cannabis cup, because i feel as if breeders who spend alot of money to take part in the cup dont get enough say in what their competitors or competition/rivals gear is like and i really want to see who respects who, it can tell you ALOT about what is actually happening in the commercial trade, even if that means you have to buy 10 seeds instead of a 5 pack to get the pheno you actually voted best at the cup. maybe it is just me, but i think the Cannabis cup and other competitions will follow rules similar to what i have projected in order to decided who are better than the rest.
I Would like to complile a list 'based on experiences' and knowledge of the breeders.. (NOT OPINIONS)
im talking about breeders with the 'BEST STUFF' according to catagory..

This information should be based on FACTS and not 'OPINIONS' as i have found myself lost in a sea of breeders and strains all claiming to be the best

LOL........hehehe GOOD LUCK!!! Your grasping at air bro it will never work, it's way to SUBJECTIVE!!!

Any cannabis judging contest is intrinsically problematic for any number of reasons.

First of all, if you're going to open up your contest to all comers, then how are you going to limit the number of entries?

For example, what's to stop "Jogro genetics" from entering all TEN of its strains at the same time, hoping for a lucky win? Multiply that by 30 hopeful breeders, and now you've got an utterly unmanageable situation. Its pretty tough to legitimately judge even 30 strains of cannabis within a short timeframe; 100 or 200 strains just isn't possible.

In order to have any reasonable controlled contest, you HAVE to limit the number of entrants somehow. How are you going to do that? Is your "cup" going to be by invitation only? If so, so much for your open contest! If you limit your entrants to "name" breeders, then you're basically excluding all the "little guys"" that might have the more interesting (and more overlooked) lines.

Next issue, how are you going to ensure that the strains are as billed by the entrants?

For example in the Amsterdam High Times contests, AK47 took second place Indica cup in 2003, but also second place sativa cup in 1999. If you think about it, that really shouldn't be possible, but I guess HT figures everyone is too stoned to notice these things or care. The bigger problem is that there is really no way to control the specimens to really know what's what. Just because I say "Jogro indica" is an Indica, doesn't mean it is, and just because I say "Jogro indica" is my own line, doesn't mean it is.

It has been alleged in the past that some samples entered into HTCC contests consisted of weed purchased at retail from other growers. Outright line theft has also been alleged. Again, pretty tough to screen against that sort of fraud. Its also been alleged that the entire contest is rigged from the start. I don't have firsthand knowledge, but I will say that in my opinion, the HTCC is more about the magazine promoting its advertisers (and itself) than truly finding the most outstanding strains in any given year. If you're a breeder, its not going to be worth your time and energy to even bother trying to enter a contest like this if you believe that your herb won't really get a fair shake.

In contrast, its also not worth entering a small or private contest that nobody has heard of that yields no exposure. Even if you were to win, so what? If it doesn't help you sell beans, then its not worth the several days to weeks of your time and potentially thousands of dollars of out of pocket costs for you to fly to place "X" with a stash of weed to enter.

Next, on judging, bluntly, most members of the public aren't really in a position to really be good judges. It actually does take quite a bit of experience and skill to do it right, again for any number of reasons. If you open the judging up to any stoner with $50 in their pocket, then lots of "judges" unaccustomed to the really potent strains will just smoke themselves into a stupor on their FIRST sample. How valid could that sort of "opinion" be?

Jorge Cervantes has described at length how to be a good judge. His method is that you first have to just screen all the samples in their dry state. Anything not properly cured or manicured gets immediately rejected as does anything without good "bag appeal". Then the buds are given a "sniff" test, and only the top few most interesting or unique ones are left for actual smoking over a few days. That's probably realistically the most fair way to judge, but if you think about it, it leans towards the more unusual strains, and is necessarily going to reject a lot of really excellent stuff.

I'm not even going to get into the fact that many/most of the strains ultimately share the same genetics anyway. EG its been alleged that Super Silver Haze and Jack Herer are effectively the same strain.

Again, my take on these contests, is that they're good vehicles for generating publicity for breeders and others in the industry, but effectively meaningless otherwise. "Best strain" ought to be some combination of high, scent and flavor, and all of these things are highly subjective and personal. Not to take anything away from the guy, but if you want to know what the "best" strain is, are you going to trust Jorge Cervantes nose/and brain or your own? I wouldn't pick my favorite beer based on what some silver-ribbon panel in Munich says; at best I might give their top pick a shot.

My take is that if you want to find the "best" strain, go to a big dispensary in CA (or fly out to a hash house in Amsterdam) with $1000 cash, buy twenty (or more) samples of everything that piques your interest, and spend a few weeks trying them all out. After that, you'll know "what's what".
I Would like to complile a list 'based on experiences' and knowledge of the breeders.. (NOT OPINIONS)
im talking about breeders with the 'BEST STUFF' according to catagory..

This information should be based on FACTS and not 'OPINIONS' as i have found myself lost in a sea of breeders and strains all claiming to be the best

I think this will benifit all on the forum; if we can nail this lets make it a sticky!!

Eg: Best sativa breeders; best indica breeders; best autoflower breeder; best hybrids; best new strains, best genetics... (QUALITY & SUPERIOR GENETICS COMES FIRST FOR ME)

not sure how we could come up with a official sheet that would combine all these factors but if this works out somehow i think we can update it every few months if need be.
anyone know how we can go about setting this up and getting all the info we need?...

The question is simply not answerable as you posed it.

Before you can even BEGIN to decide who has the "best" genetics, strains, hybrids, etc you have to define EXACTLY what you mean by "best" and if you can't do that, how can you expect anyone else to do it, let alone to come to a "fact-based" consensus about it?

Since you're presumably judging strains by things like scent, flavor, and "high" what constitutes the "best" strains are HIGHLY subjective. Some like vanilla. . .some like chocolate, etc.

Your "best" isn't my "best". This isn't like deciding which runner crosses a finish line first. . .its ALL opinion, and if it weren't there would be no need for you to ask the question!

Also, as you probably know, the cannabis seed industry is full of BS and thievery. Not only do seed houses routinely rip off and rename others genetics, but ultimately most strains can trace back to a common lineage anyway. You have to figure that probably 80% of the big "name" strains out there ultimately have genetics from Northern lights, Skunk, or Haze.

Now, if you wanted to make a list of the top breeders, I think that would be relatively easy. Of course there would be some disagreement without defining criteria about what constitutes the "best", but I think most could/would agree on most of them.

That short list would probably include Shantibaba (original breeder of White Widow, and other famous "white" strains among others), DJ Short (breeder of "Blueberry" and author of a book on breeding), and Neville Schoenmacher (man who popularized Northern Lights, among others). The "next generation" might include Subcool (who has built a big name for himself with his book "Dank" and many new lines), Swerve (of Cali Connection, with his big "West Coast" Kush genetics) and maybe a few others, like Stitch, who is known for his autoflowering strain work with "Short Stuff" and "Buddha".

But even given a good short list of top breeders doesn't necessarily mean that their strains are the "best"; it just means that they've done excellent work creating fundamentally strong and popular or well-recognized strains. I think most of these breeders will freely admit that they put together their best strains on the backs of lots of strong breeding work done before them.
heres my top 10 breeders in alphabetical order.

1. Alphakronik
2. Bodhi
3. Chimera
4. DJ Short
5. Gage Green
6. Mosca
7. Mr Nice
8. TGA

and my honorable mentions or breeders whose gear i still want to purchase, also in alpha
1. Cali Connection
2. Emerald Triangle
3. G13 Labs
4. Next Generation