trayvan martin

How does citing ones criminal history equate to racism?

Your arguments are pathetic. The fact that you actually think you WON any argument with me over the internet is laughable.

Your thinly veiled bullshit shows why no one would ever procreate with you. If you had a son. Keep dreaming of that scenario.

Maybe when the roofies have worn off and you drop your "date" off in one of your preferred pro-life states, maybe then you can hold out hope she doesnt coat hanger herself, you disgusting sack of shit.

You're lucky your cells stick together and dont realize what an asshole you are and begin instant necrosis.
Your thinly veiled bullshit shows why no one would ever procreate with you. If you had a son. Keep dreaming of that scenario.

Maybe when the roofies have worn off and you drop your "date" off in one of your preferred pro-life states, maybe then you can hold out hope she doesnt coat hanger herself, you disgusting sack of shit.

You're lucky your cells stick together and dont realize what an asshole you are and begin instant necrosis.
Do you want a Kleenex for your noob tears? Stop whining, its politics.
Do you want a Kleenex for your noob tears? Stop whining, its politics.

No tears my pasty friend. NLSXK1 is just delusional. Zimmerman didnt know Trayvons past but judged him on his looks and NLSXK1 defends that based on nothing more than his imagined white male persecution complex.
They also got less than a match for Nixon on a known Nixon recording ie. those "experts" lack expertise ;)

be that as it may, the nixon tapes were analog and the analysis was new at the time and a lot more prone to human error than today's digital recordings/technology are. we now have technology to sort out the "voice variables", log and chart them, and have them analyzed by several experts within hours.

different experts are saying they found a 48-55% match as opposed to the 90% and higher they would expect for a voice match. these are different experts using different technologies. one of the analysts went so far as to say that his research led him to believe that the screaming voice was in fact trayvon, although no data was given, and i'm not aware of them even having samples of trayvon's voice. worth noting anyhow, imo.

zimmerman's story is not checking out. no broken nose or bruises, and he wasn't the one screaming for his life. to me, that tanks his whole defense.
be that as it may, the nixon tapes were analog and the analysis was new at the time and a lot more prone to human error than today's digital recordings/technology are. we now have technology to sort out the "voice variables", log and chart them, and have them analyzed by several experts within hours.

different experts are saying they found a 48-55% match as opposed to the 90% and higher they would expect for a voice match. these are different experts using different technologies. one of the analysts went so far as to say that his research led him to believe that the screaming voice was in fact trayvon, although no data was given, and i'm not aware of them even having samples of trayvon's voice. worth noting anyhow, imo.

zimmerman's story is not checking out. no broken nose or bruises, and he wasn't the one screaming for his life. to me, that tanks his whole defense.

That's not what the voice analysts said. They said there was a 48% possibility it MIGHT be Zimmerman. To get a positive match it would have to be 90% or above. They said because it was such a low percentage the only conclusion is that someone else was screaming. In light of the fact that no one else was SUPPOSED to have been involved, the only alternative would be Trayvon. They never came out and said the voice was, in fact, Trayvon.
That's not what the voice analysts said. They said there was a 48% possibility it MIGHT be Zimmerman. To get a positive match it would have to be 90% or above. They said because it was such a low percentage the only conclusion is that someone else was screaming. In light of the fact that no one else was SUPPOSED to have been involved, the only alternative would be Trayvon. They never came out and said the voice was, in fact, Trayvon.
Infact they came out and said they couldn't make a positive ID, it was more a match to Zimmermans than Martins tho, care to indulge?
Infact they came out and said they couldn't make a positive ID, it was more a match to Zimmermans than Martins tho, care to indulge?

How could it have been more of a match when they didn't have a sample of Martin's voice to draw that conclusion? Which they said from the very beginning. Now you're just pulling this shit right out of your ass.
We know what he was thinking because we have the 911 call.

"These assholes always get away"
He made sure that didnt happen

"Fucking _oons"
He has something against _oons
In reality we don't know what happened, so you're still only speculating, remember that.
Nope that is an actual recording. Remember that.

How much more can you get into someones head than when they tell you their unsolicited thoughts?
Nope that is an actual recording. Remember that.

How much more can you get into someones head than when they tell you their unsolicited thoughts?
So cos he called the cops on a suspicious looking (to him) guy he just went and shot him? Thats like saying x + y = 21 without knowing x or y.
You constantly harp on Zimmerman's record but dont want to talk about the 12 wedding rings and the suspicious behavior of someone who was not just walking home but was casing the joint.

they hand out death sentences without a trial for the crime of "looking about in the rain"?
If it was my kid he would not be going around assaulting people and still would be alive today...

you have zero evidence of this, and with the timeline being what it was and zimmerman's history being what it was, smart money was on zimmerman initially assaulting martin, especially with the cries for help.

3 minutes before the cops showed up, zimmerman was in his truck. 1 minute before the cops showed up, martin was on the phone. it's a good 100-200 yards between zimmerman's truck and the scene of the murder, which is a good 2 minute brisk walk. zimmerman is the one with the history of violence, not martin.