Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Being the paranoid Newbie I am i copied some things onto a word document afraid that the site would be taking down but I do remember saving someting about a nute schedule here is what i have.

the night before moving to flower i drain res and add fresh water with 150ml clearex and run for 24 hrs.
- week 1 and 2 flower:
100ml pro grow
100ml pro bloom
70ml karma
60ml cal mag
70ml sweet
- premix in milk jug and add to res
- then add 2tbsp of barricade and 100 ml aquashield
- then adjust ph to 5.8
- empty and then do the clearex flush for 24hrs before new nutes
- weeks 3-5:
170ml pro bloom
70ml karma
60ml calmag
70ml sweet
- premix and add to res.
- then add 2tbsp barricade and 100ml aquashield and 4tsp of greatwhite
- at the beginning of week 4 add 100 ml of hammerhead. when using bloom boosters dont be surprised if it takes a lot more ph down to adjust.
- at the end of week 5 empty and do the clearex flush.
- week 6-harvest(most of mine finish in 53-60 days):
- same formula as week 3-5
- but add 150ml of hammerhead and no greatwhite
- ph is always 5.7-5.9, under or over gets adjusted. if ph is always corrected and you have a problem you save 3-4 days by already knowing it is not ph related.
- and dont tell me they say use clearex for 4-6 hrs or whatever it says on the bottle. my lights on is 10pm-10am and when i started doing it i said screw that, let it run. you will see ph go from 5.8 to 7.3+ in 24 hrs. that is the built up salts being removed. the plants have plenty of stored nutes to go 24hrs.
and you really dont want to get me into a debate over a final flush. feed those bitches until you harvest.

Now here is another Schedule I dont know if this is also from SuperStoner

week 1 and 2 flower:
125ml pro grow
125ml pro bloom
80ml karma
60ml cal mag
80ml sweet
premix in milk jug and add to res
then add 50ml silica blast, 2 tsp great white, and 100 ml aquashield
then adjust ph to 5.8
empty and then do the clearex flush for 24hrs before new nutes.
weeks 3-5:
250ml pro bloom
100ml karma
70ml calmag
100ml sweet
premix and add to res.
then add 100ml silica blast and 100ml aquashield and 2tsp of greatwhite
at the beginning of week 4 add 50 ml of hydroplex and 50ml more at beginning of week 5. when using bloom boosters dont be surprised if it takes a lot more ph down to adjust.
at the end of week 5 empty and do the clearex flush.
week 6-harvest(most of mine finish in 53-60 days):
250ml pbp for soil
100ml karma
100ml sweet
70ml calmag
then 100 ml silica blast, 100ml aquashield, and 150ml of hydroplex and no greatwhite.
ph is always 5.7-5.9, under or over gets adjusted. if ph is always corrected and you have a problem you save 3-4 days by already knowing it is not ph related.
and dont tell me they say use clearex for 4-6 hrs or whatever it says on the bottle. my lights on is 10pm-10am and when i started doing it i said screw that, let it run. you will see ph go from 5.8 to 7.3+ in 24 hrs. that is the built up salts being removed. the plants have plenty of stored nutes to go 24hrs.
and you really dont want to get me into a debate over a final flush. feed those bitches until you harvest.

You know, I stumbled onto to this site early this morning to get info on my first small grow. Spent the day on and off reading this thread.. Four years of stinks systems that have been improved. There's a shitload of good info...

I host quite a few websites and have a monstrous server to host the forum on. I also have several vb licenses avail. So if you want it back up and hosted drama free, send me a pm.
oh there was no doubt he was leading to it... I mean when he took back running the site a couple months ago after some rift with many core members and the primary "Admin" stink was even stating he didnt want anywhere on the site that wasnt growing for medicinal purposes. Now the funny thing is... no medicinal growers need to grow 1lb every 3 weeks in a single system... Anyways, it was in the coming, he will not say much and if he does he will come back with some lame statement to try and whooo people to buy his book.

btw I have already found his book which is in PDF format on a couple filing sharing sites. Seems he passwd protected it but its been removed. I dont expect it long before its flowing through all the mmj sites.
yeah i know a few that told me it was out there, but seriously, do we need another book when we have friends that can help like on here and other good sites.
oh there was no doubt he was leading to it... I mean when he took back running the site a couple months ago after some rift with many core members and the primary "Admin" stink was even stating he didnt want anywhere on the site that wasnt growing for medicinal purposes. Now the funny thing is... no medicinal growers need to grow 1lb every 3 weeks in a single system... Anyways, it was in the coming, he will not say much and if he does he will come back with some lame statement to try and whooo people to buy his book.

btw I have already found his book which is in PDF format on a couple filing sharing sites. Seems he passwd protected it but its been removed. I dont expect it long before its flowing through all the mmj sites.

