Stinkbud... Actually in all fairness, giving your book out there might actually help with sales of the book....
What the fuck! You giving away my book will help with my book sales? You obviously don't understand how business works. You're a thief, plain and simple. Don't try to make yourself feel better.
Do you want to know why I was gone from StinkBuddies for a few months? 99% of my business was based on the home building industry. So when the economy crashed, builders were hit hardest and it took my business with it. I couldn't pay the mortgage so I lost my home. My wife was my business partner and all the stress and arguing over money ruined our relationship. We ended up getting a divorce after 28 years. I lost my partner, best friend and lover. We had been together since we were 18yrs old. Right at that same time my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. The doctors had to go in and remove her breast. This was the second time for her. I had to move home to take care of her because she had no one else. This all happened within a 6 month time span.
So I'm sorry I bailed on StinkBuddies for a while but I kind of had my hands full. I handed the site over to SheepFarmer. I gave her a shit load of DVDs to sell and use the money to pay for the site. As much as you would like to think people donate, they don't. It's been my DVD sales that's been paying for my website all these years. So Sheepfarmer sold the DVDs and kept the money. The problem was Sheepfarmer bailed along with all the passwords to the site. She had changed everything over during the big admin fight. I had no way of accessing the account. In the mean time people are still buying DVDs but Sheep isn't sending them out. People are getting pissed because they hadn't received the DVDs they paid for. So I started using my book money to refund the DVD sales. So not only was I not getting the money from the DVD sales I was having to refund the money back out of my own pocket. The whole time Sheep has access to the PayPal account and won't give me the account info. She won't answer the phone if I call and won't email back the user/password to the PayPal and Gmail info. I still don't know how many people have ordered the DVD.
So I pretty much got fucked on the whole deal. Sheepfarmer goes and pisses off all the core guys and they leave. I don't know what's going on so I side with Sheepfarmer. Why not, she was there for me when I needed her. Why not be there for her when she needed me? Needless to say I slowly started realizing how fucked I was but the damage had already been done.
That's why I had to take the site down so that I could remove all of the links to the DVD and fix the passwords. People kept finding posts through the search engine that had a link to the DVD PayPal. So I find out that the website was still hosted on one server in Germany but the admin guys had moved the database over to another server. The problem was that Sheep didn't pay the bill where the website was hosted and only paid the database server bill. So the account expired and I couldn't access any of the files. The whole time people are buying DVDs and I can't stop it.
So after many hours of phone calls and emails I finally fixed all the accounts and transferred the DNS to one sever. I went in and found every post that referenced the DVD sales and removed it. I got rid of a bunch of unused sections and changed the graphics. I was just going over a few last details before I posted the latest version.
That's when I saw your post linking to my hacked eBook. My heart just sank

There goes my retirement. There goes my kids college fund. I just sat there and cried. All my hard work just given away! Why? For money? No! You're not getting a single penny out of it. It was done just to be evil. Out of hate. It was done to hurt me and my family. And I just don't understand why? I've never done a thing to you. I've always been kind, helpful and funny. I've made people smile when they were in pain. I gave them hope and a sometimes a future. For what? To be treated like this?
I give up. Evil wins... Spread the hate. Enjoy your laugh. I hope it makes you feel good.
It's been a good 4 year run. I've helped a lot of people over the years and I'm proud of what I've done. This has become the largest thread in history and that's pretty cool! I've received thousands of emails from people thanking me for my help. I have hundreds of touching stories to remember you by. I will never forget you StinkBuddies! I love each and every one of you. From the bottom of my heart, I wish nothing but good things for you. God be with you.