I think I'm in danger!

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um..... isn't this the same OP who was in trouble with the law after roundhouse kicking his gf in the face?

OP - any chance the 'luxury cars' are your ex's family, and the betdodging geezer was just a coincidence?

...He roundhouse kicked his gf in the face???! Well, shit, he gets what he gets then. Hope he is wearing concrete shoes.
...He roundhouse kicked his gf in the face???! Well, shit, he gets what he gets then. Hope he is wearing concrete shoes.

Who the fuck does something like that ? I had women break bottles over my head , try to stab me with knives and never have I even once hit a woman with anything or wanted to . That is crazy shit .
...He roundhouse kicked his gf in the face???! Well, shit, he gets what he gets then. Hope he is wearing concrete shoes.
yea but his girl friend was screwing some italian older guy. she was coming home with dirty panties. he was smelling them and found out.
i think thats what i read.
...do you wear your pants down past your crack like the rest of them bastards? We're not too crazy about seeing your gitch, by the way.

...seriously though, the way into your head is paved with union roads. Be careful out there ;)
yea but his girl friend was screwing some italian older guy. she was coming home with dirty panties. he was smelling them and found out.
i think thats what i read.
Some how there are other things that come to mind other than roundhouse kicking mygirlfriend in the head or beating her up though .
yea but his girl friend was screwing some italian older guy. she was coming home with dirty panties. he was smelling them and found out.
i think thats what i read.

I don't care if she was screwing King Kong (which she probably was if I know my Italians). Men just shouldn't put their hands on women. Or their feet. There are three body parts that belong to a man that, with consent, are OK to use. Your fingers, your tongue, or your dick. That's it. If he wanted to smack her with a finger, I would say eh, i'll look the other way. A roundhouse kick? Really?
It fits it just hurts lol. Hurts a little when a man enters too, but...in that good way. I'm saving anal for someone special lol.
omg. you don't save anal for someone special....you do it with someone that you'll never see again. Anal isn't for special people! It's like the polar opposite of sacred.
Um maybe where you come from lol. Where i'm from the one you love the most gets your best freak. And I am mighty freaky. Not to be confused with promiscuous. I don't freak people i'm never going to see again. That's how babies and diseases happen. Not necessarily in that order, either.

Just had to add this - what the fuck is sacred sex? lol. I do not want anything to do with sacred sex. If my man cannot ride me when I buck, then he needs to get the fuck out of my room. There is nothing sacred happening when I go into the bedroom. Just the thought of it gives me the creeps. That's why I have to date guys that have just the right amount of grrr in them. Some men have no grrr. You ever had a man that tried to talk dirty to you and it just sounded like a love poem? That's the man with no grrr.
I wasn't suggesting bare-backing. That would be crazy. In this instance I must point out however, no babies would be happening, just diseases.
I didn't mean sacred like religious 'sacred,' I meant sacred in the literal sense like 'special' or 'kept separate.'
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