Could just spread the love and post the book in this thread.
Here is a link to an unlocked version of the ebook

I can't believe you guys would do this to me. After all I've done for you! I've donated thousands of hours helping you and other people and all for nothing in return. What have I ever done to you? When have I ever said a single bad word about anyone? I've always been nice and helpful to everyone, regardless of who you are or what you do. Go read my thousands of posts here on rollitup.org and try to find even one negative word from me.

So now I've spent another thousand hours creating my book. Taking all new photos and creating all new illustrations. I even created 3D models and illustrations. I redrew all the plans and laid out the book myself. Then I had to make it into an eBook. All this work and for some reason people are pissed because I won't give it to them for free???? Like for some reason if I don't give them the book, I'm not spreading the love. Does this sound right to you? These same people (that I've helped all these years) take my book, hack the password and then post it for everyone to download for free (and then laugh about it). What the fuck? Is it me or does something seem wrong here? The money from the book is what pays for the site! Did you realize that not only did you fuck yourself but you also fucked thousands of other StinkBuddies too? All for no gain to yourself, you got nothing for giving away my book. It was done just to be mean!

Did you pirate all the other author's books too? Did you do this with Jorge and Ed's books? Why only me and not them? What did I ever do to you to deserve this? I know for a fact that I've never done anything to you or your friends. You know all that shit that went down on StinkBuddies was between you guys and Sheepfarmer, not me. I had nothing to do with it. Hell I wasn't even hanging out in the forum when it all went down. I found out about it later. So I get all this shit shoved into my lap without a clue as to what's going on. All I can figure out is you guys are pissed off at SheepFarmer and have decided to take it out on me? What the fuck?

So I was just getting ready to post the all-new updated forum today on StinkBuddies.com. I've spent at least a hundred hours refining the posts and adding much needed love. I even created all new graphics. But you know what, I give up! You win! Not only am I not going to not post the forum but I'm also taking the entire site down. No more instructions, no more files or video to download. I hope you guys are happy and got what you wanted. You win! You're a winner! Now go take the book that you stole, build the system I designed and go grow some awesome buds to sell to the neighborhood kids so you can buy a new stereo for your rice burner.

All I can do is hope and pray that there are still some human beings out there. I pray that mankind has not sunk so low that there is no hope left. Please tell me that there are still some honest people left and the world is not filled with just thieves and pirates. If you think that stealing is wrong don't be afraid to let these guys know how you feel. If you think I'm right then now is the time to say something because you may never have another chance. I've never asked for help before, not even once. Now is the first time. I'm on my knees begging, please help me! Go to these other sites that post my pirated book and complain. Tell these guys how you feel!

It's your choice. You can steal my book or you can pay for it here: http://www.harvestapound.com/ It's up to you.
oh there was no doubt he was leading to it... I mean when he took back running the site a couple months ago after some rift with many core members and the primary "Admin" stink was even stating he didnt want anywhere on the site that wasnt growing for medicinal purposes. Now the funny thing is... no medicinal growers need to grow 1lb every 3 weeks in a single system... Anyways, it was in the coming, he will not say much and if he does he will come back with some lame statement to try and whooo people to buy his book.

btw I have already found his book which is in PDF format on a couple filing sharing sites. Seems he passwd protected it but its been removed. I dont expect it long before its flowing through all the mmj sites.

Like you said, the riff was between some core members and the head admin "sheepfarmer" I wasn't involved in any way.

Let me clarify exactly how I feel about commercial growers. Understand that this is just my opinion and not everyone feels this way. There are two kinds of commercial growers.

The first type are in it for the money and help no one but themselves. They make maximum profit and have no problem selling to underage minors if that's what it takes to make more money. These are the guys driving around selling buds and meth to teenage kids. I know these guys from when I was a kid. They just didn't sell buds, they also sold acid, coke, meth, and a bunch of other nasty shit. IMHO they are the scum of the Earth. And I'm going to be totally honest with you. If I found some little shit head selling drugs at my kids school I wouldn't call the police but by the time I was done with the little fuck, he'd be wishing I had!

