18/6 never again


Active Member
one things to consider about stretching.

if your wave-lengths of light aren't met. if you have well higher amount present of blue wave length the plant may stretch.. this goes for the unbalance on the other side too.
found that out while researching tonight. but i feel i knew this, that is why both sides are present in all stages.

[FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]i would then also like you to consider the night cycles OTHER beneficial parts that i feel is being over looked.

like i said earlier about the temperature which from my sources state it is a direct relationship for internodal length.and for C02 respiration


this is a study about respiration during night. at the end you can notice that their hypothesis was incorrect and that the temperature is their next key factor. i also read the 2002 paper they reference.. some pages are on google books

keep lights on a drop temps??? what do you guys think?


Active Member
I would have to say that I am pretty much where you are on this. I have my suspicions about 12-1, but I am sure gonna try it out. If that is just another smoked-up way of wrecking your plants then I will probably go with 23-1, just to let my shit relax for a minute anyway. A few weeks I'll be done with my auto's and they were recommended 20-4, so I am vegging everything at that currently.
yea im going to do the same thing in my smaller tent! yea I do 23/1 to let my leds cool


Active Member
haha "i grow dope" sticker. Everybody tells me to do 18/6 but I keep it at 24/0 and I doubt I'll ever switch it.


A dark period has no bearing on stretching. Again it has to do with energy avalability over a period of time. If you use the wrong spectrum and weak lamps. You will get stretch with 24/7. All things being equal you should get an increase in growth rate with 24 hr lights on. but with that rush to put on mass makes it is less mature at the same size. I do what works for me you can do what works for you. I know if my babies grew any faster. I would run out of room. Then I'd have to kill some. That would make me sad.


Well-Known Member
Again. Isn't the number 1 cause of stretch from putting your lights too high or too far away from your plants?


Active Member
Again. Isn't the number 1 cause of stretch from putting your lights too high or too far away from your plants?
but i didn't want to insult Stumperjumper like that! lol

i figured he was smart enough to keep the lights close enough as well as i gave him credit for having a sufficient amount of light.

that is why my algorythym led me onto th temperature of night and day and then the ratio of wave lengths. which will also cause stretching if they are not correct.

my guess is still that stumpers night temps were too much a swing and it caused stretching.

....here is my experiment for someone.

24/0 and a -7 degree shift for 6 hours. 18/6 and a -7 degree shift.

my hypothesis would be the nodes will be similar in spacing.


Well-Known Member
He doesn't come off as stupid or sensitive. lol. I have read that dirty lens and bulbs can rob you of a lot of light. I know I do not clean mine often enough. Every once in a while I will see one at the right angle and say shit, and clean them. That isn't the best routine maintenance. lol. I did not know temps would effect node spacing.


Well-Known Member
No I'm not sensitive, and this really got turned into a debate about stretching when in fact my original claim was that after 3 weeks of veg the plants vegged 18/6 were significantly smaller I think I said 20% or 30% than the same strain at 3 weeks under 24/0..

I didn't really mean for this giant debate lol. My plants are fine after a month of 18/6 and now well into flower. I think they are taller and a little more stretched though. Maybe it has nothing to do with the light cycle maybe it does.. I don't care as long as my buds are tasty and potent. :)


Well-Known Member
is anyone planning on doing a 12-1-12 compared to the 18/6 or 24 hour light cycle!
I plan on it. I have two brand new 2x3x5 tents set up in my office. I am busy doing a bunch of shit this week and I have a dual 600 lumatek that was fucked up and I sent it in, atleast a month ago. I need that ballast back for my growzilla reflector and then I can use that 400 in my tent.
I had long day, not sure if that made sense. lol
I plan on it, hopefully within 2 weeks. That will be first comparison hopefully of many. And I am not really sure whether to go against 18/6 or 24.


Active Member
I plan on it. I have two brand new 2x3x5 tents set up in my office. I am busy doing a bunch of shit this week and I have a dual 600 lumatek that was fucked up and I sent it in, atleast a month ago. I need that ballast back for my growzilla reflector and then I can use that 400 in my tent.
I had long day, not sure if that made sense. lol
I plan on it, hopefully within 2 weeks. That will be first comparison hopefully of many. And I am not really sure whether to go against 18/6 or 24.

nice sounds good let us know if you start a thread or are going to post here? i look forward to it. if I were you Id go against the 24/0 or 23/1( just to let your shit cool for an hour). cause the 24/0 or 23/1 is better then the traditinoal 18/6


Active Member
on another thread i believe on icmag? they were talking about how plants only need 12 hours of darkness to flower and to give them more light increases yeild like a 24/12 cycle. u need a special timer for it that goes for 150.00 i think ill see if i can pull it up has anyone heard of this or tried it?


Well-Known Member
on another thread i believe on icmag? they were talking about how plants only need 12 hours of darkness to flower and to give them more light increases yeild like a 24/12 cycle. u need a special timer for it that goes for 150.00 i think ill see if i can pull it up has anyone heard of this or tried it?
I read up on this a little. It sounds like it works better in theory than it does in real life.


Well-Known Member
they are all good systems but pound for pound i bet there aint much to choose between.......................except 12-12 from seed rocks.........