Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

I quit using the rail system because you pretty much needed to maintain it twenty four seven. One pump problem and you could lose everything that pump ran.
To tell you the truth. Once you know and dial in your strains, it doesn't matter to much if it's dirt, hydro, aero. They all pretty much yield the same if your doing everything the way it's suppose to be done.

I remember when i first started growing how energized i was about the aeroponic systems. Then when i found the site i was so relieved that i could find some help building the systems. However round after round of losing plants took its toll. Aeroponics is not for the noob. Better off growing in dirt. The systems are subpar and needed massive modifications to work properly. i am proud that i was a part of that with MANY other people as well. The new designs are pretty much the collaborative works of the old members there. I had many many journals that i would have loved to save but without any notice Stink decided to shut the site down. how do i feel about that?? pretty pissed. at least have the common decency of letting people know before you shut the site down. and to all the noobs, here's some advice -- Grow in Soil.

Let me save you the headache of the year that i went through. Almost lost everything i had. If it wasn't for the other members propping me up my growing days would have been over. So thank you to all the old "commercial growers" that took the time to help a noob. and btw stink was never around. heard he was hiding due to the fact that his last system he pushed and people bought never was sent out. again people lost there $$$ on some crap system. probably for the best as im sure they didnt lose 3 harvests in a row like i did. what happened to spread the love???? don't know..
I quit using the rail system because you pretty much needed to maintain it twenty four seven. One pump problem and you could lose everything that pump ran.
To tell you the truth. Once you know and dial in your strains, it doesn't matter to much if it's dirt, hydro, aero. They all pretty much yield the same if your doing everything the way it's suppose to be done.

So true! There are a lot better systems for growing than the SB. To many things to worry about. I love my UnderCurrent. It's a almost set it up and forget about it for a week thing.
ive been around since the beginning, and anyone who starts a site dedicated to showing people howto harvest a pound every three weeks is preaching commercialism. it doesnt matter if its for patients or streets, nobody needs to harvest that amount for only personal use. and here lies the continuous problem that has plagued stinkbuddies.................hypocrites. be it stink or sheep, but between the 2 they have muliple times run off the absolute best people on the site because they were called out or felt threatened. spread the love turned to spread the shit and a great site is no more. i have never forgotten what i learned from stink or the site, it seems that the site forgot about its roots.
Bigz... I am glad 29 people at most have been on... actualyl that number is now up to 36 LOL... its just a new place which has taken advantage of some very very good information. With the help of a few I no doubt think it can be a good site.
Ok, I have read & read, & even bought the Stink book.. looks pretty simple for a newbie like me to do... I just have a question pertaining to the book that ibdidnt see in these threads... In the book it say's to add the nutrients and not worry about the PH level... But u must worry about the PPM so u add ur mixture and ck your PPM so u dont go over 1500 & then 2000 ppm. Do I pour a little until I reach 1550 and then wait till tomorrow to reach 2000ppm or pour it all in that day?
I know this is an old thread with few readers but this has got me thinking "I Can Do It!"
I dont care what way you are growing... PH is IMPORTANT for plant uptake. 5.8-6.0 is ideal but anywhere from 5.6-6.5 will work well for aero.

It is also best to learn your strain and figure out the nute mixture and ppm that does best for your strains.
99.99% that have run this system will tell u to not even think about running that high ppm. i have tried different levels, some as high as 2500, but really anything over 1000 is a waste. i start veg at 650-700, and flower at 800. ph is the most crucial part of hydro, until u get comfy stay at 5.8.
SS is correct! No need to go over 800-900 PPM in Aero. Plus PH is very important.. Needs to stay around 5.6 5.8,, Get yourself a GOOD ph meter.
ive been around since the beginning, and anyone who starts a site dedicated to showing people howto harvest a pound every three weeks is preaching commercialism. it doesnt matter if its for patients or streets, nobody needs to harvest that amount for only personal use. and here lies the continuous problem that has plagued stinkbuddies.................hypocrites. be it stink or sheep, but between the 2 they have muliple times run off the absolute best people on the site because they were called out or felt threatened. spread the love turned to spread the shit and a great site is no more. i have never forgotten what i learned from stink or the site, it seems that the site forgot about its roots.

SuperStoner was in my opinion, far more helpful that Stink ever was. He refined everything about the Stink system into a smooth running machine. Stink should have been learning from him, not the other way around.
If Stink would not have taken down our website you would have a great thread written by SuperStoner about his Nute Schedule!!:cuss:
I came across that earlier today... I read it but was not sure if it was the right way to go. Actually, re-thinking the set up I want to do... Every one here has been a great help. At times I get confused might have to be I try to over think it.. Another part of it is that I just need to Do it and learn from my trails and errors...