The second group of commercial growers are in it to help people get medicine. They only make enough money to run the business and never skim from the income. They donate as much medicine as they can and always help people when they really need it. These are the people that fight to get the laws changed so that blind people can see. The problem is the first group of growers makes it hard to get laws passed in favor of medical marijuana. They get busted selling to minors and it makes all growers look bad.

I know both types of growers well. To all the StinkBuddies from the first group, I pray that you change your ways! And to all the StinkBuddies from the second group, I still love you and will always have good thoughts and memories. God be with you.

And one more thing...
If your family is starving and selling pot is the only way to put food on the table, then so be it. In this economy you do what you gotta do. No one should ever have to watch their kids suffer because you are too poor to buy food. At some point there will be a time when you can help someone. You'll know it when you see it. It may not be with medicine. You may have to pay it back some other way. Have faith and keep your eyes open, the time will come.
Stinkbud... Actually in all fairness, giving your book out there might actually help with sales of the book.... its actually basic business. With a product such as yours, anyone could have put it out there, it would not be hard, and obviously if I got it off a shares file site, I am not the only one.

By putting it where people can get it, and people see it, people will download it and read it, and the honest ones who felt it was useful chances are will buy it through your site, the others wouldnt have purchased it anyways and in the end will probably talk about it and build things up for your book even more. Your sales site is still there and will continue to be there until you decide to take that down too.

So with your ranting on here, its quite comical that you didnt think of it first but are closed minded as you you were on the forums and the closing of it, when it costs a whopping $150 a year to host, and not only that put sheepfarmer in charge and ignore YOUR site to let it go the way it did. You had a great thing and great following there, 1 mistake took it all down.

Enjoy your boost in sales or donations, as this was probably the best thing going for you, being the release.
That is about the most stupid reasoning I've ever run across. There is no good reason for stealing the hard work and efforts of another person. You are no different than the thief who breaks into a grow room and steal the buds days before harvest.
Stinkbud... Actually in all fairness, giving your book out there might actually help with sales of the book....
What the fuck! You giving away my book will help with my book sales? You obviously don't understand how business works. You're a thief, plain and simple. Don't try to make yourself feel better.

Do you want to know why I was gone from StinkBuddies for a few months? 99% of my business was based on the home building industry. So when the economy crashed, builders were hit hardest and it took my business with it. I couldn't pay the mortgage so I lost my home. My wife was my business partner and all the stress and arguing over money ruined our relationship. We ended up getting a divorce after 28 years. I lost my partner, best friend and lover. We had been together since we were 18yrs old. Right at that same time my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctors had to go in and remove her breast. This was the second time for her. I had to move home to take care of her because she had no one else. This all happened within a 6 month time span.

So I'm sorry I bailed on StinkBuddies for a while but I kind of had my hands full. I handed the site over to SheepFarmer. I gave her a shit load of DVDs to sell and use the money to pay for the site. As much as you would like to think people donate, they don't. It's been my DVD sales that's been paying for my website all these years. So Sheepfarmer sold the DVDs and kept the money. The problem was Sheepfarmer bailed along with all the passwords to the site. She had changed everything over during the big admin fight. I had no way of accessing the account. In the mean time people are still buying DVDs but Sheep isn't sending them out. People are getting pissed because they hadn't received the DVDs they paid for. So I started using my book money to refund the DVD sales. So not only was I not getting the money from the DVD sales I was having to refund the money back out of my own pocket. The whole time Sheep has access to the PayPal account and won't give me the account info. She won't answer the phone if I call and won't email back the user/password to the PayPal and Gmail info. I still don't know how many people have ordered the DVD.

So I pretty much got fucked on the whole deal. Sheepfarmer goes and pisses off all the core guys and they leave. I don't know what's going on so I side with Sheepfarmer. Why not, she was there for me when I needed her. Why not be there for her when she needed me? Needless to say I slowly started realizing how fucked I was but the damage had already been done.

That's why I had to take the site down so that I could remove all of the links to the DVD and fix the passwords. People kept finding posts through the search engine that had a link to the DVD PayPal. So I find out that the website was still hosted on one server in Germany but the admin guys had moved the database over to another server. The problem was that Sheep didn't pay the bill where the website was hosted and only paid the database server bill. So the account expired and I couldn't access any of the files. The whole time people are buying DVDs and I can't stop it.

