Club 600

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Hmm? Mine are in smart pots too but I have them elevated. They are picking up a bit but not like they should be, I don't think. I planted them Nov 14th and I think they went into 12/12 around the first week of Dec so I'm guessing another 3 or 4 weeks for them still. I potted them up about a week ago now and they are showing noticeable growth the last week so that's good. So here's a question. When a plant is stunted in the stretch part of its growth, can it recover and start to grow again, possibly even extent the finish time? Or, will it just finish in normal time only small?
they will stay small, I have several that had no stretch, just started making buds....and small yield, less than 1/2 of normal.

could all of that sawdust have been for insulation?



Well-Known Member
could all of that sawdust have been for insulation?

That's all I can really think of, cof. It's a poor material for that for sure. All the nails that held the ceiling boards up were cut nails not wire. Once they are corroded, those things are a bitch to pull out, let me tell you. This house was built in 1879, so that's not surprising. The area I'm working in was once a rain cistern that collected water for home use from an internal gutter system inside the crown molding of the roof. The stone walls were once parged with mortar which has mostly fallen down. crazy huh. I would be sitting pretty if that system still worked. I collect rainwater for gardening and it's prime: 30ppm and about 6.0ph.


Well-Known Member
what part is crazy, whodat? me, the house, or what I'm doing to it?

Your sig is the rock bottom truth, bruthuh. Gonna add it to mine unless you object.

edit: no not really.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Been busy in here boy i cant even remember what page i was last on .. so much happening in here.. 600 is growing ..welcome to all the new heads ..
Things have been a bit up and down around here.. im just glad im on the up part now..had some bad losses last season, hoping for some better luck on over these next few months.
Anyway i just finished updating and its tired me out so im going to" whodat" it :) ...
The dogs calling me..:joint:

2 weeks flower

All the hydros are looking good at the moment , most are drinking heavly except the mystry plant which doesnt seem to have drunk much , im going to change the water on that one before i feed tomorrow but the rest will be getting topped up asual.
The males starting tp fill out a bit and has a nice aroma to it not the same as the female Lmx2 which is starting to smell cheesey
which is more than i can say for the no scent lmx1's . I just wish i'd chose the right one to go into the dwc at the start as this would of been huge by now-just remember that it got put in soil as seed so it went into the pot the other went started in coco so it went into the bubbler coco all the way now..

The sat dom Sage is reeking of spices now its putting the other one too shame ,im hoping the other makes up in yeild cause i think this sat dom one is the keeper.. Im going to hit this one with some pollen from the male Lmx2 along with the lower buds of the lmx2 fem and the cheese . The Pollen chucking begins.. or you could say amateur breeding .. which ever fits im good ..
Going to try and work with all good males that come through on the next batch too, the crystal urks(from i get permission as it says tester pack but i got them with a paid order as freebies ) The cheese X unknown ,the sunshine daydream and maybe the gooey "you want this" not sure about these as there a mix pack and could be any of these 4 gooey breeder strains-Pure gooey-Zinn-Lava or Double death. I have enough seeds of these to bin these males anyhow all the others will be used to make more own seed stock F2's and maybe added to the Lmx2 . pics:Male lmx2

Lmx 2 -fem

Uk cheese

Lmx2 needs a name .. the make up is Lemon skunk x uk cheese x unknown.. the name could be anything as long as its clean i'll consider it ,thanks in advance..



Well-Known Member
what part is crazy, whodat? me, the house, or what I'm doing to it?

Your sig is the rock bottom truth, bruthuh. Gonna add it to mine unless you object.

edit: no not really.
All those wood shavings lol. I could just picture an expression of "ahhh fuck me" on your face when you pulled that down. Nothing wrong with you your house or your work in my book!
I heard my sig in some song the other day and had to add it :-) you can have it ;-)


Well-Known Member
Hey, welcome back LG and Doc.

You've been busy Dr Dre and everyone looks happy. Very nice.

How come your down right now LG?


Well-Known Member
You and your Romulan, hahaha, don't worry HS, we will not tire of seeing it bru!!! 10-14 days, I would say at least 15, lol. :wink:
LMAO thanks d 12-15 days it is

I'm only tired of it not being loaded up in my bowl!
Great pics of some tasty trichs!
I doubt any of us will get tired of views like that!
Thanks doobie if you come to the mile high i can fill ur bowl up 10 fold
So turns out it was my VPN. I shut it down and all was good. Fired it up and no good no more. Changed servers and all is hunky dory again.

Nice trichs Hotsauce, and does Pam Anderson ever get tiring to look at, even though she's old news? No, I don't think so. :lol:
i have to agree lol and gl with your attorney


Well-Known Member
Welcome welcome sirsmokesalot. You didn't give us a link to check you out. Hook it up... and feel free to post up some pics here. Most of us are either lazy, or scared to go elsewhere on RIU. It's a wild place out there, lol.

And I see it's been a couple months since you've been on the site, but welcome to RIU anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, another frosty day in de Noord!

Dre, that male looks like a right vigourous chappy!!! And the Exo cheese looks like a big ball, lol. Nice stuff. And BKB, 120, that stuff looks great.

Happy to see LG2004 back, our surf dude of the 6double.

Wishing you all a pukka day.