So after many hours of phone calls and emails I finally fixed all the accounts and transferred the DNS to one sever. I went in and found every post that referenced the DVD sales and removed it. I got rid of a bunch of unused sections and changed the graphics. I was just going over a few last details before I posted the latest version.

That's when I saw your post linking to my hacked eBook. My heart just sank:( There goes my retirement. There goes my kids college fund. I just sat there and cried. All my hard work just given away! Why? For money? No! You're not getting a single penny out of it. It was done just to be evil. Out of hate. It was done to hurt me and my family. And I just don't understand why? I've never done a thing to you. I've always been kind, helpful and funny. I've made people smile when they were in pain. I gave them hope and a sometimes a future. For what? To be treated like this?

I give up. Evil wins... Spread the hate. Enjoy your laugh. I hope it makes you feel good.

It's been a good 4 year run. I've helped a lot of people over the years and I'm proud of what I've done. This has become the largest thread in history and that's pretty cool! I've received thousands of emails from people thanking me for my help. I have hundreds of touching stories to remember you by. I will never forget you StinkBuddies! I love each and every one of you. From the bottom of my heart, I wish nothing but good things for you. God be with you.

I've never had a real beef with you Stink other than the fact that you tended to stay silent when other people had complaints. This is a perfect example here. So many members we're already pissed off over Sheepfarmer and her bullshit. (BTW, I can tell you without a doubt, there was plenty of donations going on 4-5 months ago. What happened to the money is not hard to figure out.) Then you shut down the forum without telling the true reason for doing it. Nobody that knew Sheep is surprised that she screwed you over. If anything, I'm surprised it took you so long to figure it out. Most of the core members we're still on Stinkbuddies. No one was posting much because we we're not sure what he status of Sheep was and no one was going to trust anything until she was gone. As you said in your post, you didn't know what was going on so you sided with her. You have to admit that without anybody knowing the info you just posted, it looked like you shut down your site to ensure the only place to find any info was in your book. I understand that you have thousands of hours in that forum but most of the core group had hundreds of hours of posts on it too. Superstoner, Geo, Big Rick, Pete, Old Growth, and dozens of other put a lot of time and study into your system and huge improvements where made to feeding schedules, design, etc. I'm not saying your book isn't good, I'm just saying it really a starting point to learn and as grower advances, they could have access to information on Stinkbuddies to tweak here, and tweak there and improve the quality and quantity of their plants. Hell, Superstoner alone did so many tweaks that he probably doubles your yield per square foot Stink. That's not to say your doing it wrong. I'm just saying your way is not the only way. If someone could go onto Stinkbuddies site and learn a new trick or two from us, then the group as a whole could feel good about that.

BTW, your book was actually pirated two days after you announced it on Stinkbuddies. It was being passed around the membership to anyone that wanted to see it. I know your pissed about that and Reverof certainly should not be hosting it on his forum and offering a link here. It was inevitable though. anyone that wants any book published on marijuana can easily find it on the internet. The fact your book is available to anyone that wants to pirate it sucks, but it's the same thing all the other authors have to deal with.

I've enjoyed working with your system Stink and I'm sorry it ended badly for you. Stinkbuddies once was the best little growing community online and I'm sad to see it go. You've dealt with a lot of bad luck in the last year and half and I hope you can get back on your feet this year. As far as Stinkbuddies is concerned, let her rest in peace. I doubt she could ever be revived now even if you really wanted too.

So, from a commercial grower who isn't selling meth to little kids, I salute what you created Stink. I learned a lot from Stink Buddies and gained a few friends along the way. May the force be with you.
So I'm sorry I bailed on StinkBuddies for a while but I kind of had my hands full. I handed the site over to SheepFarmer. I gave her a shit load of DVDs to sell and use the money to pay for the site. As much as you would like to think people donate, they don't. It's been my DVD sales that's been paying for my website all these years. So Sheepfarmer sold the DVDs and kept the money. The problem was Sheepfarmer bailed along with all the passwords to the site. She had changed everything over during the big admin fight. I had no way of accessing the account. In the mean time people are still buying DVDs but Sheep isn't sending them out. People are getting pissed because they hadn't received the DVDs they paid for. So I started using my book money to refund the DVD sales. So not only was I not getting the money from the DVD sales I was having to refund the money back out of my own pocket. The whole time Sheep has access to the PayPal account and won't give me the account info. She won't answer the phone if I call and won't email back the user/password to the PayPal and Gmail info. I still don't know how many people have ordered the DVD.

So I pretty much got fucked on the whole deal. Sheepfarmer goes and pisses off all the core guys and they leave. I don't know what's going on so I side with Sheepfarmer. Why not, she was there for me when I needed her. Why not be there for her when she needed me? Needless to say I slowly started realizing how fucked I was but the damage had already been done.

That's why I had to take the site down so that I could remove all of the links to the DVD and fix the passwords. People kept finding posts through the search engine that had a link to the DVD PayPal. So I find out that the website was still hosted on one server in Germany but the admin guys had moved the database over to another server. The problem was that Sheep didn't pay the bill where the website was hosted and only paid the database server bill. So the account expired and I couldn't access any of the files. The whole time people are buying DVDs and I can't stop it.

So after many hours of phone calls and emails I finally fixed all the accounts and transferred the DNS to one sever. I went in and found every post that referenced the DVD sales and removed it. I got rid of a bunch of unused sections and changed the graphics. I was just going over a few last details before I posted the latest version.
ebook was pirated 2 days after it was released? Hell I didnt know that I found it on a file sharing service just a few days ago. Granted I dont run aero anymore, after using the sb system or actually modified sb system via superstoner system as I call it, for 1 run and went back to flood & drain.

Sorry, I dont feel sorry for making it 1 step easier for people to get an ebook, not at all. Like i said, anyone who honestly would purchase the ebook will send him money anyway.
And your story above might even kick in some extra donations to you by those that in their own life over the past few years werent effected by the economy themselves.

If that ebook was your retirement stink then you should never have released an ebook on it and waited for it to truly be published. Instead according to Conch, your ebook was pirated 2 days after you released it, i then found it several weeks later on file sharing site.

BTW I have setup, configured, ran and all the rest many forums in the years, There was NO reason to take down the forums, could have been left up and done correctly and quickly, the work you say needed done is about 30-90 minutes worth of work, the rest of the changes. You closing forums has nothing to do with me showing people that your ebook was pirated. I personally didnt care that much.

good luck, get that ebook published and you will still by far have a retirement.
I bought my book, people will always try to hack and steal things, don't worry about them stinkbud, looking forward to the site being back up and running..
I also paid for the book.
And i received my signed hard copy in the mail.
I was happy to buy it. even if i could have found it free online.
I have pirated copies of Jorge and other growers books.
But i have also bought Jorge's, and 2 others books. because i like having a hard copy.

To be honest, if it was an E-book only. i probably wouldn't have bought it, and just looked for a pirated copy. but since there is a hard copy version, i think its worth paying for.

It sucked seeing the stinkbuddies site go down.
But there really wasnt much daily activity there.
And all the really good threads. (the old ones) were missing all the pictures, and attachments. (probably from a server change, or update)

The info that was on the stinkbuddies website, that i am most intrested in is already lost.
I saw the threads for the 3 rail system. which would fit my needs. but all the pictures are gone. i would have liked to see how they went about it.

Stinkbud, you are a good guy.
And you cant let haters ruin it for everyone else.
Because you have to know before your going in, that these things WILL happen. its just a matter of time.

Every movie, book, and music gets pirated.

But good guys like me, will still find a way to buy, or donate. if they like your work.

Thats not to say that you shouldn't fight for your book.
If you can get it taken off those file sharing sites you should.

Have a lawyer write you a scary "cease and desist" letter with a law firm header. and get your stuff taken down.
Its your right.

But don't let a few ruin it for the many.

Keep your head up. and keep on keeping on.
(don't let them win)
Stink I want you to know that after a couple years of searching for the best way to grow I came across this thread and it opened up the doors for me,then when I found out you had a site of your own I was in heaven.I have supported you and donated money to your site (you might remember me sending you an email few months back asking if you recieved it).It really does suck what has happend to such a great site and person ,but you still have alot of people who care and are their for you.To be honest tho why didnt you just let people know that sheep was stealing donations and to stop sending in money until you had it worked out and that you had a falling out with her,I bet you alot of the core members would have had your back.All you have to do is reach out and ask for help and alot of us stinkbuddies would have gone to battle for you.Well I hope you put up the new site but I can understand if you dont and just so you know I havent pirated your book and plan on still buying it...